Applications for graduate study are made through the Wichita State University Graduate School regardless of the program. In addition to the Graduate School’s application, certain program areas will also require a program application.

An admission to the Graduate School remains valid only if a student enrolls and completes at least one class as a graduate student within one calendar year of the admission semester. However, students admitted to the physician associate, physical therapy or other professional programs must enroll the semester of admission in order for the admission to remain valid.

Students who wish to change from one graduate program to a new graduate program must submit a new online application, application fee and any required departmental materials. Unlike at the undergraduate level, graduate students must be admitted to a new program; they cannot simply transfer between graduate programs.

Students may apply to more than one program at a time, but may be admitted to only one program.

Note: Application requirements, including application fees, deadlines and required materials are subject to change. Please refer to the Graduate School website1 for the most up-to-date information.

Application Fees and Submission Guidelines

All applicants to the Wichita State University Graduate School must pay a nonrefundable application fee each time an application is submitted.

The following are priority dates and submission guidelines for all applicants seeking on-time registration, except those applying for admission to programs that have specific deadlines. Domestic applications completed after the general priority dates, international applications submitted during the late submission period, or any application submitted after specific program deadlines, may be reviewed by the program and Graduate School, as time permits. Some programs close the application after the deadline. Submission of an application or the completion of a submitted application after the respective date/deadline does not guarantee review with sufficient time to enroll for the selected term. Please refer to the Graduate School website deadlines page1 for the most up-to-date information on program deadlines.

Graduate School Application Fees and Submission Guidelines

Applicant Type Fall Deadline Spring Deadline Fee
US Citizen or Permanent Resident (Domestic) Priority: July 15 Priority: December 1 $60
International Student Priority: March 1 Priority: August 1 $75
Secondary: April 30 Secondary: September 30 $135
Late Submission Late Submission $175
International Deferral Fee $75
Domestic Deferral Fee $15
Graduate Badge Application Fee $10

Applications may be submitted at any time and reviewed for admission. Applicants ineligible for entry into their selected term due to late submission may be admitted to a future term, as determined by the admitting program, or denied admission. International applicants requiring an F-1 visa may be deferred to a future term if immigration documents are not completed and verified with enough time to obtain a visa from the home country of the applicant, as determined by the Graduate School.

Note: In cases where the departmental deadline is earlier than the Graduate School deadline, applicants must meet the departmental deadline. If the departmental deadline is later than the Graduate School deadline, the applicant must meet the Graduate School deadline.

Because of possible limitations in the number of faculty and available facilities, there are restrictions on the number of students admitted to some graduate programs. These limits may prevent some qualified students from being admitted. Since programs with enrollment limitations generally take action on new applicants in February or March for fall admission, early application is recommended. Any program may determine that they have reached capacity and close the application for any given term before the published deadline. Preference is usually given to degree-seeking applicants.

Admission Preparation

Applicants with bachelor’s degrees in programs in which credit was awarded for experiences which were outside the control of a regionally accredited educational institution, for example, credit for life experience, may be viewed by some programs as inadequately prepared to undertake graduate study. In such instances, admission to the Graduate School may be denied or approved with prerequisite coursework assigned to fill the deficiencies.


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Admission Requirements

Application requirements, including application fees, deadlines and required materials are subject to change. Please refer to the Graduate School website1 for the most up-to-date information. Please note that Graduate School admission policies may supersede departmental admission policies.

Degree Admission

To pursue a graduate degree at WSU, students must be admitted to the specific program for which they are seeking a degree. Students may not be admitted to more than one degree program at a time. The Graduate School at Wichita State University considers each applicant holistically for admission to its various programs. While baselines are set to aid departments in making decisions, additional factors will be considered when reviewing each application. These considerations include experience, recommendations, test scores and even program capacity. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific program or degree level, the GPA baseline for graduate admission is 2.750.

Specialist and Master’s Programs

Applicants for full-standing degree admission to the specialist and master’s programs typically must have:

  1. Earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or a recognized institution in another country whose requirements for the bachelor’s degree are substantially equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree. The basis on which credits are awarded for the bachelor’s degree must be consistent with the policies and procedures for the award of such credit at Wichita State; and
  2. Achieved a grade point average of at least 2.750 from a U.S. institution, or its equivalent from a foreign institution, and no background deficiencies in the desired field of graduate study. Students with background deficiencies may be admitted on a conditional basis. In certain instances, the GPA may be based on the last 60 credit hours of coursework (or nearest semester or term break to this). Many departments require a higher minimum grade point average.2
  3. Achieved a grade point average of at least 3.000 in all graduate work.

Although an entrance exam is not a requirement for admission to the Graduate School, certain program areas may require an entrance exam. Applicants should refer to the program's section of the catalog to determine if that program requires an entrance exam.

See Entrance Exam Contact Information.

Doctoral Programs

Applicants for full-standing degree admission to the doctoral programs typically must meet the following requirements:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or a recognized institution in another country whose requirements for the bachelor’s degree are substantially equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree. The basis on which credits are awarded for the bachelor’s degree must be consistent with the policies and procedures for the award of such credit at Wichita State.
  2. Typically, applicants must meet the GPA requirement as explained below.
    1. For programs where the minimum requirement for admission is the bachelor’s degree, students must achieve a grade point average of at least 3.000 from a U.S. institution, or its equivalent from an international institution, including any postbachelor’s graduate work. In certain instances, the GPA may be based on the last 60 credit hours (or nearest semester or term break to this).
    2. For programs where the minimum requirement for admission is the master’s degree, students must achieve a grade point average of at least a 3.250 from a U.S. institution, or its equivalent from an international institution in all graduate-level coursework.
  3. A student may have no background deficiencies in the desired field of graduate study. Students with background deficiencies may be admitted on a conditional basis.

Although an entrance exam is not a requirement for admission to the Graduate School, certain program areas may require an entrance exam. Applicants should refer to the program's section of the catalog to determine if that program requires an entrance exam.

Nondegree Admission

Persons who already possess a graduate degree, who do not want to seek an additional graduate degree at this time, or who wish to take graduate courses for professional advancement or personal satisfaction, should apply for nondegree admission. Students originally admitted to a nondegree category may later apply for degree admission. A maximum of 12 credit hours of graduate credit taken while in a nondegree category — not including courses leading to a graduate certificate — may be counted toward a degree program, provided students have obtained the approval of their major department and the graduate dean, through submission and approval of the plan of study.

Nondegree, Category A

Admission to this category provides students the opportunity to take any level of graduate coursework for which they have the prerequisites. Nondegree applicants seeking graduate certificates must be admitted under this category. Upon satisfactory completion of a course, credit is placed on a Wichita State University graduate transcript. However, only credit earned in courses numbered 500 and above is counted as graduate-credit work.

Students applying for admission in this category typically must meet the following requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution; and
  2. A grade point average of at least 2.750, including any postbachelor’s graduate work. In certain instances, the GPA may be based on the last 60 credit hours of coursework (or nearest semester or term break to this). Many departments require a higher minimum grade point average.2

Although there is generally no application deadline for nondegree, Category A admission, applicants are encouraged to provide the following items no later than three weeks prior to the start of the semester in which they wish to enroll:

  1. The Graduate School application form (submitted online);
  2. Application fee (submitted online); and
  3. Uploaded copies of transcripts of either all academic work including the bachelor’s, or an earned master’s degree (uploaded as part of the online application form).
    Note: If admitted, an official copy of the uploaded transcript will be required. WSU transcripts will be ordered by the Graduate School for admits who have completed WSU coursework.

Nondegree, Category B

This category is specifically for students who are not seeking a graduate degree but who want to continue personal and professional development beyond the bachelor’s level through enrollment in certain graduate-level courses, including workshops. Students in this category are restricted to enrollment in courses numbered through 799 and for which they have the prerequisites. Credit earned in Category B status is placed on a Wichita State University graduate transcript; graduate credit is awarded for courses numbered 500 through 799.

Students applying for admission in this category must have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. Many programs require a minimum grade point average.

Although there is generally no application deadline for nondegree, Category B admission, applicants are encouraged to provide a completed application packet no later than three weeks prior to the start of the semester in which they wish to enroll.

The completed application packet must contain the following:

  1. The Graduate School application form (submitted online);
  2. Application fee (submitted online); and
  3. Uploaded copies of transcripts of either a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or a copy of a teaching certificate (uploaded as part of the online application form).
    Note: If admitted, an official copy of the uploaded transcript will be required. WSU transcripts will be ordered by the Graduate School for admits who have completed WSU coursework.

Students admitted for MBT enrollment may have different requirements.

Graduate Certificate Programs

Graduate certificates are awarded to students who desire interdisciplinary coursework to complement their graduate degree program or who, for academic, personal or professional reasons, desire graduate-level education not leading to a graduate degree.

Prospective students seeking graduate certificates must be admitted to the Graduate School in a degree program or certificate program (a nondegree, Category A program). New graduate students will apply using the application for admission. Students already in a graduate program or already holding an appropriate nondegree status must submit the online Declaration of Intent to Pursue a Graduate Certificate form1 to be formally approved to pursue the chosen certificate(s). All Graduate School policies relative to the admission criteria mentioned previously apply.

More information about the completion requirements for Graduate Certificates can be found in the Certificates in Graduate Programs section of the Graduate Catalog. 

