
Students will be admitted to full graduate standing in the mathematical data science program if they have the equivalent of an undergraduate major in mathematics, have a grade point average of at least 3.000 in mathematics and computer sciences courses, and meet Graduate School admission requirements. Students may be admitted on a conditional basis if they do not have all the prerequisite coursework.

Program Requirements 

To complete the MS in mathematical data science degree, students must earn 30 credit hours from the following list of courses:

Course Title Hours
Six Required Courses
MATH 746Introduction to Data Analytics3
BSAN 775Introduction to Business Analytics3
CS 746Perspectives on Data Science3
CS 770Machine Learning3
MATH 553Mathematical Models3
or MATH 657 Optimization Theory
MATH 802Data Analytics Capstone3
Statistical Electives
Select two of the following courses6
Applied Regression Analysis
Analysis of Variance
Applied Statistical Methods I
Applied Statistical Methods II
Computing Elective
Select one of the following courses3
Statistical Computing I
Numerical Linear Algebra
Computational Methods for Physics
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Other Elective
Select one of the following courses3
Matrix Theory
Introduction to Database Systems
Database Management Systems
Big Data Analytics in Engineering
Advanced Business Analytics
Total Credit Hours30

Applied Learning

Students in the MS in mathematical data science are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by taking MATH 802 Data Analytics Capstone.