Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Graded Courses

Certain approved courses that carry graduate credit are graded S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) for all students enrolled, and badge courses are graded Bg/NBg (badge/no badge). Such courses are identified in the online Schedule of Courses, or students enrolling in special offerings for graduate credit will be informed of the S/U grading by the instructor if this system is to be used. Students wishing to transfer graduate coursework graded S/U to a degree program at another institution should, before enrolling, inquire of that institution’s willingness to accept credit graded in this manner.

No more than 15 credit hours of work graded S, Cr or Bg (if approved through the plan of study) may be used toward the requirements of a graduate degree (excluding dissertation, thesis and other independent study activities that are terminal degree requirements). Refer to individual program areas as they may differ regarding this limit.

Audit Credit

Students are permitted to attend credit courses on a noncredit basis, with appropriate approval, under an auditor classification. To be enrolled as auditors, students must enroll in the same manner and pay the same fees as for-credit courses at the university. Auditors may participate fully in the class and expect instructor evaluation of their work. Auditors are expected to attend class regularly. The audited course will appear on the transcript with the grade notation of Au. Courses taken on an audit basis may be repeated for credit and, if repeated, may be used to fulfill degree requirements if the repeated grade is acceptable. Use of the audit basis for a course must be declared at the time of enrollment by coming to the registrar's office to change the enrollment from credit to noncredit audit. Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid.