
Admission to the master’s degree program in exercise science requires students to have completed an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution and have a grade point average of at least 2.750 (4.000 system) in all coursework including any postbachelor’s graduate work in accordance with university graduate school admission policy.

Students applying to the program must complete the following prerequisite courses. Students who have 9 credit hours or less of prerequisites remaining may be granted admission on a full-standing basis, but must complete all remaining prerequisites within one year of admission.

Course Title Hours
CHEM 110Preparatory Chemistry (or equivalent)3
HPS 313Exercise and Sport Nutrition (or equivalent)3
HPS 328Kinesiology (or equivalent)3
HPS 490Physiology of Exercise (or equivalent)3
Human Anatomy Course3

Program Requirements

The Master of Science (MS) in exercise science program offers a 31-credit-hour thesis option, a 30-credit-hour nonthesis with internship option, and a 30-credit-hour nonthesis without internship option. The thesis option requires an oral examination on the research; the nonthesis with internship and nonthesis without internship options require a written comprehensive examination.

All program students are required to take HPS 860, preferably in their first year in the program, to satisfy the professional and scholarly integrity training requirement.

Course Title Hours
Core Courses
HPS 800Recent Literature in the Profession3
HPS 815Fitness Assessment/Exercise Recommendations3
HPS 830Advanced Physiology and Anatomy of Exercise3
HPS 860Research Methods in the Profession3
Specialty Courses
Complete four (12 credit hours) of the following courses for option one. Complete three (9 credit hours) of the following courses for option two. Complete five (15 credit hours) of the following courses for option three.
HPS 510Coaching Principles3
HPS 541Seminar in Strength and Conditioning3
HPS 715Body Composition and Weight Management3
HPS 716Psychosocial Aspects of Sports Injury, Illness and Rehabilitation3
HPS 732Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease3
HPS 750LMotivation3
HPS 762Statistical Concepts in Human Performance Studies3
HPS 780Physical Dimensions of Aging3
HPS 781Cooperative Education1-3
HPS 790Applied Exercise Physiology3
HPS 795Physiology of Athletic Performance3
HPS 797Exercise in Health and Disease3
HPS 890Special Topics1-4
HPS 895Applied Research1-4

Thesis Option

Course Title Hours
Complete the four required core courses12
Select four specialty courses12
Select one elective course 13
HPS 875Thesis Research 22
HPS 876Thesis 22
Successfully compete the required oral defense of thesis
Total Credit Hours31

Nonthesis Option with Internship

Course Title Hours
Complete the four required core courses12
Select three specialty courses (including HPS 890 Special Topics)9
Select one elective course 13
HPS 857Internship in Exercise Science/Wellness 2, 36
Successfully complete the required written comprehensive exam
Total Credit Hours30

Nonthesis Option without Internship

Course Title Hours
Complete the four required core courses12
Select five specialty courses15
Select one elective course 13
Successfully complete the required written comprehensive exam
Total Credit Hours30

Elective courses are to be selected with advisor’s approval.


Applied learning/experiential class that does not formally meet in a classroom.


All required core and specialty courses must be completed before taking the internship.

Sample Elective Courses Outside of the HPS Department

Course Title Hours
CSD 517Communication in Special Populations: Aging3
CSD 812Aphasia3
IME 549Industrial Ergonomics3
PHS 710Perspectives on an Aging Society3

Applied Learning

Students in the exercise science (MS) program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by the following:

  • For students choosing the thesis option, complete HPS 875 and HPS 876.
  • For students choosing the nonthesis option with internship, complete HPS 857.
  • For students choosing the nonthesis option without internship, complete HPS 860.