ISLE - Intervention Services and Leadership in Education

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

ISLE 523.  Workforce Readiness and Preparation   (3).

Cross-listed as CSD 523, PSY 523. Designed for neurodivergent college students who are interested in developing pre-employment skills in a simulated work environment. Course includes diversity content.

ISLE 725.  Nonverbal Assessment and Intervention   (3).

Investigates the impact of nonverbal behavior on the communication process. The course focuses on the application of empirically validated social interaction/communication and behavioral assessments and interventions that are consistent with principles in applied behavior analysis (ABA). Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): CLES 721.

ISLE 943.  School Based Interventions   (3).

Focuses on the assessment and management of student behavior in the context of instructional environments using applied behavioral analytic principles and procedures. The course integrates applied behavior analysis techniques in educational settings, offering targeted support for students with diverse learning needs using evidence-based practices to enhance social skills, academic and behavioral performance. Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours. Course includes diversity content.

ISLE 944.  Field Experience in ABA   (3).

An applied field experience for the provision of applied behavior analysis services under the direct supervision of the university supervisor. The student receives 7.5 percent individual supervision, 2.5 percent group supervision, and completes bi-weekly didactic training. The field experience course consists of 240 applied experience hours in a preapproved designated school or clinical setting. Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours.