THEA - Theatre

While a formal degree in theatre at the graduate level is not offered, the following courses are available.

Courses numbered 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate. (Individual courses may be limited to undergraduate students only.) Courses numbered 800 to 999 = graduate.

THEA 510.  Design Project   (1).

Advanced work in the problems of stage lighting design, costume design or scenic design. With the permission and supervision of the appropriate faculty member, the student designs for specific productions for either Main Stage or Experimental Theatre. Repeatable twice for credit if taken in different design areas. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

THEA 516.  Scriptwriting I   (3).

General education fine arts course. Cross-listed as ENGL 517. Writing scripts for performance. Emphasizes both verbal and visual aspects of scriptwriting. If possible, the scripts are given in-class readings by actors. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

THEA 517.  Scriptwriting II   (3).

General education fine arts course. Cross-listed as ENGL 518. Writing scripts for performance in theatre, film, television and the Internet. Emphasizes both verbal and visual aspects of scriptwriting. If possible, the scripts are given in-class readings by actors. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

THEA 544.  Stagecraft II: Applied Materials and Processes   (3).

Advanced stagecraft class. Explores advanced construction techniques for the fabrication of stage scenery and stage properties through applied study in materials and processes. Students complete a research project and presentation/demonstration of research findings. Independent projects relating to materials and techniques studied are pursued in arranged labs. Includes a minimum of 45 hours of applied processes and materials laboratory time. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): THEA 244.

THEA 546.  Scene Painting   (3).

Presented with a lecture demonstration-studio arrangement. Explores various theatre painting materials and techniques enabling the student to develop skill as a scenic artist. Prerequisite(s): THEA 244.

THEA 575.  Capstone Project   (1).

Independent research or practical and creative final project for BFA in Performing Arts: Theatre (Performance and Design & Technical Theatre) and BA in Performing Arts: Theatre. Encompasses all areas of study in theatre as well as subjects in the emphasis or designated plan of study and minor. The project results in a work that is presented for evaluation to a panel of faculty or to faculty and an invited audience. The form of the project and manner of presentation is determined in consultation with student’s project advisor. For undergraduate majors only. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 102, MATH 111 or 131; senior standing and departmental consent.

THEA 590.  Theatre: Special Topics   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 590A, 590B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

THEA 590K.  Costume Construct   (3).

Designed to expand and strengthen the experience of the student academically and professionally. The study of developments in theatre that go beyond, or are related to, courses already offered, gives students a much richer preparation for their field of study. This course explores, identifies, analyzes and creates patterns based on renderings, measurements and inspiration resulting in a wealth of knowledge in the field of costume production. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): THEA 253 or instructor's consent.

THEA 622.  Academic Theatre Practicum   (2).

The investigation and exploration of the theatrical act in the classroom situation within the university community. Reinforces researching, writing, directing and performing skills. Enrolled students, functioning as a company, produce and perform for various disciplines on campus. Repeatable once for credit.

THEA 647.  Scene Design II   (3).

Continuation of THEA 344 with more advanced work in designing settings for the stage and including studies in scenographic techniques and exercises in model building. Students design settings for a production having a single set, a production requiring a simultaneous setting and a production using multiple settings. Requires no laboratory work in theatre production. Prerequisite(s): THEA 244, 344.

THEA 651.  Scene Study   (3).

The synthesis of all previous acting courses. Studies scenes in depth as preparation for performance. Course goal is the presentation of fully realized characterizations in those scenes studied, integrating the elements of the actor's craft learned in the prerequisite courses. Prerequisite(s): THEA 643 and junior standing.

THEA 653.  History of Costume   (3).

Historical survey and individual research of dress from ancient Egypt to present day emphasizing social, political, economic and religious influences. Theory and practice of adapting period styles to the stage. This course has a lab component. Prerequisite(s): THEA 253 or departmental consent.

THEA 675C.  Directed Study-Stage Management   (1-4).

Individual study or creative projects in the various areas of theatre management with direct and regular mentorship by faculty of the theatre program. Repeatable for credit with departmental consent. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

THEA 678.  Independent Studies in Theatre   (1-3).

Arranged individual independent study in specialized content areas under the supervision of a faculty member. For undergraduate students only. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.