The educational leadership program in the department of intervention services and leadership in education offers the building-level leadership graduate certificate program. Its goal is to provide a path for students who currently have a master's degree in an education-related field (e.g. curriculum and instruction, school counseling, etc.) and are currently employed in preK–12 education to be recommended for building licensure.


Applicants must have a minimum 3.000 grade point average in their last two years (60 credit hours) of college coursework from accredited institutions. In addition, applicants must have validated strengths on the multiple indicators listed below:

  1. Official transcripts of all college-level work completed with indication of having completed a master's degree in an education-related field (e.g. curriculum and instruction, school counseling);
  2. Three completed reference report forms from supervisors and/or professional peers. At least one must be from a supervisor attesting to the applicant's potential as a building administrator;
  3. Evidence of five years of experience in a state-accredited school while holding a professional level teaching, school specialist or clinical license or a full vocational-technical certificate.
  4. A resume or curriculum vita of educational and professional experience;
  5. A brief statement of professional goals related to completion of the certificate program and/or certification as a school administrator; and
  6. A letter signed by a building principal indicating they are willing to serve as the student's mentor and will allow the student to fulfill the practicum requirements in the program. (Note: this requirement normally precludes the admission of international students from this program because applicants are usually employed by a K–12 public or private school district before being admitted.)

Program Requirements

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.


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The certificate program requires 15–21 credit hours of coursework comprising the following:

Course Title Hours
EL 813Introduction to Educational Leadership and School Finance3
EL 816Educational Leadership Building-Level Licensure Practicum I3
EL 831Diversity and Social Justice 13
EL 833Seminar: School Law and Personnel Management3
EL 846Educational Leadership Building-Level Licensure Practicum II3
EL 853Building Level Leadership for Special Populations3
CLES 801Introduction to Educational Research 13
Total Credit Hours21

Applicants who have prior coursework in multicultural or diversity training and research can have these courses evaluated and potentially waived, resulting in a program of 15 credit hours.

Sequence of Courses

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterCredit Hours
EL 813 Introduction to Educational Leadership and School Finance 3
EL 816 Educational Leadership Building-Level Licensure Practicum I 3
 Credit Hours6
Spring Semester
EL 833 Seminar: School Law and Personnel Management (1st eight weeks) 3
EL 853 Building Level Leadership for Special Populations (2nd eight weeks) 3
EL 846 Educational Leadership Building-Level Licensure Practicum II 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
Summer Semester
CLES 801 Introduction to Educational Research 1 3
EL 831 Diversity and Social Justice 1 3
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours21

CLES 801 and EL 831 can be waived with evidence of prior credit, or taken online, or in the summer of either the first or second year of the program.

Completion Requirements

Students completing the requirements for a graduate certificate must submit the Graduate Plan of Study form and the Application for Graduate Certificate form no later than the 20th day of the fall or spring semester, or the 10th day of the eight-week summer term when certificate completion is anticipated. A cumulative GPA of 3.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program and on the student's approved plan of study is required. No grades below C (2.000) are allowed in certificate program courses. In addition, candidates must pass all key program assessments. Complete information on these assessments is available from the program advisor.

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.