The certificate in business analytics is aimed at providing students with exposure to a variety of data management approaches, analytical and statistical methods, and analytics tools used in the industry to run and manage analytics programs. The courses provide extensive exposure on concepts, tools and applications in the domain of analytics. In addition to providing hands-on training on various tools, the certificate in business analytics imparts skills on creating and maintaining a culture of evidence and fact-based decision making.

Program Requirements

The certificate requires satisfactory completion of four of the following 3-credit-hour courses for a total of 12 credit hours.

Course Title Hours
BSAN 775Introduction to Business Analytics3
Select three courses from the following9
Python Programming for Business
Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning
Data Visualization
Advanced Business Analytics
Quantitative Analysis of Business Conditions and Forecasting
Database Planning & Management
Database Management Systems
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
Finance Analytics: Contemporary and Traditional Topics
Advanced Data Analytics for Accountants
Any course 600 or above with director approval
Total Credit Hours12

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.