
  1. Bachelor’s degree from regionally accredited institution;
  2. Minimum grade requirements: 3.000 GPA in the last 60 semester credit hours; 3.000 GPA in prerequisite courses; and 3.000 overall GPA. Receive a grade that generates at least 2.000 credit points per credit hour in all prerequisite courses;
  3. Students with more than 12 outstanding prerequisite credit hours MUST apply during the following application cycle;
  4. Prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the spring semester prior to the beginning of summer courses in the curriculum:
    • Biology — one semester of introductory biology with a laboratory, or microbiology with a laboratory, or an upper level biology course with a laboratory;
    • Anatomy and physiology — minimum of 5 credit hours with a laboratory;
    • College chemistry — two semesters with laboratories, or organic chemistry with laboratories;
    • College physics — two semesters with laboratories;
    • English composition — two semesters;
    • Exercise physiology — one semester;
    • Medical terminology — one semester hour minimum;
    • Speech or public speaking — one semester;
    • Mathematics — college trigonometry or equivalent;
    • Statistics — one semester;
    • Social sciences — psychology, one introductory course and one advanced course;
  5. Math/science prerequisite coursework can be no more than six years old at the time of application to the DPT program. Coursework more than six years old will need to be repeated for a letter grade;
  6. If a prerequisite course has been repeated, the highest course grade will be used for admission purposes;
  7. Physical therapy clinical observation of 20 hours in one or more physical therapy departments; and
  8. International students must submit either an official TOEFL minimum score of 100 (internet-based), or IELTS with an minimum overall band score of 7.5, or a PTE-Academic with a minimum score of 73.

To be reviewed for admission, applicants must:

  1. Review the application process at the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS)1;
  2. Submit a complete graduate school admission application, including supplemental questions, with application fee and supporting materials in the application portal by the published deadline. Unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended are required. Official transcripts are not required prior to admission; and
  3. Submit the designated application to PTCAS by the published deadline2.

Any applicant who has completed entry-level physical therapist education, regardless of degree or location of program, will not be considered for admission to the entry-level DPT program at Wichita State University.

Complete applications are reviewed by the physical therapy department in a timely manner. Applicants will be notified of their admission status by the Graduate School. Once an applicant has been admitted, they will be asked to submit a $500 nonrefundable tuition deposit to reserve a space for summer admission. Once the student enrolls, these funds will be credited toward the payment of tuition.

Students are advised to contact the department for any changes in the program course requirements or in prerequisite requirements. Information is also available on the department website1.


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To ensure timely application verification, we recommend submitting the PTCAS application 7-14 days prior to the deadline.

Program Requirements

The program requires full-time study for a period of 36 consecutive months. Students enter the program in the summer semester only. The student must maintain a 3.000 cumulative GPA as required by the Graduate School and achieve a grade that generates at least 2.000 credit points per credit hour in each of the following courses:

Please contact the physical therapy graduate program office for the most recent information regarding curriculum.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Summer SemesterCredit Hours
PT 700 Pathophysiology for PT 3
PT 708 Introduction to Professional Practice I 2
PT 755 Clinical Pharmacology for Physical Therapists 2
PT 772 Foundations of Clinical Skills 2
PT 760 Principles of Motor Learning and Control 1
 Credit Hours10
Fall Semester
PT 725 Anatomy for Physical Therapists 6
PT 731 Clinical Kinesiology 3
PT 736 Physical Agents 3
PT 741 Clinical Practicum and Seminar I 2
PT 751 Foundations of Research 2
PT 771 Critical Inquiry I 1-2
 Credit Hours17-18
Spring Semester
PT 761 Clinical Practicum and Seminar II 2
PT 770 Musculoskeletal Clinical Medicine 2
PT 773 Neuroscience I 2
PT 774 Neuromuscular Interventions I 2
PT 782 Foundations of Musculoskeletal Examination and Intervention 3
PT 724 Principles of Education and Culturally-Informed Care for Physical Therapists 3
PT 709 Foundations of Therapeutic Exercise 3
PT 785 Critical Inquiry II 1
 Credit Hours18
Second Year
Summer Semester
PT 852 Clinical Education I 6-10
 Credit Hours6-10
Fall Semester
PT 831 Musculoskeletal Management of the Upper Quarter 3
PT 851 Critical Inquiry III 2
PT 853 Neuroscience II 2
PT 854 Neuromuscular Interventions II 2
PT 858 Prosthetics and Orthotics 1
PT 859 Integumentary Conditions and Acute Care 2
PT 891 Musculoskeletal Management of the Cervical/Thoracic Spine and TMJ 2
PT 821 Professional Practice I 2
PT 848 Life Span of the Adult 2
 Credit Hours18
Spring Semester
PT 861 Professional Practice II 2
PT 871 Critical Inquiry IV 2
PT 874 Neuromuscular Interventions III 2
PT 877 Clinical Knowledge and Practice in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Conditions 3
PT 881 Musculoskeletal Management of the Lower Quarter 3
PT 892 Musculoskeletal Management of the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis 2
PT 898 Life Span of the Infant & Child 2
PT 894 Differential Diagnosis: Screening for Medical Referral 2
 Credit Hours18
Third Year
Summer Semester
PT 953 Clinical Education II 8-12
 Credit Hours8-12
Fall Semester
PT 954 Clinical Education III 9-13
Electives: Students may take up to 3–4 credit hours 3
PT 990 Clinical Conference I 1
 Credit Hours13-17
Spring Semester
PT 955 Clinical Education IV 8-12
PT 975 Diagnostic Imaging for the Physical Therapist 1
PT 991 Clinical Conference II 1
 Credit Hours10-14
 Total Credit Hours124


Students are required to take 3 credit hours of elective coursework. Additional electives are optional with departmental consent. The courses include:

Course Title Hours
PT 790Selected Topics in Physical Therapy1-4
PT 799Experimental Course1-4
PT 840Directed Study1-3
PT 943Practice Management2
PT 905Manual Physical Therapy2
PT 961Women’s Health Physical Therapy1
PT 790DSelf-Determination and Advocacy in Pediatrics1

Special Requirements

Students will be required to purchase uniforms and other clinical apparel, professional and general liability insurance, health insurance coverage, and specified immunizations, as well as submit evidence of an annual physical examination while in the program. Students must also be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) prior to entering the program, and must maintain that certification during their enrollment in the curriculum.

Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from the health care facilities used for clinical experiences. During clinical assignments outside Wichita, students may be required to pay all living and travel expenses.

Students are referred to the Department of Physical Therapy Student Handbook for more details on special departmental policies and procedures.

Applied Learning

Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met with successful completion of PT 751, PT 771, PT 851, PT 871, PT 852, PT 953, PT 954 and PT 990.