ARTS - Studio Art
Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.
ARTS 535. Advanced Photo Media (3).
Focuses on further development of thematic content, creative problem solving, and producing original artwork that makes a personal artistic statement. Explores the field through presentations and/or research papers. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 335, instructor's consent.
ARTS 537. Photo Media Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with photo media concentration capstone course. Emphasizes individual development of thematic content. Limited to undergraduate students. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 535, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 545. Advanced Drawing Studio (3).
Independently defined projects and directions in drawing and drawing-related media aimed toward developing a drawing practice, process or portfolio. Research, readings and/or lectures investigating historical, contemporary and applied approaches to drawing in both fine art and popular applications. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 341 or 345, or instructor's consent.
ARTS 547. Drawing Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with applied drawing concentration capstone course; emphasizes individual development of thematic content. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 545, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 549. Independent Study-Drawing (1-3).
Professional emphasis on technical or aesthetic research in the drawing area. Available only for the advanced drawing student with instructor's consent. Statement of intent must be submitted for faculty approval before registration. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 340, 345, instructor's consent.
ARTS 550. Art Workshop (1-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 550A, 550B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
ARTS 550AC. Art and Archaeology in the Streets of Mexico City (3).
Three-week course investigating Mesoamerican imagery and traditions, Mexican history and politics, and the importance of the public sphere on Mexican muralism and contemporary art and life in Mexico City; classes meet in June, then students travel for one week to Mexico City (June 16-23). Upon return, students independently pursue a research or creative project within the remaining weeks of the semester. Experiences planned during travel include Casa Azul (Frida Kahlo's house), the murals of Chapultepec Castle, the murals of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, the Diego Rivera murals in the National Palace, and the archeological sites of the Templo Mayor and Teotihuacan.
ARTS 553. Independent Study: Painting (1-3).
Professional emphasis on technical or aesthetic research in the painting area. Available only for the advanced painting student with instructor's consent. Statement of intent must be submitted for faculty approval before registration. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
ARTS 554. Advanced Painting (3).
Focuses on further development of thematic content, creative problem solving and producing original artwork that makes a personal artistic statement. Explores the field through presentations and/or research papers. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): 6 credit hours from ARTS 354, 356, 358; instructor's consent.
ARTS 557. Painting Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with painting concentration capstone course; emphasizes individual development of thematic content. Limited to undergraduate students. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 554, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 560. Advanced Printmaking (3).
Focuses on further development of thematic content, creative problem solving, and producing original artwork that makes a personal artistic statement. Explores the field through presentations and/or research papers. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 369, instructor's consent.
ARTS 565. Independent Study: Printmaking (1-3).
Professional emphasis on technical and aesthetic research in the printmaking area. Only for the advanced printmaking student with instructor's consent. Statement of intent must be submitted for faculty approval before registration. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
ARTS 567. Printmaking Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with printmaking concentration capstone course. Emphasizes individual development of thematic content. Limited to undergraduate students. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 560, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 570. Advanced Ceramics (3).
Focus on further development of thematic content, creative problem solving, and producing original artwork that makes a personal artistic statement. Exploration of the field through presentations and/or research papers. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 373, instructor's consent.
ARTS 577. Ceramics Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with ceramics concentration capstone course; emphasizes individual development of thematic content. Limited to undergraduate students. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 570, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 578. Independent Study in Ceramics (1-3).
A professional emphasis on technical or aesthetic research in the ceramics field. Available only for the advanced ceramics student with instructor's consent. Statement of intent must be submitted for faculty approval before registration. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
ARTS 580. Advanced Sculpture (3).
Focuses on further development of thematic content, creative problem solving, and producing original artwork that makes a personal artistic statement. Explores the field through presentations and/or research papers. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 380 and instructor's consent.
ARTS 585. Independent Study in Sculpture (1-3).
Professional emphasis on technical or aesthetic research in the sculpture area. Available only for the advanced sculpture student with instructor's consent. Statement of intent must be submitted for faculty approval before registration. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 282, 283, departmental consent.
ARTS 587. Sculpture Senior Project (1).
BFA in art-studio art with sculpture concentration capstone course; emphasizes individual development of thematic content. Limited to undergraduate students. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 580, instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): ARTS 599.
ARTS 598. Studio Art Senior Project (3).
Directed studio investigation in development of a cohesive body of artworks reflecting personal interests, artistic inquiry, and historic and/or contemporary relevance. Requires meetings and critiques with various faculty. Includes professional development activities, including locating opportunities and resources, documentation of artworks, creation of artist’s statement and cv/resume. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 398. Pre- or corequisite(s): ARTS 535, 545, 554, 565, 570 or 580.
ARTS 599. Senior Exhibition (3).
Creation of artwork and research for public group exhibition as part of programmatic capstone requirement for BFA in studio art. Includes professional development activities, including locating opportunities and resources, documentation of artworks, creation of artist’s statement and cv/resume. For undergraduate credit only. Capstone course. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 598 with a C or better. Pre- or corequisite(s): ARTS 535, 545, 554, 565, 570 or 580.
ARTS 790. Graduate Teaching Seminar (1).
Discussion seminar for graduate students already teaching or intending to teach. Meets six to eight times per semester. Class format is discussion. Students participate in discussions, read articles and essays, create teaching philosophy, create academic portfolio.
ARTS 800. Seminar in Art Topics (2-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 800A, 800B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
ARTS 800L. Photography Abroad (3).
Class travels overseas to make photographs, study the history of the area, and see amazing ancient and contemporary art. Cost varies depending on prices at the time of travel, but includes all travel and lodging. Contact instructor for details. Prerequisite(s): instructor’s consent.
