LEAD - Leadership

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

LEAD 500.  Dimensions of Wellness   (3).

Students holistically examine meanings of wellness, including relevant biological, psychological and social concepts. As a result, students gain an understanding of how to identify, program and promote individual, organizational and community wellness initiatives.

LEAD 505.  Emergency and Public Service Industry for Prior Learning III   (6-12).

Students may receive up to 36 upper division WSU credit hours by using industry-specific courses from their community college or technical school coursework, and/or industry-specific experience and/or training. These credit hours serve as concentration hours for undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): program committee evaluation and advisor’s consent.

LEAD 507.  Managerial Leadership   (3).

Introduces the concepts, responsibilities and styles of managerial leadership. Students learn about the various components of organizations and how to apply managerial decision making and leadership theories in an environment of complexity and diversity.

LEAD 520.  Principles of Learning Environments   (3).

Focuses on human growth and development, and learning theory with special attention paid to motivation, learning environment management, human behavior, principles of cognition, and their implications for workforce trainers. Examines the biological and societal influence on these factors, emphasizing the application of these principles to a variety of workforce environments.

LEAD 540.  Leading for Creativity   (3).

Focuses on the practical application of creative ideas and how they are related to organizational results. Specifically, students learn strategies for promoting, capturing and harnessing creativity for measurable results.

LEAD 550.  Applied Studies Apprenticeship I   (1-6).

An applied learning experience requiring a planned and supervised professional experience and documented learning outcomes. Student must document at least 480 hours of applied learning. For undergraduate credit only. Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): program consent.

LEAD 600.  Applied Studies Apprenticeship II   (1-6).

An applied learning experience requiring a planned and supervised professional experience and documented learning outcomes. Student must document at least 640 hours of applied learning. For undergraduate credit only. Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): program consent.

LEAD 602.  Human-Centered Service and Design   (3).

Helps students learn and apply essential skills related to designing experiences, planning events and creating impactful programs. Students learn how to humanize the design-thinking process concentrating on empathy for end users. Students gain skills in event planning, facilitation, outcomes assessment, communication and collaboration. Students synthesize a variety of theoretical concepts focusing on organizational or workplace applications.

LEAD 602H.  Human-Centered Service and Design Honors   (3).

Helps students learn and apply essential skills related to designing experiences, planning events and creating impactful programs. Students learn how to humanize the design-thinking process concentrating on empathy for end users. Students gain skills in event planning, facilitation, outcomes assessment, communication and collaboration. Students synthesize a variety of theoretical concepts focusing on organizational or workplace applications.

LEAD 610.  Collaboration and Leadership   (3).

Helps students identify team needs, set expectations for collective and individual development, and continuously improve their leadership skills. Students learn tools, such as servant leadership, which will add value to the roles and behaviors of their team members, and define their team's purpose. Students learn how to identify their own leadership style and the importance of culture, values and ethical decision-making within an organizational environment.

LEAD 618.  Education and Workplace Training   (3).

Helps students understand the fundamental issues associated with learning, transfer of information, how to understand the learner, and how to design organizational interventions with a special focus on employee development. Students are exposed to current issues and best practices associated with workplace training and professional growth and development.

LEAD 625.  Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace   (3).

Shows students the importance of effective interpersonal communication in today’s modern workplace. Students learn how to recognize various communication styles and effective ways to adapt communication to meet the needs of co-workers, bosses and customers. In addition, students improve their understanding of nonverbal communication and individual influences on communication skills. Finally, students learn techniques for dealing with negative situations, handling difficult individuals, presentations and meeting techniques.

LEAD 751.  Special Studies   (0.5-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 751A, 751B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

LEAD 751A.  Talent Development and the Workplace   (3).

Introduces key concepts and systems associated with understanding, motivating and developing individual employee skill sets. In addition, students learn useful skills for developing workplace environments emphasizing formal and informal learning, while focusing on how to implement concepts, systems and models into everyday organizational practices.

LEAD 751B.  Global Leadership   (3).

Focuses on building global relationships using cross-cultural examples, experiences and/or coursework. Introduces global leadership and development by preparing students to engage in complex organizational contexts with people from various cultures. Course includes diversity content.

LEAD 751C.  Organizational History and Leadership   (3).

Students learn the foundational concepts, theories and methodologies for examining historical processes within a variety of organizations. The course highlights how understanding an organization’s history is connected to strong organizational cultures, productive community relationships and future decision-making strategies.

LEAD 751D.  Organizational Ethics and Decision-Making   (3).

Students learn the foundational concepts, theories and methodologies for examining ethical dilemmas and evaluative processes within a variety of organizations. The course focuses on examining underlying values and elements of organizational decisions, processes and relationships. Students engage in not only ethical discussions, but also apply ethical models, concepts and frameworks to real-world case studies. Ultimately, students use these concepts, models and case studies to examine their own leadership and decision-making styles and processes within organizational environments.

LEAD 751E.  Leading a Remote Workforce   (3).

Introduces important concepts associated with workforce productivity. Students learn about the psychological needs necessary to lead a workforce remotely, useful tools to better engage and motivate employees, how to manage autonomous working environments, and useful tools to maintain and/or increase professional productivity.

LEAD 781.  Cooperative Education   (3).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.