Credit Hour Defined
A credit hour is a measure of graduate or undergraduate academic work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for each week of instructional time for approximately 15 weeks for one semester, or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. A class hour at Wichita State University is typically 50 minutes.
The number of hours of credit for each course is indicated in parentheses following the course title in the academic catalog. Course descriptions include information about the breakdown of class and laboratory hours when applicable. Two hours of laboratory work usually are required for 1 hour of credit.
Course Numbering System
Courses numbered 99 or below do not count toward any degree program.
Courses numbered 100 to 299 are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, but students from other classes may be admitted for lower-division credit. Graduate students may not take these courses for graduate credit.
Courses numbered 300 to 499 are taught primarily for juniors and seniors. Freshmen and sophomores also may be admitted for upper-division credit if they satisfy the course prerequisites given in the Wichita State University Undergraduate Catalog. Graduate students may not take these courses for graduate credit.
Courses numbered 500 to 699 are aimed primarily at juniors and seniors, but graduate students may receive graduate credit for these courses.
Courses numbered 700 to 799 are structured primarily for graduate students, but upper-division undergraduate students may be admitted if they meet course prerequisites. All students in these courses are expected to perform at the level of graduate students (Graduate I students — students who ordinarily have not accumulated more than 30 credit hours in a graduate program). Students receive graduate credit if the student was admitted to the Graduate School prior to enrollment; undergraduate students receive undergraduate credit unless the student was preapproved to earn graduate credit for that specific course under the senior rule policy, or was preapproved for graduate credit for that specific course following the student’s admission to an accelerated bachelor’s to master’s program. (See the section called Graduate Credit and Admission for Undergraduates for special conditions under which seniors may be admitted to graduate courses.)
Courses numbered 800 to 999 are designed for graduate students only and no students may be admitted to these courses unless they have been admitted to the Graduate School.
Course Subject Abbreviations
The following abbreviations of academic departments and subject areas are used in references to courses offered by those departments.
AC | Applied Computing |
ACCT | Accounting |
AE | Aerospace Engineering |
ALAS | Applied Learning - CAS |
ALBA | Applied Learning - Business |
ALEN | Applied Learning - Engineering |
ALFA | Applied Learning - Fine Arts |
ALHN | Applied Learning - Honors |
ALHP | Applied Learning - Health Prof |
ALID | Applied Learning - ID |
ALLA | Applied Learning - LAS |
ANTH | Anthropology |
APEN | Applied Engineering |
ARAB | Arabic |
ARTE | Art Education |
ARTF | Art and Design Foundation |
ARTG | Graphic Design |
ARTH | Art History |
ARTS | Studio Arts |
ASL | American Sign Language |
BADM | General Business Administration |
BIOL | Biological Sciences |
BLAW | Business Law |
BME | Biomedical Engineering |
BSAN | Business Analytics |
CAS | Applied Studies |
CESP | Counseling, Educational and School Psychology |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CHIN | Chinese |
CI | Curriculum and Instruction |
CIPE | Curriculum and Instruction Physical Education |
CJ | Criminal Justice |
CLES | Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology |
COMM | Communication |
CS | Computer Science |
CSD | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
DANC | Dance |
DATA | Data Science |
DH | Dental Hygiene |
DS | Decision Sciences |
ECE | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
ECON | Economics |
EEPS | Earth, Environmental and Physical Sciences |
EL | Educational Leadership |
EMBA | Executive Master of Business Administration |
ENGL | English Language and Literature |
ENGR | General Engineering |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship |
ETHS | Ethnic Studies |
FA | Fine Arts — General |
FIN | Finance |
FREN | French |
FS | Forensic Science |
FYAN | First-Year Seminar ANTH |
FYAP | First-Year Seminar APEN |
FYAR | First-Year Seminar ART |
FYAS | First-Year Seminar CAS |
FYBA | First-Year Seminar BA |
FYBI | First-Year Seminar BIOL |
FYCH | First-Year Seminar CHEM |
FYCJ | First-Year Seminar CJ |
FYCM | First-Year Seminar COMM |
FYEC | First-Year Seminar ECON |
FYED | First-Year Seminar SED |
FYEG | First-Year Seminar ENGR |
FYEN | First-Year Seminar ENGL |
FYFA | First-Year Seminar CFA |
FYFR | First-Year Seminar FRED |
FYGE | First-Year Seminar GEOL |
FYHN | First-Year Seminar HN |
FYHP | First-Year Seminar CHP |
FYHS | First-Year Seminar HIST |
FYID | First-Year Seminar ID |
FYIM | First-Year Seminar ISME |
FYIS | First-Year Seminar ISLE |
FYLA | First-Year Seminar LAS |
FYMG | First-Year Seminar MGMT |
FYMK | First-Year Seminar MKT |
FYML | First-Year Seminar MCLL |
FYMP | First-Year Seminar MSP |
FYMS | First-Year Seminar MLS |
FYMU | First-Year Seminar MUS |
FYPF | First-Year Seminar PERF |
FYPH | First-Year Seminar PHS |
FYPL | First-Year Seminar PHIL |
FYPS | First-Year Seminar POLS |
FYSO | First-Year Seminar SOC |
FYSP | First-Year Seminar SLS |
FYSW | First-Year Seminar SCWK |
FYWS | First-Year Seminar WOMS |
GEOG | Geography |
GEOL | Geology |
GERM | German |
GREK | Greek |
HA | Health Administration |
HIST | History |
HLS | Homeland Security |
HNRS | Honors Program |
HP | Health Professions — General |
HPS | Human Performance Studies |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
HS | Health Sciences |
HSP | Hospitality |
IB | International Business |
ID | Innovative Design |
IME | Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering |
ISLE | Intervention Services and Leadership in Education |
ITAL | Italian |
JAPN | Japanese |
LASI | Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary |
LATN | Latin |
LEAD | Leadership |
LING | Linguistics |
MART | Media Arts |
MATH | Mathematics |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MCLL | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
ME | Mechanical Engineering |
MGMT | Management |
MILS | Military Science |
MIS | Management Information Systems |
MKT | Marketing |
MLS | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
MUSA | Applied Music |
MUSC | Musicology-Composition |
MUSE | Music Education |
MUSP | Music Performance |
NURS | Nursing |
PA | Physician Associate |
PADM | Public Administration |
PC | Personal Computing |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHS | Public Health Sciences |
PHYS | Physics |
POLS | Political Science |
PSY | Psychology |
PT | Physical Therapy |
RE | Real Estate and Land Use Economics |
REL | Religion |
RUSS | Russian |
SCWK | Social Work |
SMGT | Sports Management |
SOC | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPED | Special Education |
STAT | Statistics |
TALS | Teacher Apprenticeship Pathways, Literacy and Special Education |
TAP | Teacher Apprentice Program |
THEA | