The Doctor of Education in educational leadership is an innovative program premised on the belief that theory and practice must be combined in a hands-on learning environment that focuses on learning by doing. This degree program is intended for practicing professionals in K-12, higher education and other educational organizations who wish to further develop and enhance their leadership capacity. Rather than the typical lecture classroom, seminars are held in a setting where faculty and students meet as equals and share ideas and presentations.


Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.500 on a 4.000 scale for all graduate-level credit hours. In addition, applicants must have validated strengths on the multiple indicators listed as follows:

  1. Official transcripts of all college-level work completed, and indication of a degree conferral;
  2. Evidence of three years of formal experience in P-12, higher education, educational organizations or other organizations (industry, not-for-profit) – Ed Leadership Track. (Not required for Ed Psychology Track.);
  3. At least three letters of recommendation from supervisors and/or professional peers that attest to the applicant’s potential for success as an educational leader;
  4. A current resume or curriculum vita of educational and professional experience;
  5. A brief, one-page statement of professional goals related to the completion of the doctoral degree in educational leadership; and
  6. A sample of academic writing (such as a published article or paper written for a graduate-level course).

Applications accepted until May 1 for summer admission (Ed Leadership track) and Aug. 1 for fall admission (Ed Psychology track). Late applications may be accepted at program discretion if space permits.

Program Requirements

Completion of the EdD in educational leadership requirements include 55 graduate credit hours (including a minimum of 12 dissertation hours and 12 credit hours of electives), comprehensive examinations and an approved dissertation.

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.

Required Courses

Course Title Hours
EL 968Technology Orientation1
EL 969Introduction to Educational Research and Academic Writing3
EL 970Foundations of Educational Research3
EL 981Introduction to Field-Based Research I3
EL 971Contemporary Policy and Organizational Theories in Education3
EL 982Introduction to Field-Based Research II3
EL 983Research Proposal Development3
EL 972Leadership Theories Seminar3
EL 986Advanced Field-Based Research I3
EL 987Advanced Field-Based Research II3
EL 989Research Design3
EL 999Dissertation Research12
Select 12 credit hours of electives12
Total Credit Hours55

The five-member dissertation committee will include at least three university professors holding graduate faculty status (the chair must hold graduate faculty status), one member must be a practicing professional who must hold affiliate graduate faculty status, and an outside department university professor who also holds graduate faculty status who will serve as the graduate dean’s representative. See Graduate Faculty for graduate faculty status definitions.


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Applied Learning

Students in the educational leadership (EdD) program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirement can be met by completing the dissertation.