Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
The program is individualized to meet the needs and professional goals of each student. The curriculum has been developed to accommodate part-time study (8 or fewer credit hours), as well as full-time study (9–12 credit hours). The purpose of the graduate program is to prepare nurses for advanced roles in indirect and direct care, e.g., administrators and educators.
Capstone Experience
A capstone experience is required of all MSN students. The capstone experience is completed within the student's last two semesters.
Time Limits
Students have 10 years in which to complete the MSN program starting from the first semester the student begins the coursework that is designated in the plan of study. Time limits are not imposed on transfer courses from a previously awarded graduate degree or from a graduate certificate awarded by Wichita State University.
In cases where the above time limits are exceeded and in which the student desires to have a course count toward degree completion, the outdated course must be validated or substituted with a course within the time limits, or an Application for Exception to Graduate Regulations must be filed and approved to waive the time limits for the course in question. To have courses validated, students seek approval from their department, and must submit a Course Validation Request form to the Graduate School for validation approval. The instructor must identify on the form the process that will be used to certify that the student has achieved a grade value of 3.000 on a 4.000 point scale. Grades lower than a B (generating less than 3.000 grade points), will not be accepted.
Transfer courses and work that originally received a grade lower than a B, (generating less than 3.000 grade points), cannot be validated. Courses completed 10 or more years before the degree is granted, even if previously validated, may not be used to meet degree requirements.
Applied Learning
Students in MSN programs are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from these programs. The requirement can be met by completing the following program course requirements:
Nursing Education focus will complete all coursework culminating with NURS 724, Nursing Leadership and Administration focus will complete all coursework culminating with NURS 812.
Doctor of Nursing Practice
This program is intended to provide advanced education in many areas beyond that provided by the MSN program.
Some areas of advanced content are: critical thinking and leadership in the health care system, and health policy.
There are two entry points for this program. Those who have completed either the BSN or the MSN may apply.
Credit Hours
Students who enter with the BSN degree complete a minimum of 74 credit hours for the entire DNP degree. An MSN degree is not awarded.
Students who enter with the MSN degree complete a minimum of 29 credit hours for the DNP degree.
Final Project
Students complete a project within the DNP program culminating with the residency course. (See DNP Project).
Time Limits
For the postmaster’s DNP program, the doctorate must be completed within 10 years from the effective semester of admission. For the postbachelor’s DNP program, the doctorate must be completed within nine years from the effective semester of admission. Time limits are not imposed on transfer courses from a previously awarded graduate degree or from a graduate certificate awarded by Wichita State University.
In cases where the above time limits are exceeded and in which the student desires to have a course count toward degree completion, the outdated course must be validated or substituted with a course within the time limits, or an Application for Exception to Graduate Regulations must be filed and approved to waive the time limits for the course in question. To have courses validated, students seek approval from their department, and must submit a Course Validation Request form to the Graduate School for validation approval. The instructor must identify on the form the process that will be used to certify that the student has achieved a grade value of 3.000 on a 4.000 point scale. Grades lower than a B (generating less than 3.000 grade points), will not be accepted.
Transfer courses and work that originally received a grade lower than a B, (generating less than 3.000 grade points), cannot be validated. Courses completed 10 or more years before the degree is granted, even if previously validated, may not be used to meet degree requirements.
Applied Learning
Students in DNP programs are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from these programs. The requirement can be met by completing all coursework culminating with the DNP Project. This evidence-based project stems from a series of courses and practicum work and is finalized and defended during the NURS 960 residency course.
All students request entrance to a specific specialization upon application. The internal School of Nursing admission process includes this placement. Admission into a specialization for DNP applicants with a BSN degree is maintained as students successfully complete coursework on their plan of study. Those who do not successfully complete coursework compatible with their plan of study are not continued in the DNP program. Admission for MSN candidates is to the clinical (or administrative) specialization area in which their MSN was completed. Any exception is determined by individual review.
Students choose from the following individual/family focus specialties:
- Nurse Practitioner
- Adult — Gerontology Acute Care
- Family
- Psychiatric/Mental Health
Additional Focus
Post-Master's Focus
Students already admitted to the DNP degree program or alumni from a CCNE accredited DNP degree program may select 25 additional credit hours in an additional post-master's focus offered by WSU. Please contact the graduate nursing programs office for further information.
Programs in the School of Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) - Postbaccalaureate
- Adult - Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG/ACNP)
- Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
- Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP)