GEOL - Geology

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

GEOL 522.  Sedimentology and Stratigraphy   (4).

Origin, classification, primary structures and physiochemical processes controlling deposition of sedimentary rocks. Surveys modern and ancient sedimentary depositional environments and petrographic study of sedimentary rocks in thin sections. Description, classification, methods of correlations and determination of relative ages of stratigraphic rock units; stratigraphic principles and practice, the nature of cyclic sedimentation and controls on deposition, and elements of sequence stratigraphy. May require field trips. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 102 (with lab) or GEOL 111.

GEOL 530.  Geology of Critical Minerals   (3).

Examines the geologic occurrence, exploration and uses of critical minerals and other geologic resources. The United States is reliant on certain critical minerals and resources that are vital to the nation's security and economic prosperity in its transition to a low-carbon, digitized economy. The list of critical and strategic minerals includes rare earth elements (REE), lithium, platinum group elements (PGM), antimony, rhenium, beryllium, tantalum, cobalt, chromium, tin, tantalum, tellurium, niobium, tungsten, gallium, yttrium, bauxite, nickel, zinc and germanium. These elements have applications in a range of developing markets such as consumer electronic devices, electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, energy-efficient lighting and medical equipment. The current dependency of the United States on foreign sources for these resources creates a strategic vulnerability for both its economy and military. Supply disruptions of these key mineral resources can be due to adverse foreign relations, government actions, natural disasters and other events. Field trips may be required to examine deposits in Kansas and adjacent states. Prerequisite(s): any introductory course in biology, chemistry, geology or physics.

GEOL 540.  Field Map Methods   (3).

Field mapping methods with special reference to use of level, compass, barometer, alidade and airphotos. Field trips required. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 102 (with lab) or GEOL 111.

GEOL 544.  Structural Geology   (3).

Stress-strain theory and mechanics of rock deformation, description and genesis of secondary structural features in crustal rocks resulting from diastrophism, elements of global tectonics, and laboratory solution of geologic problems in three dimensions and time. May require field trips and field problems. Prerequisite(s): MATH 112 or MATH 123; GEOL 312; and GEOL 324 or GEOL 522. Corequisite(s): GEOL 544L.

GEOL 560.  Geomorphology and Land Use   (3).

Cross-listed as GEOL 810AG. Identification of landforms and their genesis, processes producing landforms, the influence of geomorphology in aspects of natural hazards such as landslides, floods, earthquakes and volcanic activity; soil erosion, drainage basin modification, coastal and desert environments, mineral resource exploitation, and their effects on humans; importance of these influences in environmental management and land-use planning. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 111 or GEOL 102.

GEOL 564.  Remote Sensing Interpretation   (3).

Introduces interpretation techniques for most types of images acquired by remotely positioned means. Physical principles that control various remote sensing processes using the electromagnetic spectra are applied to geology, land use planning, geography, resource evaluation and environmental problems. Derivative maps generated from a variety of images. May require field trips. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 102 or GEOL 111.

GEOL 570.  Biogeology   (3).

General education natural science course without lab. Systematic survey of major fossil biogeological materials, analysis of the origin and evolution of life, and paleoecological interpretation of ancient environments and climates. Includes handlens and binocular microscopic examination of major fossil biogeological materials. Includes application of analyzed fossil data to the solution of problems in biogeochronology, paleoecology, paleoclimatology and paleogeography. Cites examples from fields of invertebrate, vertebrate and micropaleontology, and palynology. May require museum and field trips. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 312. Corequisite(s): GEOL 570L.

GEOL 574.  Special Studies in Paleontology   (3).

General education natural science course without lab. An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 574A, 574B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

GEOL 574C.  Micropaleontology   (3).

General education natural science course without lab. A systematic study in selected areas of micropaleontology. Gives appropriate laboratory instruction in the systematics, taxonomy and biogeological relationships within micropaleontology. May require field trips.

GEOL 621.  Geochemical Cycling   (3).

