SMGT - Sport Management

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

SMGT 511.  Selling in the Sport Industry   (3).

Examines both the theory and the practical application of sales and promotions in the sports industry. Students learn a process for sales and use that process in a real-life sales exercise. Students are introduced to methods of sales management. The class conducts sales projects for local sports organizations for practical experience and application of theory.

SMGT 520.  Sport Tournament and Event Management   (3).

Examines the processes, methods and practices involved in sport event management, including sport tournaments, sports team events and individual sporting events. Students completing this class should feel prepared to initiate and execute a sport event on their own. Prerequisite(s): SMGT 112 or graduate standing.

SMGT 525.  Sport Facility Management   (3).

Focuses on various aspects of facility management, such as mission development, funding and budget, site selection/planning/design, floor surfaces, risk management, equipment purchase and maintenance, and personnel management. Prerequisite(s): SMGT 112 or graduate standing.

SMGT 540.  Business Analytics in Sport   (3).

Integrates the knowledge base of sport and business as it applies in the practical setting. Prerequisite(s): 2.000 GPA, junior, senior or graduate standing.

SMGT 545.  Sport Governance and Policy   (3).

Discusses the fundamental aspects of management and administration within any sport-related organization. Students are exposed to key industry concepts such as strategic management, ethics and event planning activities, in addition to governance and policy related topics such as scholastic, intercollegiate and amateur sport.

SMGT 585.  Critical Sport Studies   (3).

Provides students an opportunity to study the social, historical, cultural and economic contexts of sport, recreation and physical activity. Students engage with a variety of disciplines, concepts and ideas in order to critically examine the purpose, impact and evolution of sport, including identities and how sport can support or impact sociocultural change. Course includes diversity content.

SMGT 590.  Independent Study   (1-3).

Arranged individual independent study in specialized content areas under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

SMGT 750D.  Sociology of Coaching   (3).

The purpose of the course is to provide an exhaustive examination of the role, purpose, and impact of sport coaches on all levels of sport. Students will use sociological concepts to explain coaching dynamics within and outside the realm of sport.

SMGT 750E.  Marketing in Sport Industry   (3).

Focuses on an understanding of marketing concepts and theories as they apply to the sport industry. Addresses the basics of marketing, segmentation, promotion and strategic planning of marketing activities.

SMGT 750G.  Public Relations in Sport Mgmt   (3).

A sport organization’s success is largely dependent on the degree to which it can effectively communicate with key constituents. This class addresses topics pertaining to organizational communication, including public relations management, image, media relations and community relations.

SMGT 750J.  Technology in the Sports Industry   (3).

Students in this course will gain a greater appreciation for applications of current technology in the area of sport management including but not limited to: the fundamentals of computers and their use, the application of commercial software to the sport management setting, and ethical issues sport managers face in using computers to conduct research and work with various social media platforms in sport settings.

SMGT 750L.  Personnel Management in Sport   (3).

Initial introduction into the administration of sport in public schools, institutions of higher education, and commercial and professional sport organizations. Learn about the various components of sports administration by reading appropriate materials and entering into dialogue with practicing administrators.

SMGT 750N.  Social Psychological Foundations of Sport   (3).

Examines relevant psychological and sociological concepts that explain individual, community and cultural patterns of sport, exercise and physical activity participation.

SMGT 750O.  Sport and Entertainment Agencies   (3).

Examines the driving changes transforming the sport and entertainment industry, while focusing on what sport and entertainment enterprises look like now and how they are set to evolve in the future.

SMGT 750P.  Maximizing Mentoring Success   (1).

Designed to enhance participants' effectiveness in individual and group mentoring. Designed as a four-part series, each session introduces new content on relationship management, communication and cross-generational awareness to support participants' development as mentors. Course includes diversity content.

SMGT 750Q.  Sports, Stories and Films   (3).

The purpose of this class is to provide students not only the tools necessary to understand storytelling for their career and/or sport organization, but also to illustrate how sport films can be educational, motivational and awareness-raising resources. Students learn the basic facets of narrative-building and how to deconstruct, critique and deploy sport-based storytelling techniques to better connect with a variety of internal and external stakeholders.

SMGT 750R.  Leadership and Coaching: Relationship Management   (1).

Provides current or aspiring sports coaches with the leadership tools necessary to manage interpersonal, group, parental or educational relationships involving student-athletes, coaching colleagues and other sport stakeholders.

SMGT 781.  Cooperative Education   (1-3).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. A maximum of 3 credit hours (for nonthesis option) or 6 credit hours (for thesis option) may count toward the graduate degree.

SMGT 799.  Mentoring and Networking in Your Profession   (3).

Gives students the necessary theoretical and technological tools for impactful networking while also providing them a class-long mentor who is a successful industry professional. For graduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MEd in sport management program.

SMGT 800.  Analytics and Decision Making In Sport   (3).

Highlights various data application in sport management as a professional tool to make informed decisions. Topics include understanding how to collect, interpret, represent and disseminate data in an organizational setting, and to better understand how data informs decision-making processes within sport.

SMGT 801.  Management In Sport   (3).

Initial introduction into the administration of sport in public schools, institutions of higher education, and commercial and professional sport organizations. Learn about the various components of sports administration by reading appropriate materials and entering into dialogue with practicing administrators.

SMGT 803.  Sport Marketing   (3).

Focuses on the application of marketing principles in a sport-related setting. Addresses such content areas as corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, broadcast agreements, promotional events, and direct marketing in the sport entertainment, sport participation and sporting goods sectors of the industry.

SMGT 809.  Sport Management Technology   (2).

Students gain a greater appreciation for applications of current technology in the area of sport management including, but not limited to: the fundamentals of computers and their use, the application of commercial software to the sport management setting, and ethical issues sport managers face in using computers to conduct research and work with various social media platforms in sport settings.

SMGT 810.  Sport Leadership   (3).

Course challenges students to develop a systemic approach to leadership and organize change in socially impactful sport organizations. Students identify ethically-based leadership styles and learn how to leverage sport for the greater social good.

SMGT 811.  Sport in Society   (3).

Examines the impact of sport and physical activity on American culture from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. The course focuses on the individual, organizational or community, and social impacts of sport and physical activity participation. Course includes diversity content.

SMGT 812.  Ethical and Legal Issues in Sport   (3).

Provides students with the knowledge, understanding and application of how both ethical and legal issues influence the sport industry. In addition, content knowledge, application, case studies and class discussions focus on the identification and development of problem solving and decision making within the sport industry.

SMGT 822.  Communication in Sport   (3).

A sport organization's success is largely dependent on the degree to which it can effectively communicate with key constituents. Addresses a variety of communication-related topics, including public relations management, image, media relations and community relations.

SMGT 847.  Internship   (1-6).

Internship in selected areas of specialization in sport management for a total of at least 600 hours. Prerequisite(s): good academic standing in the Graduate School and advisor's consent.

SMGT 890.  Special Topics   (1-4).

Directed reading and research under supervision of a graduate instructor. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.