
In addition to the general university requirements for admission to graduate studies (see the Admission to Graduate Study section for full details), the School of Nursing requires:

  1. A bachelor’s degree with a major in nursing from a nationally accredited (NLN or CCNE) school;
  2. Admission to the Graduate School at Wichita State University;
  3. A cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher in the following area: the last 60 credit hours of nursing undergraduate coursework;
  4. School of Nursing approval;
  5. Coverage by professional and general liability insurance, in effect during practicums, in the minimum amount of $1/3 million individual/aggregate for each, to be renewed annually;
  6. One year of nursing practice following professional licensure is highly recommended but not required;
  7. Computer literacy and electronic database literature searching skills;
  8. A background check is required. The School of Nursing can provide details for obtaining the background check;
  9. Evidence of meeting the technical standards as identified by the School of Nursing graduate program;
  10. Evidence of registered nurse licensure in the state for which they practice. WSU is accepting applications from anyone living in the state of Kansas, and the number of states from which WSU is authorized to admit is rapidly increasing. Check with WSU's Office of Online Learning1 to see if WSU is approved to provide distance education in a specific state;
  11. One application must be submitted to the Graduate School. The application must be submitted by May 1 (fall admission only).

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Program Requirements

All students must identify their concentration through the school of nursing admission process and take all required courses with a minimum total of 37 credit hours for nurse executive with healthcare leadership, and a minimum of 36 credit hours for education MSN degrees. Students must complete a capstone experience within the final two semesters in order to graduate from the program. This requirement is met by completing NURS 812 for leadership/administration and NURS 873 for education.

Course Title Hours
Core Curriculum
NURS 703Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice3
NURS 725Integrated Advanced Health Assessment, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology4
NURS 806Evidence-Based Nursing Practice and Outcomes of Care3
NURS 902Population and Social Determinants of Health3
Select one graduate level statistics course3
Nursing Education (Direct Care)
NURS 723Foundations of Nursing Education3
NURS 724Nursing Education Practicum2
NURS 757Teaching Strategies for Nursing Education3
NURS 758Curriculum Development and Outcome Evaluation for Nurse Educators4
NURS 871Leadership and Emerging Issues in Nursing3
NURS 872Clinical Focus Education Practicum2
NURS 873Capstone for Nurse Educators3
Total Credit Hours36

Please contact the nursing graduate program office for the most recent information regarding curriculum. 

Applied Learning

Students in the MSN nursing education program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing all coursework culminating with NURS 873.