The graduate certificate in human resource management skills is designed for individuals who are currently working who need training in human resource selection, talent development and employment law.


To be admitted to the HRM skills certificate program, an applicant must:

  1. Possess an undergraduate degree;
  2. Submit a statement that articulates the applicant's reason for seeking admission to the program (500 words maximum); and
  3. Submit a current resume.

Program Requirements

The HRM skills certificate consists of 12 credit hours. Nine (9) of the credit hours comprise three required courses. The remaining 3 credit hours are satisfied by completing an elective course. In addition to these requirements, students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements in order to earn this certificate.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
MGMT 862Organizational Behavior3
HRM 866Selection3
HRM 869Talent Development3
Select one of the following elective courses3
Employment Law
Seminar in Selected Topics
Workshop in Human Resources
Managing in Diverse Organizations
Advanced Strategic Management
Management Information Systems
Law and Ethics for Business
Operations Management
Total Credit Hours12