Capstone course. The geochemistry of earth materials and the important geochemical processes; cycles operating on and within the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere through time; anthropogenic effects on these cycles today. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 102 (with lab) or GEOL 111 and CHEM 211; or instructor's consent.

GEOL 630.  Field Studies in Geology   (2-6).

Off-campus, systematic field study in a selected area of geological significance. Course given upon demand, repeatable for credit when locality and/or content differ. Where appropriate, travel, lodging and board costs are charged. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

GEOL 640.  Field Geology   (6).

Capstone course. Field investigation of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock units and their structures. Includes the application of mapping methods in solving geologic problems. Held at an off-campus field camp for five weeks (including weekends). Preparation of geologic columns, sections, maps and an accompanying report are due on campus during the sixth week. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 324, 522, 540, 544.

GEOL 650.  Geohydrology   (3).

The hydrologic cycle, physical and chemical properties of water; fluid flow through permeable media, exploration for and evaluation of groundwater, water quality and pollution, and water law. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 522, MATH 242 and MATH 243; or instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): GEOL 650L.

GEOL 657.  Earth Science Instructional Methods   (3).

Practice in teaching an introductory course in the earth sciences. Developing and presenting the latest scientific laboratory techniques and evaluating their effectiveness. May be taken more than once if content and objectives differ. Prerequisite(s): senior standing and department chairperson's permission.

GEOL 678.  Geologic Perspectives on Climatic Change   (3).

Capstone course. Modern climate and climactic changes and analysis of climactic deterioration; systematic study of geologic evidence of climate change through time. Emphasizes theoretical causes, feedback mechanisms and recognition of effects on climactic perturbations in the rock record. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 312 , 522.

GEOL 682.  Petroleum Geology   (3).

The origin, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in the earth's crust; reservoir trap types in common hydrocarbon fields, origin and types of porosity systems, and distribution of world petroleum supplies. Introduces subsurface study techniques. May require field trips. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 522. Corequisite(s): GEOL 682L.

GEOL 684.  Methods of Subsurface Analysis   (2).

Methods of remotely logging and describing the geologic occurrence of subsurface strata; characterization of subsurface strata, including laboratory analysis of recovered subsurface samples; application to petroleum geology, mineral resource evaluation and environmental geology. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 312, GEOL 522; or instructor's consent.

GEOL 690.  Special Studies in Geology   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 690A, 690B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

GEOL 690AC.  Issues in Marine Environments   (2).

Oceans provide protein and livelihoods for millions of people, regulate the climate, and generate at least half of the oxygen humans and animals breathe. Sadly, many of the ocean systems are nearing tipping points that could threaten life on Earth, making much of the planet (including Kansas) inhospitable to humans. This course looks at the threats, challenges and opportunities that impact the oceans. What are the causes and more importantly, what can be done about it? While a previous oceanography or environmental class is recommended, it is not required.

GEOL 690AJ.  Computer Methods in Science   (3).

Cross-listed as EEPS 701. Surveys computer applications commonly used by scientists, emphasizing nonstatistical applications. Includes computer-assisted instruction, data management, presentation packages, internet resources, digital image analysis, graphics and spreadsheets, reference acquisition and management, desktop publishing, and specialized applications for modeling, simulations, mapping and time-series analysis. Lectures and demonstrations involve individual hands-on activities and student projects. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or instructor's consent.

GEOL 690AK.  Soils   (3).

Geologic analysis of soil types, their formation, occurrence and mineralogy; soil management and conservation, environmental aspects of soil occurrence including stability studies, pollution and reclamation.

GEOL 690AO.  History of Geology   (3).

The course examines the historical development of Earth science from prehistoric to modern times. The course analyzes the various techniques of data collection and interpretation that were used throughout history.

GEOL 690AP.  Petroleum Engineering: An Introduction for Geoscientists   (3).

An introduction to the theory and application of petroleum engineering to oil and gas exploration and development. Oriented to students with a geology or geoscience background.

GEOL 690AS.  Costa Rica Sustainability Travel Seminar   (3).

