BAED - History, Government and Social Studies (Secondary)

Program Requirements

General requirements for a bachelor's degree: 120 minimum credit hours, overall GPA 2.500 and major content GPA 2.500. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Applied Studies, students in the BAED - history, government and social studies (secondary) must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
College Requirements
CI 270Introduction to the Education Profession 23
Major Requirements
HIST 100The Human Adventure: World Civilization Since 1500 33
HIST 535History of Kansas 33
POLS 121American Politics 33
GEOL 300Energy, Resources and Environment 33
HIST 101World Civilization to 15003
HIST 131History of the United States: Colonial to 18653
HIST 132History of the United States Since 18653
POLS 220Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 226Comparative Politics3
GEOG 210Introduction to World Geography3
ECON 400Economics in the Classroom Part I3
ANTH 200Intercultural Relations 33
ANTH 303World Cultures3
SOC 330Social Inequality3
Teacher Education - Middle and Secondary Majors (need a B- or better in all courses below)
Core I - Fall Only
CI 320Introduction to Diversity: Exceptionalities2
CI 321Introduction to Diversity: Cultural Issues2
CI 325ISAM: Middle/Secondary General Methods2
CI 315Core I Practicum1
Core II - Spring Only
CI 425JISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods I - History/Government2
CI 403Learning and Educational Assessment2
CI 426JCore II Practicum - History/Government1
CI 427Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education3
Core III - Fall Only
CI 413JTeaching Internship I: Secondary Level History/Government3
CI 417ISAM: Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas2
CI 435JISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content Specific Methods II - History/Government3
Core IV - Spring Only
CI 436JISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods III - History/Government2
CI 471JTeaching Internship II: Secondary Level History/Government10
Licensure Exams
Praxis II History/Government Content Knowledge Test
CAS 501Teacher Licensure Capstone0
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours5-6
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


B- or better.


General education course.

Official Program Transition Point Requirements

  1. Admission into teacher education - completed application packet and meet all admission to teacher education requirements as specified in College of Applied Studies - Policies.
  2. Admission to teacher internship:
    1. Satisfactory accomplishment of content-area, standard-driven assessments,
    2. B- or better in all professional teacher education courses,
    3. 2.500 GPA (overall, WSU and content), and
    4. Completed teacher intern application.
  3. Exit from teacher internship:
    1. B- or better in all professional courses,
    2. 2.500 GPA (overall and WSU),
    3. Successful completion of all degree requirements, and
    4. Final university supervisor evaluation form.
  4. Degree completion:
    1. 2.500 GPA (overall and WSU), and
    2. Meets all degree requirements.
  5. Licensure recommendation:
    1. Passes common assessments,
    2. Passing score on Teacher Licensure Capstone,
    3. Praxis II content test(s) passed, and
    4. Licensure application.

Applied Learning

Students are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from programs in the School of Education. The requirements can be met by the following:

Students who graduate from a teacher education program must successfully complete an assigned field experience in an educational setting.