
Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree and substantial previous study in studio art or related field, including a minimum of 12 credit hours of art history. An overall undergraduate GPA of at least 2.750 is required. Admission to the program is for the fall semester following acceptance, although outstanding applicants may be considered for the spring semester if and when there is an opening in the program. Preferred application deadline: completed application materials must be received by the first Wednesday in February for admission to the following fall semester and the first Wednesday in October for the following spring semester. Extended application deadline: applications are considered on a rolling basis when there is room in the program with an extended deadline of April 1. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not a requirement for admission.

Application Procedures

Applicants apply directly to the Graduate School through the online application portal. All required materials, including the departmental materials listed below, can be uploaded through the online application portal. Step-by-step instructions are on the Graduate School website.1

Required Departmental Materials to be Uploaded

  • Application including a statement of intent (outlining artistic goals, professional objectives and expectations of graduate study experience);
  • Artist’s statement (outlining artistic philosophy and the nature of work presented in the portfolio);
  • Resume listing education, academic and art awards and recognition, exhibitions and any relevant information;
  • Three original letters of recommendation (recommenders will be listed in the online portal); and
  • Portfolio with 15–20 examples of recent work, labeled with title, description, size, medium and date.

Do not send materials directly to the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries. They will be returned unopened.

Prerequisites: Students who have not been accepted to the degree status for the MFA in studio art may enroll in 800-level courses only with the written consent of the course faculty and graduate coordinator, and must be admitted to at least nondegree Category A status in any graduate area.

Questions regarding application procedures should be directed to:

Graduate Coordinator
School of Art, Design and Creative Industries
Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0067


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Program Requirements

Minimum course requirements for completion of the MFA degree are outlined below for each studio discipline. In addition, 45 of the 60 credit hours must be taken in courses numbered 800 or above.

MFA Studio Arts - All Emphases

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
ARTS 790Graduate Teaching Seminar1
ARTS 895Professional Practices in Studio Art2
Art History
Select a minimum of 6 credit hours6
Seminar in Art History
ARTH 520_
Topics Courses
Independent Study in Art History
Seminar: Topics in Modern Art
ARTH 540_
Topics Courses
ARTH 550_
Topics Courses
ARTH 560_
Topics Courses
Independent Study in Art History
Select a maximum of 6 credit hours6
Elective courses must be Art History (ARTH) or non-ARTE/G/S courses 500 level or above. Courses must be approved by the faculty advisor. See the Graduate Catalog and online schedule of courses.
Total Credit Hours15

MFA Studio Arts - Ceramics

Course Title Hours
Studio — Emphasis (15 credit hours added from all emphases course table above)15
Complete 23 credit hours of the following23
Special Problems in Ceramics
Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials
Studio — Minor
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Seminar in Art Topics
Special Problems in Photo Media
Special Problems in Drawing
Special Problems in Painting
Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio
Special Problems in Sculpture
Terminal Project 1
ARTS 878Terminal Project - Ceramics5
ARTS 879Terminal Project - Ceramics5
Total Credit Hours60

MFA Studio Arts - Painting

Course Title Hours
Studio — Emphasis (15 credit hours added from all emphases course table above)15
Complete 23 credit hours of the following23
Special Problems in Painting
Studio — Minor
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Seminar in Art Topics
Special Problems in Photo Media
Special Problems in Drawing
Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio
Special Problems in Ceramics
Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials
Special Problems in Sculpture
Terminal Project 1
ARTS 858Terminal Project - Painting5
ARTS 859Terminal MFA Project - Painting5
Total Credit Hours60

MFA Studio Arts - Photo Media

Course Title Hours
Studio — Emphasis (15 credit hours added from all emphases course table above)15
Complete 23 credit hours of the following23
Special Problems in Photo Media
Seminar in Art Topics (photo media)
Studio — Minor
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Seminar in Art Topics
Special Problems in Drawing
Special Problems in Painting
Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio
Special Problems in Ceramics
Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials
Special Problems in Sculpture
Terminal Project 1
ARTS 838Terminal Project - Photo Media5
ARTS 839Terminal Project - Photo Media5
Total Credit Hours60

