TAP - Teacher Apprentice Program

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

TAP 502.  Math for Exceptionalities   (3).

Teacher education candidates explore and evaluate instructional theories, principles and research-based instructional strategies appropriate for mathematics for learners with exceptionalities. They also become familiar with formal and informal diagnostic tools to identify students experiencing difficulties learning mathematical concepts and gain skill implementing research-based intervention practices for these students. In addition, teacher education candidates explore the interface of technology and effective mathematics instruction. Through assignments designed to provide practical application of content, they explore resources, technology, research and practices that facilitate specific skill development in students. They also learn about strategies to support enjoyment of mathematics for students with diverse and challenging learning needs. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): TAP 404.

TAP 504.  Special Education Law   (3).

Specific local, state and federal laws governing special education programs and services are discussed in detail. The impact, application of the laws and strategies for complying with them in the PreK-6 setting are major areas of focus. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content.

TAP 520.  Mathematical Concepts for Elementary Teachers   (2).

PK-6 teacher education candidates explore the progression of multiple concepts to increase their mathematical content knowledge, including counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, numbers and operations in base ten and fractions, measurement and data, and geometry. In this course, students engage in high-quality tasks to develop procedural fluency from a conceptual understanding, simultaneously increasing their pedagogical content knowledge in relation to teaching PK-6 mathematics. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): admittance to the teacher apprentice program .

TAP 600.  Internship Unit Design and Analysis   (2).

Students engage in and reflect on applied teaching experiences while implementing an action research plan to analyze classroom assessment data to make decisions during an instructional unit. Students demonstrate their ability to implement effective instructional strategies to provide differentiation opportunities to engage all learners and maintain professional dispositions of an early childhood – grade 6 classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): TAP 607 .

TAP 602.  Social Emotional Learning in the School Community   (2).

Teacher education candidates understand the purpose of the social, emotional and character development standards and how these standards provide classrooms and schools with a framework for integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) with character development so that students learn, practice and model essential personal life habits that contribute to academic, vocational and personal success. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content.

TAP 604.  ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Preschool (B-PreK)   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates regarding developmental principles, evaluation/assessment, and the development of services, supports and accommodations for infants/toddlers (birth through age 2) and preschool (3-4 years old). Includes competencies within both the early childhood and early childhood special education fields. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): TAP 605.

TAP 605.  Internship I   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship allows the teacher education candidate an extended period of time in an appropriate early childhood and/or elementary classroom working with classroom teachers to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Students in the TAP program must complete at least 8 hours per week in an appropriate early childhood (birth – 3rd grade) and/or elementary classroom (PreK-6th) as a para educator with instructional responsibilities. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content.

TAP 606.  Internship II   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 8 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): TAP 605 or CI 605.

TAP 607.  Internship III   (2).

Students study, apply and evaluate effective assessment strategies in the classroom. Students also discuss experiences emerging from student teaching including: the planning of consecutive lessons, analyzing assessment results, increasing student engagement, using a variety of instructional strategies, and the professional dispositions of a classroom teacher. This internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 8 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): TAP 606.

TAP 608.  Internship IV   (2).

Students study and evaluate effective classroom management techniques. Students also discuss experiences emerging from student teaching including: the planning of school programs, organizing effective environments, assessing instructional strategies, and assuming the responsibilities of a teacher. This internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program work full-time under the supervision of a classroom teacher in their final semester. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): TAP 403, TAP 404, TAP 405, TAP 406, TAP 607.