PSY - Psychology
Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.
PSY 508. Psychology Tutorial (1-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 508A, 508B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111.
PSY 508AB. Psychology of Video Games (3).
An introduction to psychological research and how it pertains to video games. This course will cover game design from the perspective of psychological research, both in academic fields such as perception and attention and also user experience research found in the game development industry. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111.
PSY 508AH. Aging as a Societal Issue: OK Boomer and Beyond Honors (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Cross-listed as PSY 508AH. Presents demographic information about the transformation of the U.S. into an aging society, as well as current research about the aging process itself. Social policy implications are explored in areas such as healthcare, the workplace and technology. The course engages students from different generations in dialogue with dialogue topics chosen by the students and class sessions throughout the semester led by student teams. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): honors student or permission of the Honors College.
PSY 511. Introduction to School Psychology (3).
Cross-listed as CLES 511. Introduces students to a career in school psychology. School psychologists work in schools to solve students' academic and behavioral problems through consultation, assessment and intervention. Course examines the roles and functions of school psychologists, the methods used to address students' psychoeducational needs, and the school and community systems within which they operate. Course includes diversity content.
PSY 512. Exploring Concepts and Careers in Educational Psychology (3).
Cross-listed as CLES 512. Explores the field of educational psychology and its application in different areas, such as teaching, learning, coaching, training, assessment and research. Introduces students to the wide variety of careers in educational psychology. Also introduces students to the practical application of educational psychology by considering topics such as cognition (problem solving, memory, decision making), behavioral learning principles, motivation, human development, curriculum development, assessment, basic research design, and the role of research. Course includes diversity content.
PSY 523. Workforce Readiness and Preparation (3).
Cross-listed as CSD 523, ISLE 523. Designed for neurodivergent college students who are interested in developing pre-employment skills in a simulated work environment. Course includes diversity content.
PSY 534. Psychology of Women (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Psychological assumptions, research and theories of the roles, behavior and potential of women in contemporary society. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111.
PSY 536. Behavior Modification (3).
A study of the basic assumptions, principles and issues of behavioral approach to helping persons with psychological problems. Includes demonstration and individualized practice in general helping skills as well as individual projects in applying these skills. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111 and instructor's consent.
PSY 544. Abnormal Psychology (3).
An introductory survey of abnormalities of behavior. Examines definitions, causes, types and classifications of abnormal behavior. Covers various theories of abnormality, research evidence and various methods of diagnosis and treatment. Presents hypotheses regarding prevention of abnormality. Prerequisite(s): PSY 324.
PSY 556. Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3).
A survey of current ethical, conceptual and research issues involved in the assessment and treatment of psychopathology. Reviews contemporary psychotherapies emphasizing the relative efficacy of each and the therapeutic mechanisms through which they initiate behavioral change. Prerequisite(s): PSY 324.
PSY 559. Successful Aging: Theory, Research and Practice (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 559, SCWK 559, SCWK 559H, SOC 559, SOC 559H. Reviews current interventions which promote successful aging. Theoretical bases of this work in biomedical and life span/developmental psychology are featured. Intended for students in the College of Health Professions, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PHS 100, PSY 111, SCWK 201 or SOC 111.
PSY 559H. Successful Aging: Theory, Research and Practice Honors (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 559, SCWK 559, SCWK 559H, SOC 559, SOC 559H. Reviews current interventions which promote successful aging. Theoretical bases of this work in biomedical and life span/developmental psychology are featured. Intended for students in the College of Health Professions, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PHS 100, PSY 111, SCWK 201 or SOC 111.
PSY 568. Computer Applications to the Behavioral Sciences (3).
Introduction to state of the art programming environments designed for psychological research. Students learn how to perform basic statistical analyses, program visual and auditory experiments, and analyze data. Applications include such areas as mathematical modeling and creating experiments. Previous programming experience is encouraged, but not required. Repeatable for credit with a change of content. Prerequisite(s): 9 hours in the social sciences.
PSY 581. Animal Abuse and Human Violence (3).
Cross-listed as CJ 581G. Examines the link between animal abuse and violence against humans from a criminological perspective. Using studies on victims of domestic violence and other types of interpersonal violence, students explore the correlation between animal abuse and human violence, legal tools to protect animals and victims, and clinical assessments of animal abusers. Historical and cultural contexts of the role of animals in wildlife, farms, the entertainment industry and households are also discussed for strategic changes for animal welfare at the individual, familial and societal levels. Students interact with professionals who handle animal abuse cases and those in animal welfare. Course includes diversity content. Course includes service-learning content.
PSY 608. Special Investigation (1-3).
Upon consultation with instructor, advanced students with adequate preparation may undertake original research or directed readings in psychological problems. Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours. Requires consultation with, and approval by, appropriate adviser prior to registration. Prerequisite(s): 9 hours in psychology and instructor's consent.
PSY 727. Selected Topics in Human Factors Psychology (3).
Introduction to one of several special topics in the area of human factors. Students review relevant literature and learn theory and application of specific methodologies in a variety of work environments. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 750. Psychology Workshop (1-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 750A, 750B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
PSY 750W. Seminar in Intersectional Fat Studies (3).
Introduces graduate students and advanced undergraduate students to intersectional fat studies, an interdisciplinary field of scholarship that critically examines notions of body weight and appearance. Students read and discuss empirical research, theory, and other critical texts covering such topics as: fatness as a dimension of privilege and oppression; critical intersections with other marginalized identities; social and cultural origins of fatphobia in the U.S.; the medicalization of fat; psychological and physiological outcomes associated with weight stigma; and the impact of fatphobia in several professional domains; among others. Throughout the course, students are asked to reflect on their own biases, backgrounds and experiences related to how they view weight and people of size. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): for undergraduates only: PSY 111, PSY 301, PSY 311 and instructor's consent.
PSY 901. Graduate Research (1-3).
Arranged individual research in specialized content areas under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): advisor's consent and graduate standing.
PSY 902. Advanced Research Methods I (4).
Part one of a two-course sequence aimed at advanced treatment of statistical and research design issues. Statistical methods included are analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multiple comparisons and multiple regression. Design issues include research planning, validity, quasi vs. experimental designs, prediction vs. explanation and modeling. The associated lab provides basic computer skills for access to the mainframe and some basic training for EXCEL, and SPSS for Windows. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 903. Advanced Research Methods II (4).
Continuation of PSY 902. Statistical techniques emphasized are a continuation of multiple regression, structural analyses including AMOS, factor analysis, canonical correlation and discriminant analysis. Includes advanced design issues. The associated lab provides additional computer skills for Excel, and SPSS for Windows. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): PSY 902, instructor's consent.
PSY 904. Biological and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology (3).
Develops the idea that psychology is a biosocial science. Examines the philosophical foundations of science itself before exploring the biological foundations and contextual nature of psychological science. Readings cover biological factors as they pertain to psychology: evolution, genetics, maturation, functional neuroanatomy, physiology. Includes critical reviews of genetic determinism, neural localization and hemispheric specialization. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 905. Cognitive/Learning Foundations of Behavior (3).
Focuses on how human beings learn, maintain and modify behavior, and how cognitive knowledge is acquired, maintained, represented and used. Serves as an integrated resource of the main issues and the theoretical questions investigated in the psychology of learning and cognition. A basic understanding of classical and instrumental conditioning, and the cognitive processes of memory, language, speech, thought, decision making and problem solving are provided. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 906. Assessment of Personality and Individual Differences (3).
Reviews psychometric principles underlying assessment of individual differences in cognition and personality. Major approaches to assessment of normal personality variables are examined. Students self-administer several personality instruments and assess a client under supervision. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 907. Social and Developmental Foundations of Behavior (3).
Examines basic assumptions, theories and methods in social and developmental psychology. Describes and analyzes research concerning the functional significance of social relationships for development and the embeddedness of behavior in social, ecological and cultural contexts, focusing on a number of substantive issues such as person perception and social cognition, affiliation and attachment, socialization and interpersonal interaction, social support, and social roles and contexts over the life span. Considers the applications of theories of attribution, attitude change, group functioning and attachment to current social problems. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 908. Doctoral Dissertation (1-3).
Student-driven research experience to address a specific research question. Potential topics should be formulated by the student and discussed with their advisor. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): admission to candidacy and instructor's consent.
PSY 909. Preproposal Research (1-3).
A research course for students who have completed the second year project but have not taken qualifying examinations. Focuses on the first steps in developing a dissertation proposal. May be taken an unlimited number of times.