Provides an opportunity for students to experience a new country, its ecology, sustainability practices, culture, language and history. It is an interdisciplinary travel seminar that allows the student to travel abroad and learn experientially to gain credit for studies of ecology sustainability practices, culture, language, history, geography, geology and biodiversity. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

GEOL 690G.  Applied Environmental Geology   (3).

Designed for students who plan on a career in environmental geology, a rapidly growing field which deals with the most pressing issues of today and the future. Qualified geoscientists may work with local, state and federal agencies; engineering services firms; environmental consulting firms; mining companies and waste management companies; and as environmental or sustainability officers with virtually any large enterprise. This course is based on refining skills in analytic assessment, synthesizing and manipulating data; and preparing, completing and presenting projects with an emphasis on oral and written communication. In addition to class projects, students interact with working professionals both as lecturers and with on-site visits. Students learn how to stand out with their resume and cover letter and learn what employers are looking for by talking with some of them. While previous environmental courses are strongly recommended, they are not a requirement.

GEOL 690V.  Geology of National Parks   (3).

Examination of national parks from a geologic perspective. The landscapes of U.S. national parks result from movements of large tectonic plates of Earth’s outer shell. Mountains, volcanoes, shorelines and various types of rocks develop through interactions along plate boundaries, or where a plate moves over a hotspot. This course is intended for college and university students who have had no previous geology courses.

GEOL 690Z.  Applied GIS   (3).

Focuses on emerging supplementary and advanced geographic information system (GIS) skill sets. Students engage in an advanced level analysis of ESRI ArcGIS software. GIS spatial analyst, GIS spatial modeler, GIS visualization techniques, python scripting and ArcSDE are fully utilized. Individual projects are also required.

GEOL 692.  Spatial SQL and SDE   (3).

Spatial-SQL is a structural query language that allow students to effectively develop and manage spatial database. Course teaches principles of ESRI’s spatial database engine (ArcSDE) which is designed to support multiple users to store and manage innumerable spatial data in a central location, and at the same time, enables others to develop (create, edit or modify and share) as well as manage the same data (concurrent multiuser geodatabase editing). Students learn how to develop geodatabase, manage the ArcSDE (enterprise geodatabase) service, script data loads with command-line ArcSDE tools, and install ArcSDE. Additionally, students are acquainted with the standard transact SQL script used frequently by Microsoft DBA’s to manage large data.

GEOL 693.  Python for Geospatial Analysis   (3).

Students learn how to write Python scripting to perform geospatial analysis duties. Course deeply teaches how to use Python codes more efficiently to enhance, augment and even automate enormous amounts of GIS analytical tasks. The majority of this course is not spent learning to program in the Python language but on how to integrate different spatial libraries within Python code. Students learn how to do different GIS-related spatial analysis in Python programming language. Each lesson is a tutorial with specific topic(s) plus exercises where the aim is to learn how to solve both natural and social science problems while using Python tools.

GEOL 698.  Independent Study in Geology   (1-3).

Independent study on special problems in selected areas of geology: (a) general, (b) mineralogy, (c) petrology, (d) structural, (e) paleontology, (f) economic geology, (g) sedimentation, (i) stratigraphy, (j) geophysics, and (k) petroleum. Requires a written final report. Prerequisite(s): consent of sponsoring faculty.

GEOL 720.  Geochemistry   (3).

The chemistry of natural aqueous solutions and their interaction with minerals and rocks; thermodynamics and kinetics of reactions; emphasizes application to sedimentary environments and environmental problems. Requires some laboratory work. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 324 and CHEM 212 or instructor's consent.

GEOL 726.  Carbonate Sedimentology   (3).

The origin and genetic description of carbonate particles, sediments and rocks, mineralogy and textural classifications, depositional environments in carbonate rocks and analysis of modern and ancient depositional system. May require field trips. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 522 or equivalent. Corequisite(s): GEOL 726L.

GEOL 740.  Basin Analysis   (3).

