WSU’s innovative master's degree in educational leadership is designed using cohort groups. Students begin the program with a cohort who becomes a collaborative team for the next two years. The combination of graduate coursework and guided practical application provides students with valuable opportunities to learn through experience what it is to demonstrate excellence as a building level leader. Students work with their mentors (usually their building principals) in assessing their strengths and identifying areas for growth as an administrator, and identifying strengths and potential for improvement in their schools. Throughout the program, students learn to capitalize on these strengths and address professional challenges with confidence.

Students who complete this program and pass the School Leaders Licensure Assessment are eligible for Building Leadership endorsement from KSDE.


MEd in Educational Leadership Licensure Track

Applicants must have a minimum 3.000 grade point average in their last two years (60 credit hours) of college coursework from accredited institutions and meet Graduate School admission requirements. In addition, applicants must have validated strengths on the multiple indicators listed below.

  1. For admission review: unofficial transcripts of all college-level work completed, and indication of a degree conferral;
  2. Two Reference Report Forms from supervisors and/or professional peers. At least one must be from a supervisor attesting to the applicant’s potential as a building administrator;
  3. Evidence of three years of experience in a state-accredited school while holding a professional level teaching, school specialist or clinical license, or a full vocational-technical certificate;
  4. A resume or curriculum vita of educational and professional experience;
  5. A brief statement of professional goals related to completion of the master’s degree and/or certification as a school administrator; and
  6. A letter signed by a building principal or designee indicating they are willing to serve as the student’s mentor and will allow the student to fulfill the practicum requirements of the program.

Note: Requirements three and six above normally preclude the admission of international students from this program because applicants are usually employed by a Kansas K–12 public or private school district before being admitted.

MEd in Educational Leadership Non-Licensure Track

Note: This is a non-licensure track of the WSU Master of Education Degree in educational leadership. Coursework completed in this track does NOT prepare candidates for the Praxis exam or for professional educator licensure from any state or local educational entity.

Applicants must have a minimum 3.000 grade point average in their last two years (60 credit hours) of college coursework from accredited institutions and meet Graduate School admission requirements. In addition, applicants must have validated strengths on the multiple indicators listed below.

  1. For admission review: unofficial transcripts of all college-level work completed, and indication of a degree conferral;
  2. Two Reference Report Forms from supervisors and/or professional peers;
  3. A resume or curriculum vita of educational and professional experience; and
  4. A brief statement of professional goals related to completion of the master’s degree.

Program Requirements

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.

MEd in Educational Leadership Licensure Track

The Master of Education (MEd) in educational leadership consists of 30 graduate credit hours including:

Course Title Hours
CLES 801Introduction to Educational Research3
EL 813Introduction to Educational Leadership and School Finance3
EL 823Collaborative Engagement/Literacy3
EL 825Building-Level Leadership Practicum II3
EL 831Diversity and Social Justice3
EL 833Seminar: School Law and Personnel Management3
EL 835Building-Level Leadership Practicum III3
EL 843Seminar: Curriculum and Learning Theory3
EL 845Building-Level Leadership Practicum IV3
EL 853Building Level Leadership for Special Populations3
Total Credit Hours30

Students pursuing licensure as building leaders must complete this program in its entirety. A comprehensive written examination is required. In addition to program completion, passing the state of Kansas required Praxis II Test (test code 6990) is a requirement for state licensure.

Licensure Track Sequence of Courses

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterCredit Hours
EL 813 Introduction to Educational Leadership and School Finance 3
 Credit Hours3
Spring Semester
EL 833 Seminar: School Law and Personnel Management (1st eight weeks) 3
EL 853 Building Level Leadership for Special Populations (2nd eight weeks) 3
EL 825 Building-Level Leadership Practicum II 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
Summer Semester
CLES 801 Introduction to Educational Research 2 3
 Credit Hours3
Fall Semester
EL 843 Seminar: Curriculum and Learning Theory (1st eight weeks) 3
EL 831 Diversity and Social Justice (2nd eight weeks) 3
EL 835 Building-Level Leadership Practicum III 3
 Credit Hours9
Spring Semester
EL 823 Collaborative Engagement/Literacy 3
EL 845 Building-Level Leadership Practicum IV 3
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours30

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CLES 801 can be taken any summer or online in any semester prior to fall 2.

MEd in Educational Leadership Non-Licensure Track 

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
CLES 801Introduction to Educational Research3
EL 812Non-Licensure Track Introduction to Leadership/Finance3
EL 821Non-Licensure Track Diversity and Social Justice3
EL 822Non-Licensure Track Culture, Collaboration and Community3
EL 837Non-Licensure Track Education Law and Personnel Management3
EL 844Non-Licensure Track Curriculum and Learning Theory3
Elective Courses
Select 12 credit hours of electives from the following graduate certificate programs: Mentoring and Coaching; Higher Education Leadership; Professional Learning and Training12
Elective credit hours accrued from the designated certificate programs may be applied toward completion of that certificate.
Students may also choose other graduate level coursework for elective credit, as approved by the advisor, program coordinator, and with permission from the course instructor.
Total Credit Hours30

Applied Learning

Students in the MEd program in educational leadership leading to building-level licensure are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirement can be met by completing two practicum experiences, EL 835 and EL 825.

Students in the MEd in educational leadership non-licensure track can meet the applied learning requirement by completing a minimum of five hours of field contact each semester (20 contact hours) that may include but are not limited to: employment, observation, interview, mentoring and job shadowing. Applied learning experiences are designed by the course instructor and the student, approved by the course instructor and the program coordinator, and may be ongoing across all four semesters. Students complete a reflection/application to practice narrative detailing the applied learning experience each semester.