Graduate Badge Admission

Admission to this category provides students the opportunity to take badge coursework for which they have the prerequisites. Students in this category are not seeking a graduate degree, but want to continue professional development through skills acquired in the badge coursework. Students applying for admission in this category typically must meet the following requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution; and
  2. A grade point average of at least 2.750. In certain instances, the GPA may be based upon the last 60 credit hours of coursework (or nearest semester or term break to this), including any postbachelor’s graduate work.

Although there is no application deadline for the graduate badge category, students are encouraged to provide the following items no later than two to three weeks prior to the start of the badge course in which they wish to enroll:

  1. The Graduate School application form (submitted online);
  2. Application fee (submitted online); and
  3. Uploaded copies of transcripts of either all academic work including the bachelor’s, or an earned graduate degree (uploaded as part of the online application form).
    Note: Those admitted to Badge status do not have to submit official transcripts for admission. 

Important Note: Badge credits may only be applied as electives toward a graduate degree if the badge(s) was earned as a part of a graduate nondegree program and has been stacked into a specific course; or the badge(s) is rolled into an earned certificate; and the graduate program and Graduate School approve the use of badge credit(s) via the plan of study. All graduate rules with respect to coursework will apply to the badges (e.g. time limits; nonletter graded coursework limits).

Graduate Guest Admission

Graduate students in good standing at another regionally accredited graduate school may be admitted as visiting guest students. Such admission is valid for only one semester. Admission requires the submission of a completed application and application fee, and a signed letter from the graduate dean or the dean’s representative at the home institution certifying the student’s status as a graduate student in good standing. Visiting guests must have their school’s permission to take up to one semester’s work for transfer back to their home institutions. If enrollment is desired beyond one semester, students must obtain regular admission.


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Please be aware that entrance requirements for the Master of Innovation Design program are more flexible, with more emphasis placed on the applicant's fit for the program.

English Proficiency

Proof of English proficiency may be required for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are non-native English speakers. Please review the more detailed English Proficiency section for additional information.

Information for International Applicants

All Graduate School policies relative to the admission criteria mentioned previously apply. The formal admission of international students is a two-part process. The first part evaluates academic admissibility based on the application form, transcripts or mark sheets provided, and any required departmental application materials. Applicants recommended for admission will be notified by the Graduate School of their eligibility for admission and the application will begin the second part of the admission process.

The second part requires the demonstration of sufficient English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test or PTE Academic) and financial resources (WSU Certification of Financial Support and approved financial documents) to support graduate work in the United States. An enrollment deposit will be required once all requirements are met to secure your admission to the Graduate School. More information on the enrollment deposit can be found in the corresponding section below.

The first semester of enrollment at WSU for all international graduate students must be in the program to which the student was admitted.

Note: Application requirements, including application fees, deadlines and required materials are subject to change. Please refer to the Graduate School website3 for the most up-to-date information.


For admission consideration, applicants will upload copies of their official documents into the online application portal. If offered admission, WSU will require that the student provide an official copy of all postsecondary school transcripts, translated into English. If the transcript does not indicate the award of a bachelor’s degree or its U.S. equivalent degree, official copies of the degree certificate or diploma are required.

International applicants who have completed graduate work or have attended a U.S. university will need to have an official transcript showing that work sent directly from the institution, or may submit official issued to student transcripts. Please note that in order to be accepted, the transcripts must be received in the Graduate School office in envelopes sealed by the issuing institution.

Graduate programs will evaluate international applicants based on the uploaded copies of official transcripts or mark sheets through at least the sixth semester of work in a four-year program. For international students in a yearly program, this will be after the third year. In this instance, applicants who are recommended for admission and who have met all other admission requirements will be notified of admission and issued the I-20 form. Students admitted in this manner must provide the remaining transcript or mark sheet and the degree certification statement or diploma by the end of their first semester of enrollment as graduate students at WSU. Students who fail to meet this final requirement will be designated as out of compliance and will be reported to the university’s Office of International Education.

English Proficiency

During the online application process, students will have the option of uploading a copy of their official test scores, if available. If offered admission, applicants whose native language is not English must submit official, acceptable scores for either the TOEFL, the Academic Module of the IELTS examination, Duolingo English Test, or the PTE Academic. To be acceptable, the score must be sent to WSU directly from the testing agency, and must be less than two years old. The minimum acceptable scores for most programs are: TOEFL — 79 on the internet-based test (on a single exam or as a MyBest superscore), or 550 on the paper-based test. IELTS — minimum overall band score of 6.5 is required. Duolingo English Test — minimum overall score of 115. PTE Academic — 58. Students completing the Intensive English program at WSU may establish English proficiency by achieving an overall GPA of 3.000 in Levels One through Six, and a grade of B+ or higher in Level Seven. Some programs do have higher requirements for English proficiency. Please refer to the table below for specific information. Programs with higher requirements may still require students to achieve these scores even if they complete the IELC coursework as described above.