A practical course in analysis of petroleum-bearing or other sedimentary basins; emphasizes detailed subsurface mapping to document depositional, tectonic and burial history of sedimentary basins; subsurface lithologic and geochemical sample analysis and evolution of sedimentary facies systems and hydrocarbons maturation history. Includes compilation of existing data to determine geologic evolution of basins. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 682, 684 or instructor's consent.

GEOL 750G.  History of Geology   (3).

The course examines the historical development of Earth science from prehistoric to modern times. The course analyzes the various techniques of data collection and interpretation that were used throughout history.

GEOL 750O.  Tectonics   (1-3).

Explores plate tectonics, the dynamic geo-process driving Earth's evolution and functioning, making Earth different from neighboring planets. It is a theory explaining the structure of the Earth's crust and many associated phenomena resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle. Additionally, the course discusses geometry, determination and description of plate motions. Topics include how plates move, how their boundaries interact, how these have changed over time, and the resulting natural hazards are addressed with lectures and hands-on exercises. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 111 or instructor's consent.

GEOL 751.  Advanced Geohydrology   (3).

Integrations of practical and theoretical coverage of subsurface fluid flow as applied to shallow aquifers. Covers the mass transport in both the saturated and vadose zones as well as the occurrence and movement of nonaqueous fluids. Covers groundwater quality, sources of groundwater contamination, retardation of contaminants, retardation and attenuation of dissolved solids, and the response of inorganic and organic substances to subsurface aqueous and framework chemistries. Computer simulation models used whenever practical along with detailed analysis of case histories, including those related to environmental geoscience. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 650, 681, MATH 344, or instructor's consent.

GEOL 752.  Climatic Evolution of Earth   (3).

Basics of climatology and paleoclimatology, and recognition of paleoclimatic indicators in the rock record. Climatic changes at different scales in Earth history and possible causes, and nature of climactic records. Roles of climate change on the evolution of Earth's biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. Field trip(s) may be required. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 721, graduate standing, or instructor's consent.

GEOL 760.  Exploration Geophysics   (3).

Introduces the theory and application of geophysical techniques for hydrocarbon, mineral and groundwater prospecting. Includes use of seismic techniques, instrumentation for acquisition on land and sea, seismic processing, structural and stratigraphic modeling, 3-D seismic exploration, and seismic refraction techniques. Prerequisite(s): completion of geology undergraduate math and physics requirements; MATH 344 or 555; GEOL 324, 544, instructor's consent.

GEOL 800.  Research in Geology   (1-3).

Research in special areas of geology: (a) general, (b) mineralogy, (c) petrology, (d) structural, (e) paleontology, (f) economic geology, (g) sedimentation, (i) stratigraphy, (j) geophysics, and (k) petroleum. Requires a written final report. This course has a lab component. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): consent of sponsoring faculty.

GEOL 810.  Advanced Graduate Studies in Geology   (1-6).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 810A, 810B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing, instructor's consent and two years of professional postgraduate practice in geology.

GEOL 810AG.  Geomorphology and Land Use   (3).

Cross-listed as GEOL 560. Identification of landforms and their genesis, processes producing landforms, the influence of geomorphology in aspects of natural hazards such as landslides, floods, earthquakes and volcanic activity; soil erosion, drainage basin modification, coastal and desert environments, mineral resource exploitation, and their effects on humans; importance of these influences in environmental management and land-use planning. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 111 or GEOL 102.

GEOL 810AI.  Issues in Marine Environments   (2).

Seminar course examines geologic processes in the marine realm and current environmental issues with tropic marine environments around the world. Assignments and projects in the course give students experience in development and presentation of research, data analysis, and conflict resolution.

GEOL 821.  Special Studies in Geochemistry   (3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 821A, 821B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 720 or instructor's consent.

GEOL 821A.  Geochemical Cycling   (3).

The geochemistry of earth materials and the important geochemical processes; cycles operating on and within the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere through time; anthropogenic effects on these cycles today. Prerequisite(s): GEOL 102 (with lab) or GEOL 111 and CHEM 211; or instructor's consent.

GEOL 830.  Field Studies in Geology   (2-6).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 830A, 830B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): summer field geology (or equivalent) and instructor's consent.