PSY 911. Teaching of Psychology: Principles, Practices and Ethics (1-3).
Prepares doctoral students in psychology to assume undergraduate teaching duties. Presents basic pedagogical tools as well as university and departmental policies and procedures. Students learn about opportunities to incorporate technology in the classroom and have several occasions to observe and practice teaching. Introduces students to important ethical issues that confront teachers of psychology and provides strategies for handling ethical dilemmas. Psychology graduate students are required to complete 3 credit hours of this course or have equivalent experience before teaching. Partially fulfills the university's professional and scholarly integrity training requirement covering research misconduct, publication practices and responsible authorship, conflict of interest and commitment, ethical issues in data acquisition, management, sharing and ownership.
PSY 912. Seminar on Cultural Diversity (3).
Examines theoretical frameworks and develops culturally appropriate strategies in therapy and prevention efforts in the community. Emphasizes understanding the importance of culture and how it may impact treatment and prevention outcomes. Focuses on developing skills to work effectively with diverse populations. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 913. Seminar in Advanced Child Assessment (1-3).
Provides instruction and practice in the assessment of child behavioral, social and emotional problems. Topics include an overview of testing considerations for Autism Spectrum Disorders, externalizing disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and internalizing disorders such as depression and anxiety. Students gain exposure to the administration and interpretation of tests as well as learn how to write a psychological evaluation. Students conduct supervised assessments with clients in the psychology clinic as they progress through the course. Repeatable for credit. Course includes diversity content.
PSY 920. Psychological Principles of Human Factors (3).
Focuses on the interaction of people with machines and technology in a variety of environments. Provides depth to the topics surveyed in PSY 405 and serves as a means of integrating cognitive, biological and perceptual psychology in applied settings. Prerequisite(s): completion of undergraduate course in cognitive psychology or PSY 905; and instructor's consent after interview for doctoral students from other disciplines.
PSY 921. Seminar in Human Factors (3).
Focuses on a sample of contemporary human factors problems through review of current literature and theory. Content changes as new problems attain prominence internationally, but a typical sample might be human factors in the aging population; human factors in airport security and baggage marking; and human factors in third-world industrialization. Prerequisite(s): completion of 9 hours of foundations of psychology doctoral courses; for doctoral students from other disciplines, instructor's consent after an interview.
PSY 922. Seminar in Software Psychology (3).
Intensive study of principles and methods of engineering psychology (human factors) applied to the design and evaluation of computer software. Includes research methods, programming as human performance, programming style, software quality evaluation, organizing the programming team, interactive interface issues, and the design of interactive computer systems. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 925. Seminar in Perception (3).
Intensive study in theory and research in perceptual processes. Prerequisite(s): PSY 409, or equivalent and instructor's consent.
PSY 926. Internship in Human Factors Psychology (1-3).
A planned placement experience in an off-campus setting, giving the doctoral human factors psychology student an opportunity to apply the principles of human factors psychology. Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): advisor's consent.
PSY 927. Principles and Ethics of Clinical Supervision (3).
Covers the theoretical framework, ethics and competencies associated with providing clinical psychotherapy and assessment supervision. Covers best practices and optimal supervision techniques as well as the basic responsibilities. The course has three components: 1) class discussions on relevant topics listed on the schedule, 2) a research paper on a topic related to supervision, and 3) students provide supervision to those in PSY 963 as well as receive supervision and feedback from the instructor of this course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 940. Seminar in Community-Clinical Psychology (3).
Introduces basic historical, conceptual, research, methodological and ethical issues in community-clinical psychology. Examines the responsibilities and roles of psychologists in the promotion of human functioning. Reviews models and determinants of human behavior from individual, developmental and ecological/contextual perspectives. Details the reciprocal relationship between research and practical applications of psychological knowledge and the application of that knowledge to human psychosocial problems. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 941. Applied Research Methods in Community Settings (3).
An examination of research methods which are used in community settings to develop and evaluate programs. Regarding program development, there is discussion of different data collection strategies used to assess community needs. Explores a variety of topics related to program evaluation including research design issues, developing criteria of merit, and the politicization of program evaluation. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 942. Seminar in Community and Organizational Intervention (3).