Waivers will be considered if the applicant has attended a college or university in the United States as a full-time student for a minimum of one year. Enrollment must have been in academic-only coursework (no English language training courses), and must have resulted in a GPA of 3.000 or higher. In order to be considered for a waiver, this coursework must have been completed within two years of the proposed semester of admission at WSU.

Waivers will also be considered if the bachelor’s or graduate degree was awarded from a U.S. university within two years of the proposed semester of admission at WSU.

The following programs currently require a higher score than the minimum stated above. The listing below includes only the internet-based TOEFL, IELTS and PTE Academic scores. For paper-based equivalencies, please contact the Graduate School.

Program Name TOEFL IELTS PTE Duolingo
Audiology1 100 7.5 73 140
Biological Sciences2 88 7.0 64 125
Business Administration 88 7.0 65 125
Communication 100 7.5 73 140
Communication Sciences & Disorders (MA)1 100 7.5 73 140
Creative Writing 100 7.5 73 140
English 100 7.5 73 140
Executive MBA 88 7.0 65 125
Health Administration 88 7.0 65 125
History 100 7.5 73 140
Physical Therapy 100 7.5 73 140
Public Administration 88 7.0 65 125

Also requires a minimum 23 on the speaking portion of the iBT (or equivalent).


Also requires a score of 20 on the TOEFL Speaking section or a score of 6.5 on the IELTS Speaking band.

Applicants interested in studying English at WSU prior to beginning their graduate studies should write to:

Intensive English Language Center
Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0122

For more details, visit the Intensive English Language Center website3. Application forms may also be requested by email at:

WSU Certification of Financial Support

International applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial resources in order to support their graduate work in the United States. The WSU Certification of Financial Support must be filled out and signed, and submitted along with supporting documents such as bank statements, scholarship letters, or other evidence of support. An interactive Certification of Financial Support form3 is available on the WSU website. 

International Student Enrollment Deposit

International applicants not currently at Wichita State University on a valid Visa, and who are recommended for admission by the Graduate School, are required to provide an enrollment deposit to secure their admission into the Graduate School. This nonrefundable deposit will be credited to the student account in the first semester of attendance at the University. If the application is deferred, the deposit will be forfeited. A new deposit will not be required for the deferred application. The deposit will not be reflected on the Form I-20.

The deposit will be paid through the applicant's myWSU account. Any payment to the University using a credit card may be assessed a credit card service fee. The credit card service fee is also not refundable. 

Mandatory Health Insurance

Wichita State University requires that all non­immigrant international students have a specified minimum amount of medical insurance protection for every semester they are enrolled as students at Wichita State University.

Each nonimmigrant international student must obtain and maintain medical insurance from a company authorized to do business in the United States, with the following minimum coverages:

  1. Basic injury and sickness benefits amounting to at least $10,000;
  2. Major medical coverage in an amount of at least $100,000;
  3. Coverage to provide for medical evacuation of the student to the student’s home country; and
  4. Coverage to provide for repatriation of the student’s remains to the student’s home country in the case of death.

Failure to obtain and maintain such coverage during the student’s time of enrollment will be grounds for discipline up to and including expulsion.

Exceptions to Regulations

Departures from the rules and regulations stated in the Graduate Catalog require the filing and approval of an Application for Exception to Graduate School Regulations form. Such requests must have the approvals indicated on the form and must state in a logical and coherent manner a rational basis for the requested exception. Forms for such requests are available from the Graduate School, from graduate program areas, and may be downloaded from the Graduate School website. Unusual and/or substantial deviations from stated rules and regulations may require action by the Graduate Council.


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Transfer to WSU

Admission as a transfer student to a graduate program follows the standard admission process. Transfer applicants are those who have any earned graduate credit from another institution. Graduate credit completed at another institution can be used to determine admissibility to a graduate program at Wichita State University. Students currently enrolled at another institution must provide all final grades before their admission to WSU can be finalized. Applicants with unsuccessful coursework at the graduate level may have a previous offer of admission rescinded by the academic program or the Graduate School. Those previously admitted applicants who attended another institution and now seek admission to a different term at WSU may have their admission application go through an additional review to determine continued admissibility.  

Transfer of credit from another institution is initiated by the academic program after admission through the submission of the Plan of Study. Transfer credit is not formally approved until the Graduate School reviews and approves the Plan of Study. Review of transfer coursework prior to admission is at the discretion of the program, but formal approval of transfer credit is not guaranteed until the plan of study is approved. Requirements for transfer credit, including minimum allowable grades and total allowed hours, are outlined in the Transfer Credit section of the catalog.

Current WSU graduate students seeking to change programs are not considered transfer students for the purposes of this policy.