
In addition to the Graduate School requirements for admission, the department of sociology requires:

  1. A grade point average of at least 3.000 overall;
  2. One college algebra course and at least 12 credit hours in social science courses including an introductory sociology course, one social statistics course, one research methods course, and one theory course. Students without these required courses in social statistics and/or theory may be admitted provisionally, but deficiencies must be removed in the first year of graduate study;
  3. Three letters of reference from professors who are familiar with the student’s undergraduate coursework; and
  4. A typed, double-spaced statement of purpose (approximately 500 words) articulating the student’s area of research interests and academic/career goals.

Application for admission should be filed with the Graduate School and the sociology department by March 1 for enrollment the following fall. Students applying later may be considered if any openings in the program remain.

Program Requirements 

Students pursuing the MA degree in sociology may follow either a thesis or a nonthesis program. 

Thesis Program

Students in the thesis program must take a total of 32 credit hours, including:

Course Title Hours
SOC 860Proseminar - Sociology3
SOC 811Advanced Research: Quantitative Methods3
SOC 812Advanced Research: Qualitative Methods3
SOC 845Seminar in Sociological Theory3
SOC 875Thesis 13
SOC 876Thesis 13
Select sufficient electives (500-level or above) to total 32 credit hours14
Total Credit Hours32

A maximum of 6 thesis credit hours can be counted toward program requirements.

Nonthesis Program

Students in the nonthesis program must take a total of 32 credit hours, including:

Course Title Hours
SOC 860Proseminar - Sociology3
SOC 811Advanced Research: Quantitative Methods3
SOC 812Advanced Research: Qualitative Methods3
SOC 845Seminar in Sociological Theory3
Complete 6 credit hours of the following courses6
Directed Project
Select sufficient electives (500-level or above) to total 32 credit hours14
Total Credit Hours32


Students electing the thesis program in sociology must pass an oral defense of the thesis. The maximum number of attempts is two. Any student who does not pass the oral defense on the first attempt may choose to switch to the nonthesis program or to make a second attempt at the oral defense. A student who does not pass the second attempt will be terminated from the program without a degree.

Applied Learning

Students enrolled in the MA in sociology program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate. For thesis-track students, the requirement can be met by completing a master's thesis and oral defense. For nonthesis-track students, this can be achieved through the completion of the directed project or sociological practice internship.