Focuses on the development and/or change of community-based programs and organizations and the implementation and funding of community-based programs. Explores the theoretical and conceptual basis of these interventions, drawing on material from community psychology, public health and applied social psychology. Helps prepare students to become involved as professionals in community-based health or mental health interventions in a variety of roles: as program developers, proposal writers, program implementers and program managers. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 943. Seminar in Prevention (3).
Reviews the historical, theoretical and empirical bases of prevention psychology. Presents contemporary models of prevention psychology including the ecological, social and community mental health perspectives. Could include primary prevention, empowerment, community-based prevention, self-help, social policy and the prevention of psychosocial problems through environmental intervention. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 944. Practicum in Community Psychology (1-3).
Provides supervised practice working in community-based organizations on such tasks as needs assessment, program development and program evaluation. Organizational settings may be in the areas of mental health and education. Services may be prevention-oriented. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 948. Seminar in Professional Consultation and Leadership Development (3).
Seminar explores contemporary principles of professional consulting in the community, including how to prepare to work in the community, manage projects, collaborate with colleagues, address money matters, set up a consulting practice, work with nonprofits, and have a business mindset. Students also learn about leading in the changing world. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 949. Seminar in Community Advocacy and Social Policy (3).
Seminar explores contemporary principles of community advocacy and social policy from a community psychology framework. In an interactive and applied learning format, this seminar focuses on relevant theory, research, best practices and experiential knowledge regarding community advocacy and social policy to gain an understanding of key concepts and practices of grassroots advocacy and the development and implementation of social policy. Opportunities for civic and community engagement to gain skills for a more effective community are provided. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 951. Program Evaluation Theory and Design (3).
Focuses on the methods and theories of program evaluation. Includes an examination of the types of program evaluation (e.g., needs assessment, process evaluation, outcome evaluation) as well as the different theoretical lenses through which program evaluation can be carried out. Students finish the class prepared to identify the type of evaluation that would most benefit a program, identify the theoretical approach most congruent with the organization’s values and their values as an evaluation, and carry out a program evaluation based on those factors. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 952. Action Research Approaches in Community Psychology (3).
Action research seeks to produce knowledge that communities can use to solve their unique problems in a given context. This course explores how psychologists and community stakeholders engage in collaborative and community-based research for the purpose of action or social change. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 960. Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology (3).
Focuses on several pertinent professional, legal, ethical and related issues and concerns that impact the self-identity, credentialing, practice and status of contemporary clinical psychology. Includes an historical overview of the development of both the discipline and profession of clinical psychology; professional associations that represent each; the credentialing and education/training of clinical psychologists; and how the practice of clinical psychology is governed and impacted by the APA Ethical Code, related laws and associated judicial rulings such as Tarasoff, and professional practice standards.
PSY 961. Seminar in Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment (3).
Surveys standards used in evaluating the quality of cognitive-behavioral assessment techniques and procedures. Provides a description, critical analysis and conceptualization of how such assessment methods as interviewing, behavioral observations, self-monitoring, self-report inventories, and standardized intelligence testing can be used to meet the goals of a cognitive-behavioral approach to psychological assessment. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 961L. Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment Lab (1).
Supplements PSY 961 by providing hands-on, practical training and experience with an array of techniques and procedures used in conducting psychological assessment from a cognitive-behavioral perspective. The specific forms of assessment covered correspond with those discussed in the seminar and include standardized intelligence, achievement and neuropsychological testing. Additionally, the use of semi-structured interviews, alternative modes of testing, and common test batteries are explored.
PSY 962. Seminar in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (3).
Reviews the theoretical and empirical support for specific behavior therapeutic practices. Approaches may include systematic desensitization, flooding, contingency management techniques and cognitive therapies. Also discusses the interface between behavioral assessment and clinical practice. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 962L. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Lab (1).
Supplements PSY 962 by providing students with hands-on training and experience with an array of techniques and procedures used in conducting psychological interventions from a cognitive-behavioral perspective. Covers reinforcement procedures, desensitization, cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and self-regulation procedures. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent. Corequisite(s): PSY 962.
PSY 963. Practicum in Clinical Psychology (1-3).
Gives the student further experience in developing clinical skills. Students are supervised in their clinical work with individual clients seen through the department clinic, and/or other appropriate sites. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 964. Development of Abnormal Behavior (3).
