When a thesis is part of a student’s master’s degree program, and a dissertation is part of a doctoral student's degree program, thesis or dissertation or research project credit must show on their graduate transcript. The transcript will normally carry the grade of IP (in progress) until the thesis or dissertation is completed and the student has met the requirements of the supervisory committee and the Graduate School. An S (satisfactory) or grade of B or better is required for an acceptable thesis/dissertation. Thesis or dissertation hours in excess of the minimum required for the degree will be graded S, or marked as excluded, as appropriate.

Students writing a thesis or dissertation or engaging in research must be enrolled in courses entitled Thesis, Dissertation or Research each semester in which they receive advice, counseling or research direction from their advisors. This includes the semester of graduation. Enrollment is for the number of credit hours that accurately reflects the demands of the student on university faculty and facilities. The minimum enrollment for master's level students is 1 credit hour of thesis for thesis students, or 1 credit hour of research for research students. The minimum enrollment for doctoral students is 2 credit hours of dissertation/research as prescribed by the program.

Students engaged in terminal activities other than thesis, dissertation or research (e.g., internship, practicum, portfolio, directed project) must be enrolled in at least one credit hour of coursework carrying these titles each semester in which they receive advice, counseling or direction from their advisors. For students in coursework-only programs, the minimum enrollment is 1 credit hour of appropriate coursework (approved by the department). This includes the semester of graduation.

An S (satisfactory) or grade of B or better is required for an acceptable terminal activity. Terminal activity hours in excess of the minimum required for the degree will be graded S, or marked as excluded, as appropriate.