The Master of Music (MM) degree in piano pedagogy gives primary attention to the development of tutorial concepts specific to keyboard skills and artistry; secondary, but significant, emphasis is placed on an acceptable demonstration of keyboard performance at the master’s degree level. The pedagogy option includes extensive preparation in the area of keyboard literature and stresses the relationship of performance to selected repertoire and teaching-skill development.


Students must have completed a bachelor's degree in music in piano performance or its equivalent. All candidates must complete a satisfactory audition. Applicants must also submit 1) a letter of recommendation from a professor or teacher familiar with the applicant's teaching, or if the applicant has no prior teaching experience a general letter of recommendation will be accepted; and 2) a personal statement outlining the applicant's goals and objectives for study and/or a statement of teaching philosophy. Deficiencies, if noted, must be satisfied before admission to candidacy for the degree.

Program Requirements

Students must complete the coursework listed below.

Students entering all MM programs will take a music theory assessment and are recommended to one of two music theory entry courses. The program requires a total of 32 credit hours, at least half of which must be in courses numbered 700 and above.

Course Title Hours
Core Requirements for All MM Programs
MUSC 852Introduction to Bibliography and Research3
MUSC 829Practical Application of Tonal Analysis2
or MUSC 831 Music Theory Pedagogy
Musicology/Theory Electives
Select 7 credit hours from the following courses7
Form and Analysis
Performance and Analysis
Topics in Analysis: Music in Media
Topics in Analysis: Popular Music Analysis
Topics in Musicology: Aesthetics
Topics in Musicology: Ethnography
Topics in Musicology: Gender
Topics in Musicology: Popular Musics
Music Theory Pedagogy 1
Seminar in Music Theory
Seminar in Music History
Piano Pedagogy Requirements
Graduate performance study — instruction in major medium (applied lessons)6
Applied Music Instruction for Majors - Piano (repeatable for credit)
Applied Music Instruction for Majors - Piano (repeatable for credit)
Other Courses
MUSP 760Group Piano Practicum2
MUSP 761Studio Piano Practicum2
MUSP 843Piano Pedagogy Seminar2
MUSC 782Piano Literature I2
MUSC 783Piano Literature II2
Select music or nonmusic courses 500 or above; may include applied lessons, ensembles, languages, etc. Courses must be approved by the faculty advisor.2
Terminal Project
Select one of the following options2
Graduate Recital
Professional In-Service Presentation Project
Total Credit Hours32


All degree candidates in the School of Music who are not defending a thesis must pass a two-part comprehensive exam: one in musicology/music theory and one which is discipline specific.


MUSC 831 can only be used as a musicology/theory elective with MUSC 829 as a core course.

Applied Learning

Students in the Master of Music in piano pedagogy are required to complete an applied learning experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by a terminal recital ( MUSP 873) given in their second year, or by a professional inservice presentation ( MUSP 874).