Credit Hour Defined 

A credit hour is a measure of graduate or undergraduate academic work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for each week of instructional time for approximately 15 weeks for one semester, or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. A class hour at Wichita State University is typically 50 minutes.

The number of hours of credit for each course is indicated in parentheses following the course title in the academic catalog. Course descriptions include information about the breakdown of class and laboratory hours when applicable. Two hours of laboratory work usually are required for 1 hour of credit.

Course Numbering System

Courses carrying graduate credit are listed in the Graduate Catalog. Only courses numbered 500 and above can carry graduate credit and only for students admitted to the Graduate School at the time of enrollment.

Courses numbered under 500 carry undergraduate credit only and may be taken as supporting or prerequisite courses, but may not be counted toward a graduate degree and are not computed in a student’s graduate grade point average. They are also assessed at the appropriate undergraduate tuition rate. Graduate students who must complete prerequisite coursework at the 500 to 700 level may, in the semester of enrollment, request the registrar's office to change their enrollment level in those prerequisite courses to undergraduate level. Once changed to undergraduate level, those courses cannot be changed back to graduate level, and cannot be used toward a graduate degree. They will not be counted in the graduate grade point average, and they will be assessed at the undergraduate tuition rate. Please be aware that changing the level of these courses to undergraduate could impact financial aid disbursement, as well as credit hours needed to maintain full time graduate enrollment. Some tuition benefits for Graduate Assistants may not be awarded for courses changed to undergraduate level credit. It is recommended that students consult with their advisor, the Financial Aid office (if receiving federal aid) or the Office of International Student Services (if an international student) before changing the level of their prerequisite coursework.

Courses numbered 500–699 are aimed primarily at juniors and seniors, but graduate students may also receive graduate credit for these courses if the student was admitted to the Graduate School prior to enrollment in the course. Some graduate programs do not allow courses numbered 500–699, which carry graduate credit, to meet degree requirements and students should be aware of such restrictions before enrolling. In such mixed classes, a discernibly higher level of performance is expected from graduate students, with the nature of this differential performance set by the professor.

Courses numbered 700–799 are structured primarily for graduate students, but upper-division undergraduate students may be admitted if they meet course prerequisites. All students in these courses are expected to perform at the level of graduate students (Graduate I students who ordinarily have not accumulated more than 30 credit hours in a graduate program). Students receive graduate credit if the student was admitted to the Graduate School prior to enrollment; undergraduate students receive undergraduate credit unless the student was preapproved to earn graduate credit for that specific course under the senior rule policy, or was preapproved for graduate credit for that specific course following the student’s admission to a dual/accelerated bachelor’s to master’s program.

Courses numbered 700–899 are designed primarily for Graduate I students. Courses numbered 900–999 are designed primarily for Graduate II students (those who ordinarily have completed more than 30 credit hours in a graduate program).

Courses numbered 800 and above are restricted to graduate students only or undergraduate students approved for enrollment under the senior rule or dual/accelerated degree options.

In special cases, courses in areas where graduate degree programs are not currently available may carry graduate credit and apply toward a graduate degree in a related field or simply count as graduate credit for some nondegree purpose. Any of these courses applied toward an advanced degree program must have the approval of the student’s advisor and the chairperson of the department involved in advance of enrollment.

Course Subject Abbreviations

The following abbreviations of academic departments and subject areas are used in references to courses offered by those departments.