Considers the descriptive characteristics of abnormal behavior; a developmental perspective. Considers the ecological, social-environmental, personal, and genetic-biological contexts and causes of such behavior. Discusses implications for preventative and clinical interventions. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 965. Special Issues in Psychological Assessment (1-4).
Covers contemporary and developing approaches to psychological assessment identified by the department. Course procedures and content vary according to topic. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental or instructor's consent.
PSY 966. Special Issues in Psychotherapeutic Interventions (1-4).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 966A, 966B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): departmental or instructor's consent.
PSY 966E. Marriage and Family Therapy (1).
This workshop explores the human experience of shared self in couple relationships. Discussion addresses techniques for applying various models of marriage and family therapy to help clients sustain more supportive and satisfying relationships. Individual, interactional, intergenerational and cultural aspects of systems theories are considered. Participants gain familiarity with theoretical concepts of change, emphasis on interactions and systems, and the role of the therapist.
PSY 966L. Accept and Commitment Therapy (3).
Covers contemporary and developing approaches to psychotherapy identified by the department. Prerequisite(s): departmental or instructor's consent.
PSY 966M. Long Term Exposure Therapy for PTSD (1).
Covers contemporary and developing approaches to psychotherapy identified by the department. Course procedures and content vary according to topic.
PSY 966Q. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (1).
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was originally developed to treat chronically suicidal young women who presented with a variety of life-threatening and treatment-resistant behaviors. More recently, DBT has been found to be an effective treatment for a range of psychological problems. This workshop provides an overview of DBT for borderline personality disorder. Topics covered include contemporary understandings of the borderline presentation, the theoretical foundations of DBT, and articulation of the four components of a comprehensive DBT program.
PSY 966S. Parent Management Training (1).
Covers contemporary and developing approaches to psychotherapy identified by the department. Course procedures and content vary according to topic. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental or instructor's consent.
PSY 966V. Group Therapy Processes (1).
An introduction on facilitating group processes and understanding of basic group dynamics. Evidence base approaches on group therapy processes are discussed in class within a seminar context. There is an experiential piece to this course in which students have an opportunity to observe group processes discussed in class being implemented in real time. Repeatable for 3 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 966W. Parent Child Interaction Therapy (3).
Surveys procedures and history of parent child interaction therapy. This course includes an overview of data collection, coaching and progress monitoring within the context of providing an evidence based parenting intervention. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 975. Seminar in Psychotherapy (3).
Provides an in-depth description and critical analysis of various theories and methods of psychotherapy, an examination of the efficacy of these therapeutic approaches, and a survey of common issues in psychotherapy, such as process and outcome, and client and therapist variables in the therapeutic process. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111 and instructor's consent.
PSY 976. Advanced Psychopathology (3).
An overview of major categories of psychopathology consistent with the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Reviews descriptive features of each diagnostic category and information on the clinical course and etiology. Examines differing definitions of psychopathology and paradigmatic approaches to the study of psychopathology. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 977. Internship in Clinical Psychology (1-3).
A planned one-year supervised clinical internship at an off-campus site approved by APPIC for training in clinical psychology. Gives the clinical student an opportunity to further develop and employ clinical skills in an applied supervised training setting. Prerequisite(s): advisor's consent.
PSY 979. Seminar in Personality Assessment (3).
Introduces students to organizing theories of personality and how personality frameworks allow for the conceptualization and assessment of psychopathology. Designed to teach students about the appropriate administration, usage and interpretation of major personality assessment instruments, such as the MMPI-2, MCMI-III, and PAI. Discusses how personality can be assessed at different levels of functioning and with differing methodologies, and how these methods must be carefully considered in understanding the whole person. Students learn how to write an assessment report with attention devoted to how findings from various measures and methods converge and diverge.
PSY 990. Seminar in Current Developments (1-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 990A, 990B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
PSY 990F. Seminar in Current Developments Psychology: Interpersonal Violence (1).
Provides students with an in-depth examination of the dynamics, prevention of, and legal, medical, and other responses to interpersonal violence. Contemporary issues related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking are discussed at length from both research and practical perspectives. Topics covered may include disclosure decisions; neurobiological mechanisms related to trauma and reporting; secondary victimization; bystander intervention; psychological and other outcomes; perpetrator tactics of power and control; victim-led social movements; and the use of new technology, among others. Course includes diversity content.