The tuition and fees listed are subject to change by the Kansas Board of Regents. For complete list of course and services fees, see the comprehensive fee schedule1 .

Basic Fees

Basic fees for resident and nonresident students are listed here. For tuition and fees for Shocker City Partnership, Shocker Select, Midwest Student Exchange and Global Select, visit the tuition and fees webpage1.

Note: Tuition and fees are for the fall and spring semesters and the summer session. Tuition and fees for 2025-2026 had not been established at the time of publication, but an increase is anticipated. Published fees reflect the 2024-2025 rates.

  Resident Nonresident
Undergraduate Tuition $ 250.97 per credit hour $ 594.46 per credit hour
Graduate Tuition $ 338.87 per credit hour $ 832.25 per credit hour
Online Tuition2 $ 250.97 per credit hour $ 338.87 per credit hour
Campus Infrastructure & Support Fee — all students3 $ 20.58 per credit hour $ 20.58 per credit hour
Technology Fee — all students4 $ 1.00 per credit hour $ 1.00 per credit hour
Transportation Fee — all students5 $ 0.75 per credit hour $ 0.75 per credit hour
Student Activity Fee Fall/Spring Summer
9.00 or more credit hours
$ 742.35 $ 371.18
6.00 to and including 8.75 credit hours
$ 494.90 $ 247.45
up to and including 5.75 credit hours
$ 247.45 $ 123.73
7.00 or more credit hours
$ 742.35 $ 371.18
4.00 to and including 6.75 credit hours
$ 494.90 $ 247.45
up to and including 3.75 credit hours
$ 247.45 $ 123.73

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Online tuition rates only apply to students enrolled in fully-online programs. The tuition for online majors is set at the resident rate (undergraduate and graduate).


The Campus Infrastructure and Support Fee supports to help defray the cost of the Clinton Hall remodel, registration services, communications with students, student success services, funding for academic systems, and the OneStop service center which provides 24/7 support for students in the areas of admissions, financial aid, registration, advising and student accounts. All students have access to such services virtually or at the physical OneStop service center.


The Technology Fee is assessed to all students to help offset the cost of technology upgrades and replacement.


The Transportation Fee is assessed to all students to help offset the cost of the campus shuttle bus service.


Students enrolled in the online Dental Hygiene program (Majors H10B and H12F) will be exempt from the Student Support Services Fee.

Credit and Noncredit Courses for Nondegree-Seeking Students


Concurrent High School Enrollment Tuition $149/course
Badges (undergraduate and graduate) based on costs/badge
Market-Based Tuition Course based on market/credit hour
Shocker Academy Courses $99/course


Workshops That Award Credit based on tuition and fees/credit hour
Noncredit Workshops based on costs/workshop

CATIA Workshops (regardless of location)

The laboratory fees for CATIA workshops are as follows:

1.5 Credit-Hour Workshops Tuition and Fees $800/workshop
0.75 Credit-Hour Workshops Tuition and Fees $400/workshop

Auditing Course Fees

Tuition and fees per credit hour for courses and workshops audited are the same as for courses taken for credit.


Tuition and fees, including any departmental or college fees, are required to be paid in full for any course in which a student is still enrolled after the deadline for dropping that course with a 100 percent refund.

An installment payment plan is available at the time of enrollment to assist students in making tuition payments. Any student who does not have financial aid from other sources sufficient to pay tuition and fees is eligible if the student has paid all previous obligations to the university. The installment plan requires a $130 nonrefundable down payment which includes a $30 setup fee making the installment plan interest-free. Installment plans must be repaid in two or three equal installments according to the deadlines for a given semester.

Assessment and Collection

The associate vice president for financial services is responsible for the assessment and collection of fees. All semester fees, including laboratory fees, are due and payable in full at registration.

Late Fees

All accounts with a balance greater than $150 from tuition, enrollment related fees or housing charges assessed in the current term will incur a $100 late fee on the first business day after the published payment due date. The payment due date for tuition and enrollment related fees will coincide with the financial aid office's recalculation date, the registrar’s office late enrollment date, and the financial operations office 100 percent refund date for 16-week courses. The payment due date for housing charges is stated in the housing contract.

All delinquent accounts with a balance due greater than $150 from tuition, enrollment related fees or housing charges will incur a late payment fee of $100 ninety (90) calendar days into the current term.

Unpaid Fees

Students who leave Wichita State University without meeting their financial obligations to the university will have their records impounded by the registrar and their accounts may be sent to a collection agency resulting in additional fees. Their diplomas may not be issued, with limited exceptions consistent with state and federal laws, unless their accounts are cleared, and they may not enroll for a new term unless all fees are paid.

Students who are eligible to graduate but still have unpaid tuition balances will not receive their diploma until those fees are paid.

Board of Appeals — Residency Status

Two faculty members, a department director, a representative of the office of financial operations and business technology, and a representative of the general counsel’s office constitute the board of appeals for students who believe their residency status has been incorrectly assessed or is eligible for change. The decision of this committee is final. Forms to initiate this process may be obtained in the registrar’s office, 102 Jardine Hall. Residency forms can also be downloaded online1. Also see the Residency Defined section in this catalog.


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