MFA Studio Arts - Printmaking

Course Title Hours
Studio — Emphasis (15 credit hours added from all emphases course table above)15
Complete 23 credit hours of the following23
Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio
Studio — Minor
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Seminar in Art Topics
Special Problems in Photo Media
Special Problems in Drawing
Special Problems in Painting
Special Problems in Ceramics
Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials
Special Problems in Sculpture
Terminal Project 1
ARTS 868Terminal Project - Printmaking5
ARTS 869Terminal Project - Printmaking5
Total Credit Hours60

MFA Studio Arts - Sculpture

Course Title Hours
Studio — Emphasis (15 credit hours added from all emphases course table above)15
Complete 23 credit hours of the following23
Special Problems in Sculpture
Studio — Minor
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Seminar in Art Topics
Special Problems in Photo Media
Special Problems in Drawing
Special Problems in Painting
Special Problems in Printmaking - Intaglio
Special Problems in Ceramics
Advanced Research of Ceramic Materials
Terminal Project 1
ARTS 888Terminal Project - Sculpture5
ARTS 889Terminal Project - Sculpture5
Total Credit Hours60

The terminal project consists of an exhibition of original studio artwork, accompanied by the MFA terminal project report, which is a documentation of the candidate’s studio work (slides, video, photographs, CD), a written statement and a resume.

Plan of Study

In order to define a program of study for the graduate degree, students must submit the Graduate Plan of Study form leading to admission to candidacy for the degree no later than one month following the completion of 24 credit hours of graduate credit.

Assessment Reviews and Examinations

First Year Review. At the end of the second semester, degree candidates must submit materials including digital portfolio, resume, proposed plan of study and narrative self-evaluation for review by graduate faculty in the studio emphasis area. Quality of studio work, engagement with the program of study and academic standing are assessed.

Mid-Program Review. At the end of the third semester, degree candidates must present materials including digital images of studio research, bibliography of relevant source material, and self-evaluation addressing issues of content, technique and contextual basis for review by graduate faculty participating in the MFA review process. Quality of studio work, scholarly engagement, academic standing and progress toward terminal project proposal are assessed.

Terminal Project Proposal Review. At the end of the fourth semester or before enrollment in Terminal Project courses, degree candidates must satisfactorily complete the review with graduate faculty participating in the MFA review process. Quality of studio work, academic standing and ability to begin terminal project are assessed. If the proposal review is successful, the terminal project faculty committee is determined. In the event that the proposal is not accepted, the faculty recommends that the candidate either 1) Revise the proposal for a second and final review, or 2) The student is moved to nondegree status. Eligibility for the review and enrollment in the Terminal Project coursework requires good academic standing with an overall GPA no lower than 3.000. Any exception must be approved by a majority of graduate faculty participating in the MFA review process.

Terminal Project Progress Review. At the end of the fifth semester, degree candidates must satisfactorily complete the review with the terminal project faculty committee. Academic standing and progress toward successful completion of terminal project are assessed.

Terminal Project Review. During the semester in which the degree is to be conferred, degree candidates must satisfactorily complete two reviews with the terminal project faculty committee. At or near midterm, final plans, anticipated studio work and artist statement for the terminal project exhibition are assessed. Prior to the public presentation of the terminal project exhibition, the oral examination is conducted. Quality of the terminal project and oral examination are assessed. If the examination is successful, the committee recommends the candidate to the Graduate School for degree conferral.

Transfer of Credit

All graduate credit accepted for transfer will be at the discretion of the departmental advisor and graduate coordinator and must meet the transfer of credit conditions of the Graduate School. A maximum of 24 credit hours from prior graduate study may be considered for transfer to the MFA program. Final determination of transfer will be made after the student has successfully completed 12 credit hours at WSU and the first graduate review. A maximum of 12 credit hours can be applied to the emphasis. If a transfer of credit is allowed, it may reduce course requirements but not entrance requirements. A ruling on hours converted to the MFA program by the dean of the Graduate School, graduate coordinator and the emphasis faculty is final. Graduate nondegree work obtained before admission to a planned degree program will not be accepted.

Applied Learning

Students in the MFA in studio art program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by creating an exhibition for public display and a successful oral defense of the exhibition and creative inquiry. Terminal project courses are required by each studio area.

Policy On Retention of Student Work

Conforming to College Art Association MFA Standards Guidelines, the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries does not retain student work without compensation.