Students completing this program will be able to apply systems concepts and techniques to the understanding, description, design and management of large-scale systems requiring the integration of information and human activity.

The curriculum focuses on the essential knowledge, analytical techniques, and contemporary issues in complex systems definition, design and decision making.

Program Prerequisites

Course Title Hours
MATH 243Calculus II5

Program Requirements

This program requires satisfactory completion of four courses (i.e., a total of 12 credit hours) from among the following:

Course Title Hours
Select four of the following:12
Engineering Management
Statistical Methods for Engineers
Ergonomic Assessment Methods
Ergonomic Interventions
Smart Manufacturing
Systems Engineering and Analysis
Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems
Lean Manufacturing
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Energy Analytics & Management
Stochastic Modeling and Analysis
Quality Engineering
Total Credit Hours12

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.