The Master of Arts in criminal justice (MACJ) at Wichita State University is housed in the School of Criminal Justice. It is one of the nation’s oldest criminal justice graduate degree programs. Intended to advance learning beyond the more general undergraduate educational curriculum, the MACJ expands the knowledge base of both graduating seniors and the administrative capacity of working professionals to optimally perform in their chosen careers in criminal justice.


In addition to the Graduate School admission requirements, applicants must submit:

  1. Contact information for two people acquainted with the applicant’s background and potential to serve as references; and
  2. A brief autobiographical statement describing particular interests, experiences and goals related to academic and professional work in criminal justice.

Applicants are evaluated with respect to:

  1. Undergraduate grade point average (a minimum GPA of 3.000 overall is required for consideration of admission to degree status);
  2. Amount, type and scope of undergraduate preparation; and
  3. Reference letters.

Final recommendation on a candidate’s admission to the MACJ program is made to the Graduate School by the graduate coordinator of the criminal justice program.

Effective fall semester 2015, the Master of Arts in criminal justice may be completed as an option entirely online. For more information visit the criminal justice program's website1.


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Program Requirements

Students pursuing the MA degree in criminal justice may follow either a thesis or nonthesis option. Both program options require a minimum of 36 credit hours.

Course Title Hours
Core Curriculum 1
CJ 802Quantitative Methods for Public Sector Professionals3
CJ 893Seminar on the Application of Criminological Theory3
CJ 894Proseminar in Criminal Justice3
CJ 897Advanced Research Methods3
Crime and Transportation
Violent Crime
Sex Crimes
Homicide Investigation
Criminal Justice and Crime in Film
Forensic Social Work
Domestic Violence
Racial Profiling
Advanced Special Topics in Criminal Justice
Women, Crime and Criminal Justice
Correctional Administration
Crime Analysis
Crime Mapping and ArcGIS
Combating Human Trafficking
Serial Killers
Forensic Photography
Crime Scene Reconstruction
Criminal Mind and Behavior
3D Scanning: From Crime Scene to Court Room
Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Forensic Victimology
Aspects of Interview and Interrogation Techniques
Victims and Victim Services
Gangs: Trafficking in Violence
The Psychology of Homicide
Cold Case Investigations-BTK C
Crime Causation and Criminal Justice Policy
Forensic Anthropology
Digital Investigations
Crime Gun Intelligence: Intervening and Investigating Violent Crime
Forensic Psychiatry
Juvenile Justice and Social Policy
Community Policing
Cooperative Education
Advanced Special Topics in Criminal Justice
Advanced Special Topic in Criminal Justice
Criminal Typologies
Police Administration
Advanced Criminal Law
Qualitative Methods
Individual Directed Study in Criminal Justice
Seminar in Corrections
Applied Research Paper
Nonthesis/Thesis Option
Select one of the following options:24
Nonthesis Option
Select 24 credit hours of electives.
Thesis Option
Select 18 credit hours of electives, including 6 credit hours of Thesis.
Qualitative Methods (recommended)
Total Credit Hours36

All degree candidates are required to complete the core curriculum with a grade of B- or better in each course. All core courses should be completed in the first two semesters of study.


Students selecting the thesis option must pass an oral defense of the thesis.

Applied Learning 

Students in the MA in criminal justice program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirement can be met by successfully completing CJ 897 Advanced Research Methods. Students are required to complete several modules that incorporate an experiential/learning module exercise.