Students can advance their career potential in healthcare administration by completing the online Master of Health Administration (MHA) program at Wichita State University. Designed to build upon students’ existing experience and educational background in health management, the MHA equips them with the skills to effectively plan, direct, manage and coordinate medical and health services. Combined with professional experience, the program prepares graduates for careers in hospitals, outpatient care centers, government agencies, insurance companies, consulting firms and health technology organizations. Potential roles include hospital administrator, healthcare operations manager, clinical director, practice manager, health services manager, quality improvement manager, supply chain manager, healthcare consultant, healthcare policy analyst, risk management director, compliance officer and more.

The MHA provides affordable, quality distance education, enabling students to earn their Master of Health Administration from almost anywhere in the world with in-state tuition regardless of residency; most international students residing in their home country can also complete the online degree. For more information, please see WSU Online1.

CAHME Candidacy

The MHA program at Wichita State University has been awarded CAHME Candidacy status. Achieving candidacy through the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education is an indication that a program in healthcare management has voluntarily committed to participate in a plan of self-improvement and is actively progressing toward the status of accreditation.


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In order to be admitted into the Master of Health Administration degree program, the applicant must meet the following quality indicators:

  • Preference for an undergraduate degree in health management, business, clinical profession or related field. Will consider unrelated fields for candidates with health care experience or other high-quality indicators below.
  • Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.750 (on a 4.000 scale) or a 2.750 in the last 60 credit hours of study. Preferred overall GPA of 3.000 in the last 60 credit hours of study. Students with lower GPAs may apply and will be considered for probationary admission pending a strong personal goals essay, recommender scores, and letters of recommendation.
  • Submit a high-quality essay of 500 words or less which clearly articulates the applicant's reason for seeking admission to the MHA program. The essay should specifically address the following:
    • Part I: Clearly state your detailed personal objectives and specific career goals.
    • Part II: Describe your past performance as a student. Explain how your experience in prior studies has prepared you to be a motivated, committed graduate student, ready to work in collaboration with your peers throughout the graduate program.
  • Submit a current resume.
  • Two professional references must supply scores of recommendations with written letters of recommendation in the application system. Professional references should be acquainted with the applicant's background and potential success in graduate studies.
  • All applicants whose native language is not English and who have not received their undergraduate education in an English-speaking country must submit scores from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). An IELTS score of 7.0, or a TOEFL of 88 (internet)/230 (computer)/570 (paper) is required.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.

Application Deadlines

Priority application deadlines are: July 15 for fall admission, December 1 for spring admission, April 15 for summer admission.

To be reviewed for admission, applicants should submit the designated application for admission, application fee, supporting transcripts and additional supporting documents to the Graduate School via the online application portal.

Applications are reviewed when the graduate application fee and all supporting documents have been submitted and are received by the program director. Applicants will be notified of their admission status by the Graduate School. Upon enrollment, the student will be assessed a $100 nonrefundable acceptance fee. For additional details, please visit the MHA program website1.


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Program Requirements

The MHA is offered 100 percent online and includes a 3-credit-hour practicum that can be completed in the student's state of residency. Students may be expected to complete some synchronous hours in select coursework across the curriculum and will complete a comprehensive exam in their last semester of didactic study.

The MHA curriculum consists of 43 credit hours.

  • Students must complete 37 credit hours of core courses which provide sufficient background for the MHA discipline and adhere to standards set forth by the accrediting body, Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Management Education (CAHME);
  • Students also complete 3 credit hours of an elective; and
  • Completion of a 3-credit-hour practicum with an applied learning project.
Course Title Hours
Required Core Courses (37 credit hours)
PHS 621Effective Management in Healthcare3
PHS 622Human Resource Management in Healthcare3
PHS 801Introduction to the MHA Program1
PHS 803Healthcare Finance3
PHS 805Healthcare Law and Ethics3
PHS 806Issues and Trends in Healthcare3
PHS 807Healthcare Informatics3
PHS 808Managerial Epidemiology3
PHS 810Strategic Planning and Performance Analytics3
PHS 812Healthcare Policy and Administration3
PHS 815Healthcare Leadership and Operations Management3
PHS 833Healthcare Economics3
PHS 848Concepts of Quality in Healthcare3
Suggested Electives 1
Select 3 credit hours from the following3
Senior Living Operations
Hospitality and Enrichment in Aging Communities
Rural Healthcare Leadership
Operations Management
Managing in Diverse Organizations
Management Information Systems
Marketing Management
Employment Law
Current Topics in Human Resource Management
PHS 819MHA Practicum3
Total Credit Hours43

Additional electives are allowed, consult with a graduate advisor for approval.

Applied Learning

Students in the Master of Health Administration program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirements can be met by the successful completion of PHS 819.