
Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.500 on a 4.000 scale for all graduate-level credit hours. In addition, applicants must have validated strengths on the multiple indicators listed as follows:

  1. Official transcripts of all college-level work completed, and indication of a graduate degree conferral in education, psychology or a closely related field;
  2. At least three letters of recommendation from supervisors and/or professional peers that attest to the applicant’s potential for success in a doctoral program and/or their chosen track;
  3. A current resume or curriculum vita of educational and professional experience;
  4. A brief, one-page statement of professional goals related to the completion of the doctoral degree in educational leadership — specifically their chosen track; and
  5. A sample of academic writing (such as a published article or paper written for a graduate-level course).

Review of completed applications begins in the fall semester. Applications are accepted until August 1st for fall admission.

Program Requirements

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.

Educational Leadership — Educational Psychology Track Curriculum (55 credit hours)

Course Title Hours
Core Courses (28 credit hours) and Dissertation (15 credit hours)
CLES 901Proseminar I3
CLES 902Psychology of Leadership, Persuasion and Influence3
CLES 903Beliefs About Knowledge and Learning3
CLES 904Psychology of Language and Discourse Processes3
CLES 905Research Methods and Analysis: Quantitative3
CLES 906Research Methods and Analysis: Naturalistic3
CLES 907Cognition and Instruction3
CLES 908Proseminar II5
EL 990Special Problems in Administration2
CLES 909Dissertation5
CLES 909Dissertation5
CLES 909Dissertation5
Electives (12 credit hours)
Advanced courses may be taken from the following programs with the consent of an academic advisor and an approved plan of study.12
Educational Leadership
School Psychology
Communication Science and Disorders
Sport Management
Curriculum and Instruction
Fine Arts
Total Credit Hours55

Example Course Sequence with Higher Education Leadership Emphasis

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Summer SemesterCredit Hours
CLES 873 College Student Development and the Campus Environment (Elective) 3
CLES 874 Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education (Elective) 3
EL 990 Special Problems in Administration 2
 Credit Hours8
Fall Semester
CLES 901 Proseminar I 3
CLES 902 Psychology of Leadership, Persuasion and Influence 3
CLES 871 Foundations of Higher Education (Elective) 3
 Credit Hours9
Spring Semester
CLES 904 Psychology of Language and Discourse Processes 3
CLES 903 Beliefs About Knowledge and Learning 3
CLES 872 Finance and Human Resources in Colleges and Universities (Elective) 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
Summer Semester
CLES 909 Dissertation 5
 Credit Hours5
Fall Semester
CLES 905 Research Methods and Analysis: Quantitative 3
CLES 906 Research Methods and Analysis: Naturalistic 3
CLES 907 Cognition and Instruction 3
 Credit Hours9
Spring Semester
CLES 908 Proseminar II 5
 Credit Hours5
Third Year
Fall Semester
CLES 909 Dissertation 5
 Credit Hours5
Spring Semester
CLES 909 Dissertation 5
 Credit Hours5
 Total Credit Hours55

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Applied Learning 

Students in the educational leadership (EdD) program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirement can be met by completing the dissertation.