The certificate in additive manufacturing is primarily intended for graduate students interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills in additive manufacturing and 3D printing. The curriculum focuses on key materials, technologies and benefits. It includes topics on design considerations, postprocessing, secondary operations, and important quality and safety factors.

Additional concepts important to product development in aviation and biomedical industries are addressed and exercised as term projects.

The certificate is offered jointly by the ISME and ME departments.

Program Requirements 

In addition to completing IME 222 or its equivalent as a preparatory course, the program requires satisfactory completion of 12 credit hours, three required courses and one of the elective courses listed below.

Course Title Hours
Preparatory Course
Engineering Graphics (or its equivalent)
Required Courses
IME 775Computer Integrated Manufacturing3
IME 788Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing3
And one of the following:3-4
Manufacturing Methods and Materials II
Smart Manufacturing
Selection of Materials for Design and Manufacturing
Select one of the following approved elective courses3
Micromechanics and Multi-Scale Modeling
Biodegradable Materials
Advanced Laser Applications in Manufacturing 1
Advanced Laser Applications in Manufacturing Lab 1
Independent Study 2
Independent Study 2
Independent Study in Industrial Engineering 2
Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering 2
Total Credit Hours12-13

To be taken together in the same semester.


Independent study on additive manufacturing topics subject to approval by the certificate program coordinator.

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School's requirements in order to earn this certificate.