Admission to the Master of Arts program requires a 3.000 GPA in Spanish. Non-native speakers must have completed 24 credit hours of undergraduate Spanish beyond the basic language courses (for example, WSU classes SPAN 111, SPAN 112 and SPAN 210); 8 of these 24 credit hours should be at the junior-senior level (WSU classes 300 and above). Native speakers must have completed 12 credit hours of Spanish at the junior-senior level or demonstrate equivalent background knowledge. Students with background in other fields (non-Spanish majors) should demonstrate knowledge of the language and of a set of basic analytical tools within the humanities. This level will be determined by the graduate coordinator in consultation with graduate faculty.
Program Requirements
The MA degree in Spanish requires:
- The completion of 32 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree. A minimum of 23 credit hours of Spanish (and maximum of 32 credit hours of Spanish on the plan of study), must include the following:
Course List Course Title Hours SPAN 526 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition 1 3 Select three of the following survey courses: 9 Survey of Spanish Literature I (to 1700) 2 Survey of Spanish Literature II 2 Survey of Latin-American Literature (15th-19th Centuries) 2 Survey of Latin-American Literature (20th and 21st Centuries) 2 At least two seminars or equivalent courses that require research papers from the following: Hispanic Film: Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World Spanish Language Learning Spanish in the United States Seminar in Spanish Seminar in Latin-American Literature or Culture Spanish Civilization Latin-American Civilization Hispanic Cooking Communities Latin@ Studies Seminar in Hispanic Applied Linguistics - 1
A candidate for a degree must pass SPAN 526 or an equivalent course with a B or better at either the undergraduate or graduate level.
- 2
If their equivalents were not taken as undergraduate courses.
- A maximum of 9 credit hours of related fields may be included in the plan of study. Related fields typically include another foreign language; English, American and foreign literatures; art; Latin American history; or geography. All related field courses must be approved by the chairperson of the department of modern and classical languages and literatures or the graduate coordinator.
- Special recommendation is strongly made that all MA candidates in Spanish earn a minimum of 4 credit hours of transferable credit in a university located in a Spanish-speaking country.
Before the MA degree in Spanish is granted, all candidates must pass written comprehensive examinations based on two reading lists — Latin American literature and peninsular (Spain) literature — and on a third area of examination of the student's choosing. That reading list will be developed in consultation with faculty. An academic presentation or a report could replace the exam of this particular area. After these three exams are approved, the student has to pass the oral exam. No exam may be taken more than twice.
Applied Learning
Students in the MA program in Spanish are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by successful completion of SPAN 833, SPAN 834, SPAN 835 or SPAN 836, all of which involve the application of theoretical models to literature, culture and social issues. Additionally, these courses prepare students for careers in teaching and research where knowledge is applied through pedagogy.