
Admission on Probation

Students admitted on probation will automatically be moved off probation upon completion of their first 9 credit hours of graded graduate-level coursework at Wichita State University with a minimum 3.000 grade point average. If the student already had a graduate record at WSU, then the student’s graduate GPA must also reach 3.000 before being removed from probation. Only courses numbered 500 and above which are letter graded (A, B, C, D, F) can be used toward the 9 credit hour requirement. S/U, Cr/NCr or Bg/NBg courses will not count toward the 9 credit hour requirement.

Academic Probation

Students admitted in good standing to a degree program, or non­degree Category A, will be placed on academic probation if their graduate grade point average falls below 3.000. Students are automatically removed from probation once they achieve a graduate grade point average of 3.000 or higher.

Students admitted on probation or placed on academic probation may not be eligible for assistantship awards or federally-funded financial aid during the semesters in which they are on probation. Students on probation should consult the Graduate School for information on exceptions regarding holding an assistantship while on probation, and with the Office of Financial Aid for information on financial aid policies. Students on probation are not allowed to enroll in more than 12 credit hours during semesters in which they are on probation.


Students may be dismissed from their degree program or nondegree Category A status if they fail to attain a grade point average of at least 3.000 upon the completion of 9 graduate credit hours after admission on probation, or fail to raise their graduate grade point average to a 3.000 following placement on academic probation, or at any time their graduate GPA drops below a 2.000. Students in this situation may be dismissed from the Graduate School, or may be dismissed from their program and placed into a nondegree Category B status, upon the recommendation of the graduate coordinator of their program.

Students may also be dismissed from a graduate degree program if, in the opinion of the graduate faculty offering the program they are unable to carry on advanced work, are not making satisfactory progress toward their degree, or have violated professional standards or other degree requirements outlined by their degree program in the Graduate Catalog or program handbook. In these cases, the program will recommend dismissal to the Graduate School. The Graduate School dean, or their designee, will review the recommendation and determine if dismissal is warranted, and if so, whether dismissal from the program will be to nondegree status, or if complete dismissal from the Graduate School is appropriate. Students who are dismissed through this process may appeal to the Graduate Council. Students would need to submit a written statement to the Graduate School dean indicating their desire to appeal within 10 business days of the dismissal decision.

Readmission Consideration Following Dismissal

Following academic dismissal, students who wish to be considered for readmission to the Graduate School must first complete a minimum of 9 credit hours of 500 level or above, letter-graded coursework, selected with appropriate advisement. These 9 credit hours cannot include a repeat of courses for which graduate credit was previously earned, and cannot be applied toward a graduate degree should the student be readmitted. Such coursework must be completed with a grade point average of 3.000 on a 4.000 scale or higher for the readmission application to be considered. Meeting this standard, along with both Graduate School and program-specific requirements, will permit consideration of readmission to a graduate program, but is not a guarantee of readmission. Previously dismissed students who are recommended for readmission under this policy will re-enter on probation. Please be aware that coursework completed as an undergraduate student cannot be used toward a graduate degree.

GPA Amnesty (Academic Forgiveness)

In exceptional circumstances, students may file an exception to have a semester’s grades (typically first semester) excluded from their overall graduate GPA calculation. This option is intended to give students a chance to be successful in a new program when they find themselves initially in a program that is a poor fit for them. To take advantage of this option, an exception request must be filed. The normal expectation is that the student would change to a new program. While the grades remain on the student’s transcript, they will not be reflected in the GPA and will not count against the student with respect to the 3.000 GPA requirement for graduation. Amnesty will not be granted for grades resulting from academic integrity investigations.