Time Limits

Students have 10 years in which to complete a graduate degree program starting from the first semester the student begins the coursework that is designated on the plan of study. Graduate programs may impose further restrictions, please consult individual programs in this catalog for further information.

Time limits are not imposed on transfer courses from a previously awarded graduate degree or from a graduate certificate awarded by Wichita State University. Courses completed more than 10 years before the degree is granted may not be used to meet degree requirements.

Residency Requirement

Doctoral students are required to have enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours during two or more semesters (summer excluded), which do not need to be contiguous semesters.

Tool or Language Requirements

The Graduate School has no overall tool or language requirements, although such requirements have been established by some programs. Students should consult an individual program’s section of the Graduate Catalog for information regarding such requirements.

Any tool subjects (e.g., world language, computer programming, statistics) required by the major program must be identified in the student’s plan of study. The completion of this tool is not required prior to submission of the plan of study but is required prior to graduation.