The Master of Education in special education - early childhood unified emphasis at Wichita State University prepares teachers certified in K-6 general education for teaching all students ages birth–3rd grade. The program is designed to develop reflective practitioners who possess both a theoretical understanding and practical skills related to a) the field of early childhood education, b) the field of special education for students with both high and low incidence needs birth–3rd grade, c) effective communication and collaboration with families and other professionals, and d) research-validated practices.

Program Overview

The Early Childhood Unified (ECU) program is designed to prepare teachers of young children (birth through grade 3). The ECU program develops reflective practitioners who possess theoretical and practical developmental, educational, communicative, collaborative and family- and child-centered skills. The ECU program's advisory committee provides continual guidance to the program to assure that all candidates graduate with the belief that:

  • All young children, birth through grade 3 (i.e., children with and without exceptionalities, at every socioeconomic level, from all cultures) are competent, creative and curious learners;
  • Working with, understanding and respecting families is a critical component of working with young children;
  • Development and education are focused for each individual child in terms of the child's relation with the family, other children, teachers, the school community and society at large;
  • Children must learn through both constructing their own knowledge and by direct instruction;
  • The unique needs of all young children must be met; and
  • Programs and services provided are based on law, and scientifically- and evidence-based practices.

The degree program begins with a prerequisite foundational course and proceeds through methods/assessment courses in three different age levels. These courses are accompanied by three different practicum experiences. The remainder of the program consists of courses on family collaboration, research and finally a culminating capstone project.

Endorsement Only Option

  • Candidates may elect to complete only the first 24-credit-hours in the program as preparation to support them in attaining an endorsement in Early Childhood Unified. These candidates are considered nondegree seeking graduate students.
  • Apply for provisional endorsement after completion of only 9 credit hours of coursework and the first practicum experience.


The special education degree with an emphasis in early childhood unified is available for individuals who are certified to teach young children (birth to age 8). Admission requirements include:

  1. Prospective students should meet minimum GPA requirements for graduate admission. Those applicants who do not meet minimum GPA requirements may be required to submit one of the following to be considered for admission: 
    1. A GRE score of at least 150 in verbal and 148 in quantitative, and 3.5 in analytical writing; or
    2. Miller Analogies Test (MAT) with a score of 400 or above.
  2. Current Kansas teaching certificate/license in elementary (eligible for a KS certificate/license in elementary).

Applications are evaluated when received for the MEd in special education. Only a limited number of students are accepted into this program each year.

Program Requirements

The Master of Education in special education — early childhood unified track may be earned under a nonthesis option. The program requires 30 credit hours of coursework, including a research component, practical experience and the culminating project.

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.


Course Title Hours
Required Courses
SPED 603Foundations of Early Childhood Unified2
SPED 614ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Families3
SPED 617ECU Assessment and Methods: Preschool3
SPED 796Family and Professional Collaboration2
TALS 740Universal Design for Learning1
TALS 738Methods and Assessment: ELA and Social Studies3
TALS 739Methods and Assessment: Math and Science3
TALS 741Learning and Educational Assessment2
CESP 752JBrain Research to Improve Learning and Teaching2
TALS 743Internship I1
TALS 744Internship II1
TALS 748Internship III1
TALS 749Internship IV1
Culminating Experience - Capstone Proposal and Presentation
CLES 801Introduction to Educational Research3
TALS 862Evidence Based Inquiry: Capstone Project I1
TALS 863Evidence Based Inquiry: Capstone Project II1
Total Credit Hours30

Note: After successful completion of the first 9 credit hours, the candidate is eligible to apply to KSDE for a two-year provisional endorsement. A second two-year provisional may be applied for if the candidate has continued to make adequate progress in the program. Please contact the Licensure Office in College of Applied Studies Advising, 316-978-3300, for information on the licensure application to submit.

Candidates may elect to complete only the first 24 credit hours in the program as preparation to support them in attaining an endorsement in Early Childhood Unified. These candidates are considered nondegree-seeking graduate students.


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Applied Learning

Students in the MEd in special education - early childhood unified track are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing a capstone research project in which the emphasis is on applying professional practices to research and is directly linked to applied learning. In addition, students who graduate from the graduate program in special education must experience at least 135 hours of field experience/internship in special education classrooms.