
Specific information regarding registration can be found at the Office of the Registrar's website1. Students register through web registration in the myWSU portal.

Prior to registering for classes, all students should contact their academic advisor to assure they are taking the appropriate classes. Early registration for one semester normally begins about midway through the preceding semester. Registration for a course or courses represents a financial commitment that the student is obligated to pay.

Newly admitted, currently enrolled and former students not academically dismissed, are eligible for online registration. Some academic restrictions have been built into the system. College or program specific restrictions may be considered for removal by contacting the appropriate college or department and requesting an electronic override.

Registration and classes begin and end at varying times so it is important to consult the semester calendar for details. For more information, check the schedule of courses webpage1.

Once a student has enrolled, registration may be changed online for a certain period of time that varies according to the start date and length of the course. After the online period has passed, students must process in-person drop and/or add forms with the appropriate approvals. Changes of sections also require such action. Late adds can also be approved via email from the instructor of record to the Office of the Registrar. A grade of F could be recorded for failure to attend the classes in which a student is enrolled.

Late enrollments or adds normally will not be approved after the 20th class day. Withdrawal from classes with a grade of W (withdrawal) are subject to a time limit established by the registrar.

Deadlines for dropping with a refund also vary according to the start date and length of the course.

Students who find it necessary to completely withdraw from the university must withdraw from each class using the online registration system. At certain times in the semester, submission of an online exit form is required before complete withdrawal is approved and finalized; students will be directed to the form by a registration system message when applicable.


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Graduate Students

Graduate students with an active program, who are not academically dismissed, are eligible for online registration. Some academic restrictions have been built into the system. Some restrictions cannot be overridden including nondegree, Category B students enrolling in courses beyond the 799 level. Program specific restrictions may be considered for removal by contacting the appropriate program and requesting an electronic override.

Drops and Adds

Once a student has enrolled, classes may be changed online for a certain period of time that varies according to the start date and length of the course. After the online period has passed, students must process in-person drop and/or add forms with the appropriate approvals. Changes of sections also require such action. If these forms are not submitted, a grade of F could be recorded for failure to attend the class shown on the original enrollment records.

Late enrollments or adds normally will not be approved after the 20th class day. Drops of classes with a grade of W (withdrawal) are subject to a time limit established by the registrar.

Cutoff deadlines for dropping with a refund also vary according to the start date and length of the course.

Students who find it necessary to completely withdraw from the university must drop each class.


Voluntary Withdrawal

Students encountering special problems during a semester may voluntarily withdraw from their classes during the first 10 weeks of a regular semester or the first five weeks of an eight-week summer session and have a W recorded for the course(s). After the official withdrawal deadline (which is posted in the semester calendar), students may be withdrawn from one or more courses with a W only if they petition the dean of their college and if the petition is approved. Any approved late withdrawal results in a W on the academic record/transcript. Without that approval, a late withdrawal is considered an F. Course expungement (removal from transcript) is not allowed.

Students are advised to consult with their course instructors and academic advisor before initiating withdrawal procedures. Partial or complete withdrawals require the student to drop each course via the online system at myWSU1. During certain points of the semester, the student may be asked to complete an exit form before dropping their last course. The Office of the Registrar in Jardine Hall is the office designated to process withdrawals submitted via the online registration system. The office of the dean of each academic college is the office designated to process late withdrawals.


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Administrative Withdrawal

Administrative withdrawal from courses may be initiated by the dean’s office of the college or school in which a student is enrolled, the provost’s office, or other appropriate university offices when a student is unable to complete courses because of extenuating circumstances. A grade of W will be officially recorded on the student’s permanent record for a course or courses from which the student is administratively withdrawn. These W grades do not impact grade point average and expungement of W grades is not permitted.