ARTS 800M. Art and Archaeology in the Streets of Mexico City (3).
Three-week course investigating Mesoamerican imagery and traditions, Mexican history and politics, and the importance of the public sphere on Mexican muralism and contemporary art and life in Mexico City; classes meet in June, then students travel for one week to Mexico City (June 16-23). Upon return, students independently pursue a research or creative project within the remaining weeks of the semester. Experiences planned during travel include Casa Azul (Frida Kahlo's house), the murals of Chapultepec Castle, the murals of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, the Diego Rivera murals in the National Palace, and the archeological sites of the Templo Mayor and Teotihuacan.
ARTS 800O. Studio Art Internship (3).
Students design an internship experience with an organization or individual approved by a faculty mentor. Internship is paired with research into a related topic, research paper and subsequent public presentation. Students may pursue topics and experiences related to any ARTS concentration. Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
ARTS 830. Special Problems in Photo Media (1-5).
Introduces and develops advanced research methods in photography and related media through broad-based material/conceptual experimentation, personal expression, formal resolution, and theoretical grounding. Techniques include the spectrum of photographic processes, including traditional digital or analog photography, video, appropriation of imagery, experimental/antiquated techniques, etc. As students progress through the program, expectations shift to more deeply engaged and narrowly focused studio research in preparation for, and in support of, the terminal project. Scholarly research that augments the artistic practice is expected in the form of readings of pertinent literature, discussions in small-group and seminar formats, field studies, etc. Course meets program requirements for studies in the graduate photo media major. Majors in other areas may take this course to fulfill requirements for the minor area. Repeatable for credit. May be taken for 1-5 credit hours, based on the scope and nature of specific research interests, as determined by the area head, in consultation with the student and the student's primary advisor.
ARTS 838. Terminal Project - Photo Media (5).
Emphasizes original studio research in areas related to photography in preparation of the terminal project exhibition. MFA candidates engage in creative production, research and writing in support of the studio practice, including submission of the initial draft of the written thesis. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the terminal project review and instructor's consent.
ARTS 839. Terminal Project - Photo Media (1-5).
As the culmination of the 60-hour MFA degree, this course focuses on the production of the terminal project exhibition. The terminal project is offered in lieu of thesis, but is accompanied by a written statement outlining the conceptual premise, historical and contemporary contexts, and/or technical aspects of the work. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTS 838.
ARTS 845. Special Problems in Drawing (1-3).
Advanced drawing in various media emphasizing independent work and the development of personal expression. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 850. Special Problems in Painting (1-5).
Professional and experimental painting emphasizing the development of maturity, ideas, independent thinking and personal expression. Media include oil, watercolor and synthetic media. Repeatable for credit with the consent of the drawing/painting faculty.
ARTS 858. Terminal Project - Painting (5).
Emphasizes original studio research in areas related to painting in preparation of the terminal project exhibition. MFA candidates engage in creative production, research and writing in support of the studio practice, including submission of the initial draft of the written thesis. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the terminal project review and instructor's consent.
ARTS 859. Terminal MFA Project - Painting (1-5).
Terminal project for the MFA - painting degree. Projects are formulated by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 860. Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio (1-5).
Advanced printmaking on an individual basis. Gives encouragement to investigation, combined with a craftsman-like approach. Techniques include all intaglio, relief, combined methods, black and white, and color. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 868. Terminal Project - Printmaking (5).
Emphasizes original studio research in areas related to printmaking in preparation of the terminal project exhibition. MFA candidates engage in creative production, research and writing in support of the studio practice, including submission of the initial draft of the written thesis. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the terminal project review and instructor's consent.
ARTS 869. Terminal Project - Printmaking (3-5).
Terminal project for the MFA - printmaking degree. Projects are formulated by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 870. Special Problems in Ceramics (1-5).
Research in advanced problems in ceramics. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 875. Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials (3).
Lectures and advanced research covering clays, glazes and refractory materials. Reading assignments concerning physical and chemical characteristics of pottery materials. Requires notebook and outside lab work.
ARTS 878. Terminal Project - Ceramics (5).
Emphasizes original studio research in areas related to ceramics in preparation of the terminal project exhibition. MFA candidates engage in creative production, research and writing in support of the studio practice, including submission of the initial draft of the written thesis. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the terminal project review and instructor's consent.
ARTS 879. Terminal Project - Ceramics (1-5).
Terminal project for the MFA - ceramics degree. Projects are formulated by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 880. Special Problems in Sculpture (1-5).
Advanced sculpture emphasizing experimentation and high-quality work on an individual basis. Stresses special projects in casting architectural sculpture, mixed media, or new materials and techniques. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 888. Terminal Project - Sculpture (5).
Emphasizes original studio research in areas related to sculpture in preparation of the terminal project exhibition. MFA candidates engage in creative production, research and writing in support of the studio practice, including submission of the initial draft of the written thesis. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the terminal project review and instructor's consent.
ARTS 889. Terminal Project - Sculpture (1-5).
Terminal project for the MFA - sculpture degree. Projects are formulated by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
ARTS 895. Professional Practices in Studio Art (2).
Research into, and practical application of, professional practices, business skills and career planning specific to the discipline of studio art. Provides a foundation of practical information to assist the graduate studio art major in building a successful professional career. Fulfills the university's professional and scholarly integrity training requirement covering research misconduct, publication practices and responsible authorship, conflict of interest and commitment, ethical issues in data acquisition, management, sharing and ownership when taken in conjunction with appropriate terminal project course. Not repeatable for credit.