The accelerated Bachelor of Business Administration to Master of Human Resource Management program is designed to prepare qualified students for graduate work in human resource management at WSU through a coordinated program leading to both degrees. A student in the program is allowed to enroll in courses for graduate credit while completing the requirements for a BBA in human resource management (BBA-HRM).
To be considered for admission to the program, the following must be satisfied:
- An undergraduate GPA of 3.000 overall;
- Completion of at least 60 credit hours of undergraduate study;
- Completion of four HRM and/or MGMT classes at the 300 level or above; and
- Admission recommendation from a member of the HRM or MGMT graduate faculty.
Once a student meets the admission criteria, that student can apply for admission to the program.
The student should apply for admission to the program during the semester prior to the first semester in which they intend to enroll in a course for graduate credit. Students admitted to the accelerated program are allowed to enroll in courses for graduate credit, including 800-level courses, prior to completing undergraduate degree requirements.
Upon admission to the accelerated program the student is granted tentative admission to the Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) program, pending award of the BBA degree.
Note: A student who has previously been admitted to a graduate degree program at Wichita State may not be admitted to the accelerated program.
Program Requirements
Following admission to the MHRM program, the student should outline a tentative plan of study in consultation with the MHRM program director. Continuation in the program requires a continuing WSU undergraduate cumulative GPA of at least 3.000 and a GPA of at least 3.000 in courses taken for graduate credit.
At most, 9 credit hours may be joint degree hours. If this deviation is requested, joint-degree hours may not include workshop courses, undergraduate core curriculum courses, cooperative education courses, or courses that are prerequisites for the graduate program. A course taken for joint credit must be so identified at the time of enrollment in that course. Where courses specify different requirements for graduate and undergraduate students (500–799), the student must meet the requirements for graduate students to apply the course to graduate credit.