Certificate in Advanced Composite Materials

The College of Engineering offers a graduate certificate program in the area of advanced composite materials.

This program is designed to equip students with a knowledge of advanced composite materials including materials and processes, manufacturing, and structural analysis and design.

The array of courses is structured to provide extensive information about advanced composite material technologies, analyses associated with composite materials, and processing of composite materials.

Students seeking this certificate must be admitted to the Graduate School in either a graduate degree program or in a nondegree, Category A status. All Graduate School policies relative to admissions apply.

Program Prerequisites

Course Title Hours
MATH 555Differential Equations I3
AE 333Mechanics of Materials3
ME 250Materials Engineering3

Program Requirements

This program requires satisfactory completion of the following courses (a total of 12 credit hours):

Course Title Hours
ME 672Manufacturing of Composites3
AE 753Mechanics of Laminated Composites3
ME 762Polymeric Composite Materials3
Select one of the following:3
Advanced Mechanics of Laminated Composites
Graduate level directed studies or special topics course in a composites related area approved by the COE Advanced Composites Committee
Total Credit Hours12

Students pursuing a graduate certificate must submit a plan of study request to complete the certificate. Students may apply certificate coursework toward a degree program.

A cumulative grade point average of 3.000 must be maintained for all courses comprising the certificate program with no grades below C.

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.

International students will not be issued an I-20 for pursuing a certificate program only, but they may obtain a certificate while concurrently pursuing a graduate degree.

Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education

The College of Applied Studies, in conjunction with the College of Engineering, offers the graduate certificate in teaching in higher education. The graduate certificate in teaching in higher education is designed to:

  1. Provide graduate students with knowledge of contemporary learning theories that can be applied to university-level instruction;
  2. Provide graduate students with knowledge and skills in classroom testing and program evaluation;
  3. Provide graduate students with knowledge of pedagogical skills that can be applied to university-level instruction;
  4. Provide graduate students with the skills to apply knowledge of learning theory, pedagogical theory and measurement theory in an authentic university setting.

This certificate program provides joint mentorship from College of Applied Studies and College of Engineering faculty members. Students who plan to apply for university teaching positions after graduation need to be competitive in a market that demands good teaching as well as good research. The teaching in higher education certificate will give WSU graduates a competitive edge.


Students seeking this graduate certificate may do so as a part of a graduate degree program, or may do so in a nondegree status. Those who are already admitted to a degree program or appropriate nondegree status may declare their interest in pursuing a certificate by filling out the online Declaration of Intent to Pursue a Graduate Certificate1 form. Wichita State University graduate students must be in good standing either in a degree-bound program or in nondegree, Category A status. Students should contact the Graduate School to determine if they need to apply for admission to this status or need to reactivate their enrollment file. Students who have not completed graduate coursework at Wichita State University will need to apply for admission to degree status or nondegree, Category A status by submitting an application and application fee to the Graduate School. An official transcript from each school attended must be sent directly to the Graduate School from the institution issuing the transcript or must be submitted to the Graduate School office in envelopes sealed by the issuing institution, if issued to student.


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Program Requirements

Background Check

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all applicants admitted to this program must clear a criminal background check. There are two reasons for this requirement. First, it is part of the university’s due diligence before placing students in field settings. Second, the check may alert applicants or students to issues that may subsequently affect their ability to work in their chosen field. In instances when a person’s criminal history raises reasonable concerns that should be cleared to engage in the field experiences and/or subsequently obtain licensure/endorsement, WSU may take a range of actions, including rescission of admission or dismissal from the program, depending on the nature of the concern.

For information regarding this requirement, visit: Advanced Programs1.


Choose from the following courses:

Course Title Hours
Choose 3 credit hours from the following3
Learning Theory and Instruction
Learning Theory and Curriculum Design
Principles of Learning Environments
Choose 3 credit hours from the following3
Principles of Measurement and Program Evaluation (spring)
Teaching of Psychology: Principles, Practices and Ethics
Education and Workplace Training
Chooses 3 credit hours from the following3
Advanced Methods: Developing Critical and Creative Thought
Introduction to Higher Education Teaching
Change, Creativity and Innovation
Foundations of Higher Education
Choose 3 credit hours from the following3
Internship: Developing Critical and Creative Thought (fall)
Instructional Leadership: Professionalism and Collaboration
College Student Development and the Campus Environment
Total Credit Hours12

Completion Requirements

A cumulative graduate GPA of 3.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program is required. No grades below C (2.000) are allowed in certificate program courses. In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.

Completion Process

  1. Students must notify the program area, in writing, of intent to complete the certificate.
  2. In the semester the certificate requirements are met students must:
    1. With graduate advisor, prepare and submit to the Graduate School a plan of study for the certificate.
    2. Submit to the Graduate School an application for the certificate along with the required filing fee.

Deadlines are no later than the 20th day of fall or spring semester, or the 10th day of a summer term.


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