AC Applied Computing
ACCT Accounting
AE Aerospace Engineering
ALAS Applied Learning - CAS
ALBA Applied Learning - Business
ALEN Applied Learning - Engineering
ALFA Applied Learning - Fine Arts
ALHN Applied Learning - Honors
ALHP Applied Learning - Health Prof
ALID Applied Learning - ID
ALLA Applied Learning - LAS
ANTH Anthropology
APEN Applied Engineering
ARAB Arabic
ARTE Art Education
ARTF Art and Design Foundation
ARTG Graphic Design
ARTH Art History
ARTS Studio Arts
ASL American Sign Language
BADM General Business Administration
BIOL Biological Sciences
BLAW Business Law
BME Biomedical Engineering
BSAN Business Analytics
CAS Applied Studies
CESP Counseling, Educational and School Psychology
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CI Curriculum and Instruction
CIPE Curriculum and Instruction Physical Education
CJ Criminal Justice
CLES Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology
COMM Communication
CS Computer Science
CSD Communication Sciences and Disorders
DANC Dance
DATA Data Science
DH Dental Hygiene
DS Decision Sciences
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON Economics
EEPS Earth, Environmental and Physical Sciences
EL Educational Leadership
EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration
ENGL English Language and Literature
ENGR General Engineering
ENTR Entrepreneurship
ETHS Ethnic Studies
FA Fine Arts — General
FIN Finance
FREN French
FS Forensic Science
FYAN First-Year Seminar ANTH
FYAP First-Year Seminar APEN
FYAR First-Year Seminar ART
FYAS First-Year Seminar CAS
FYBA First-Year Seminar BA
FYBI First-Year Seminar BIOL
FYCH First-Year Seminar CHEM
FYCJ First-Year Seminar CJ
FYCM First-Year Seminar COMM
FYEC First-Year Seminar ECON
FYED First-Year Seminar SED
FYEG First-Year Seminar ENGR
FYEN First-Year Seminar ENGL
FYFA First-Year Seminar CFA
FYFR First-Year Seminar FRED
FYGE First-Year Seminar GEOL
FYHN First-Year Seminar HN
FYHP First-Year Seminar CHP
FYHS First-Year Seminar HIST
FYID First-Year Seminar ID
FYIM First-Year Seminar ISME
FYIS First-Year Seminar ISLE
FYLA First-Year Seminar LAS
FYMG First-Year Seminar MGMT
FYMK First-Year Seminar MKT
FYML First-Year Seminar MCLL
FYMP First-Year Seminar MSP
FYMS First-Year Seminar MLS
FYMU First-Year Seminar MUS
FYPF First-Year Seminar PERF
FYPH First-Year Seminar PHS
FYPL First-Year Seminar PHIL
FYPS First-Year Seminar POLS
FYSO First-Year Seminar SOC
FYSP First-Year Seminar SLS
FYSW First-Year Seminar SCWK
FYWS First-Year Seminar WOMS
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GERM German
GREK Greek
HA Health Administration
HIST History
HLS Homeland Security
HNRS Honors Program
HP Health Professions — General
HPS Human Performance Studies
HRM Human Resource Management
HS Health Sciences
HSP Hospitality
IB International Business
ID Innovative Design
IME Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
ISLE Intervention Services and Leadership in Education
ITAL Italian
JAPN Japanese
LASI Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary
LATN Latin
LEAD Leadership
LING Linguistics
MART Media Arts
MATH Mathematics
MBA Master of Business Administration
MCLL Modern and Classical Languages and Literature
ME Mechanical Engineering
MGMT Management
MILS Military Science
MIS Management Information Systems
MKT Marketing
MLS Medical Laboratory Sciences
MUSA Applied Music
MUSC Musicology-Composition
MUSE Music Education
MUSP Music Performance
NURS Nursing
PA Physician Associate
PADM Public Administration
PC Personal Computing
PHIL Philosophy
PHS Public Health Sciences
PHYS Physics
POLS Political Science
PSY Psychology
PT Physical Therapy
RE Real Estate and Land Use Economics
REL Religion
RUSS Russian
SCWK Social Work
SMGT Sports Management
SOC Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPED Special Education
STAT Statistics
TALS Teacher Apprenticeship Pathways, Literacy and Special Education
TAP Teacher Apprentice Program
THEA Theatre
WOMS Women's Studies
WSUA First-Year Seminar: Liberal Arts and Sciences