The Master of Science in management science and supply chain management (MSSCM) is an interdisciplinary program collaboratively offered by the Barton School of Business and the College of Engineering. The program targets a wide range of diverse domestic and international applicants. The supply chain curriculum is designed in a manner that students will acquire mastery in the managerial and analytics aspects of supply chain operations and develop contemporary competencies via innovative hands-on activities and industry practices.

The Master of Science in management science and supply chain management offers two tracks:

  1. Management track focuses on developing capabilities and mastery leading to value creation in global management of procurement, logistics and operations.
  2. Analytics track aims to build capabilities in the use of innovative tools and techniques in decision-making processes from design to planning phases.


In order to be admitted into the supply chain management master’s degree program, the applicant must:

  1. Possess an undergraduate degree in business, engineering, science or related field.
  2. Have a minimum GPA of 3.000/4.000 cumulative or in the last 60 credit hours (whichever is better) of undergraduate coursework and in all graduate courses. Students with lower GPAs may apply with GRE or GMAT scores for consideration of probationary admission.
  3. Submit personal goal statement, which clearly articulates the applicant's reason for seeking admission to the program (500 words maximum).
  4. Meet the minimum TOEFL and IELTS requirements set by the Graduate School, for students with English as a second language. Applicants needing an F1 visa must also provide documentation for financial support.

The application deadline is May 1st for the fall semester and October 1st for the spring semester.

Program Requirements

Students are able to earn a Master of Science in management science and supply chain management by choosing one of the following four options:

Coursework Option 11 courses (33 credit hours) to include 18 credit hours of core courses, 9 credit hours of track courses, and 6 credit hours of elective coursework.
Certification Option In this 30-credit hour option, students will complete 10 courses, to include 18 hours of core courses, 9 credit hours of track courses, and 3 credit hours of elective coursework. In addition, students must complete a qualified professional certification related to operations and supply chain management from ISM, ASQ, APICS or SME that is approved by the program director. This is suitable for students who want to gain or demonstrate specific professional skills or knowledge in their field, and the certification they earn acknowledges their expertise in a specialized area.
Thesis Option In this option, students are required to complete a thesis as part of their graduate studies. The thesis is typically an extensive research project that contributes new knowledge to the field. The time and credit allocated to this endeavor replace the 6 credit hours of elective courses, meaning instead of taking additional classes, students focus on their thesis research. Students will complete nine courses (27 credit hours) to include 18 credit hours of core courses, 9 credit hours of track courses, and 6 credit hours of DS 897 – Master’s Thesis.
Project Option This is usually a less intensive alternative to the thesis and involves completing a significant project, which could be practical or research based. In this case, the project course takes up 3 credit hours, replacing one 3-credit-hour elective course. This means students will still take some elective courses but will have one of them substituted with the project. Students will complete ten courses (30 credit hours) to include 18 credit hours of core courses, 9 credit hours of track courses, and 3 credit hours of elective coursework plus 3 credit hours of DS 896 - Directed Project.

Applicants who do not have statistics background will be required to take ECON 231 Introductory Business Statistics as a prerequisite.

The degree requires 18 credit hours of core courses, 9 credit hours of track required courses, and electives (or thesis/project hours) to satisfy the degree requirements. The core courses and courses in each track are listed below.

Core Courses Required for All Tracks

Course Title Hours
DS 850Operations Management3
DS 865Supply Chain Management3
or IME 783 Supply Chain Management
DS 725Global Procurement and Outsourcing3
DS 790Logistics and Warehouse Analytics3
BSAN 775Introduction to Business Analytics3
DS 755Project Management3
Total Credit Hours18

Students must specialize in either the management or analytics track.

Management Track

A student specializing in the management track is required to take three track required courses and two elective courses from the management track list.

Course Title Hours
DS 760ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning3
DS 825Lean Practices in Supply Chain Management3
DS 870Risk Management in Global Supply Chains3
Electives (0-6 credit hours depending upon completion option)
Students may select any other course not listed here with program coordinator consent6
Seminar in Special Topics
Integrated Supply Management
Law and Ethics for Business
International Financial Management
International Business and Competitiveness
Advanced Strategic Management
Management Information Systems
Business Acumen for Technical Professionals
Total Credit Hours15

Analytics Track

A student specializing in the analytics track is required to take three track required courses and two elective courses from the analytics track list.

Course Title Hours
DS 883Supply Chain Analytics3
or IME 883 Supply Chain Analytics
ECON/BSAN 710Python Programming for Business3
BSAN 734Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning3
or IME 734 Introduction to Data Mining and Analytics
Electives (0-6 credit hours depending upon completion option)
Students may select any other course not listed here with program coordinator consent6
Advanced Business Analytics
Database Planning & Management
Quantitative Analysis of Business Conditions and Forecasting
Forecasting and Analytics
Statistical Methods for Engineers
Big Data Analytics in Engineering
Strategic Planning and Performance Analytics
Seminar in Special Topics
Total Credit Hours15

Students must submit a plan of study by the end of the first semester of enrollment.

Applied Learning

Students in the Master of Science in management science and supply chain management program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing a project, a thesis or any of the following required classes:

  1. DS 850 Operations Management; or
  2. DS 865 Supply Chain Management/ IME 783 Supply Chain Management; or
  3. DS 725 Global Procurement and Outsourcing.