PHIL - Philosophy

Although there is no graduate degree in philosophy, the following courses are available for graduate credit.

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

PHIL 501.  Philosophy of Language   (3).

Examines the relationships between philosophy and language. Focuses on questions such as: What is the relation between language and thought? Language and the world? What can the study of language contribute to the resolution of philosophical problems? Prerequisite(s): one 300-level or higher course in philosophy.

PHIL 525.  Evidential Reasoning   (3).

Explores philosophical issues related to reasoning about evidence. Topics may include: induction, confirmation, falsification, the under-determination of theories by evidence, theories of probability, and scientific method. Examines some case studies of reasoning about evidence in, for example, poker, medicine, risk analysis, forensic sciences and the law.

PHIL 530.  Ethics of Space Exploration   (3).

General education humanities course. Surveys various philosophical and ethical questions raised by the exploration of the space environment and in space policy discussions. Topics may include rationales for space exploration, space resource exploitation, and space settlement; planetary protection and preservation of the space environment; duties to extraterrestrial microbial life; and regulation and policy for space exploration. Prerequisite(s): at least one course in philosophy.

PHIL 535.  Data Ethics for Professionals   (3).

Introduces students to the dimensions of ethical analysis that are necessary for responsible, professional practice of data science and analytics, from inception through the life cycle of their work products. Students analyze real and hypothetical cases and practice strategically advocating for changes, both to particular product specs and to broader corporate policy and professional practice. Course includes diversity content.

PHIL 555.  Philosophy of the Social Sciences   (3).

Studies such topics as the relation of social sciences with natural sciences and philosophy, methodological problems peculiar to social sciences, the nature of sound explanation concepts and constructs, and the roles of mathematics and formal theories in social sciences.

PHIL 585.  Studies in a Major Philosopher   (3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 585A, 585B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

PHIL 590.  Special Studies   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 590A, 590B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

PHIL 590AD.  Environmental Ethics   (3).

Surveys various philosophical and ethical questions raised by human interaction with, and impact on, the natural environment. Focuses on historical and contemporary, theoretical and applied, issues in environmental ethics. Topics include: anthropocentrism versus nonanthropocentrism; environmental justice and rights; progress and innovation versus stewardship and restoration; the science of climate change.

PHIL 590O.  Models and Analogies   (3).

In this small seminar-style course, students look at the history and philosophy of the use of models and analogies in various sciences, up to and including the present day. Includes mathematical models as well as physical models, and includes not only physics, chemistry and biology, but social sciences, such as political science, economics and psychology. In the first part of the course, students read and discuss philosophical works about how models and analogies are involved in science, sometimes implicitly, and consider how it is that they can often extend knowledge and understanding, yet also how they can sometimes mislead. In the second part of the course, students take an in-depth look at examples of the use of models in various fields; the choice of topics are based on student interest.

PHIL 699.  Directed Readings   (1-3).

For the student interested in doing independent study and research in a special area of interest. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.