In order to receive graduate credit at Wichita State University, students must be admitted to the Graduate School. Two admission statuses, degree and nondegree, are available to accommodate qualified students desiring to pursue graduate degrees as well as those simply desiring to earn graduate credit for personal and professional reasons.

To be considered for degree or nondegree graduate status, students must apply online1 and submit all required materials, including the application fee. The online application will require uploading copies of transcripts to be used for admission consideration. Admission consideration to graduate programs at Wichita State University requires the completion of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution, or its international equivalent (as determined by the Graduate School).

The Graduate School at Wichita State University considers each applicant holistically for admission to its various programs. While baselines are set to aid departments in making decisions, additional factors will be considered when reviewing each application. These considerations include experience, recommendations, test scores and even program capacity. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific program or degree level, the GPA baseline for graduate admission is 2.750 on a 4.000 scale or its equivalent as determined by the Graduate School. Unless otherwise specified, required application materials will be uploaded or entered through the online application portal.

Students who are offered admission are required to submit official transcripts from institutions where a bachelors degree was earned AND any institution with completed graduate coursework in order for their admission to be finalized. To be considered official, transcripts from U.S. institutions must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Sent directly by mail from the institutions where the academic credit was earned to the mailing address below. 
  • Sent directly through an e-transcript vendor by the institutions where the academic credit was earned to
  • Sealed, official issued-to-student transcripts that are in envelopes sealed by the issuing institutions where academic credit was earned.

An official transcript of work completed at Wichita State University (or transferred to Wichita State University) does not need to be sent to the Graduate School. WSU staff will be able to access those transcripts.

To be considered official, transcripts and degree/provisional certificates from institutions outside the United States must bear an original stamp or seal from the issuing university or college. Plain copies and/or notarized copies are not acceptable. Original transcripts, degree/provisional certificates are not required, however, photocopies must be attested and include an original signature and stamp or seal in English from the issuing university or college. 

The review criteria of student credentials for both domestic and international applicants are equivalent; differing only to account for variations in how the academic work is recorded.

Credentials other than official transcripts will be considered only for application as a visiting guest student or nondegree, Category B student. Please refer to the Levels of Admission section regarding the details of these options.

Postal Mailing Address:

The Graduate School
Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount, Box 4
Wichita, KS  67260-0004

Mailing Address for items sent using an express mail service:

Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount
Jardine Hall, Room 107
The Graduate School, 316-978-3095
Wichita, KS  67260-0004


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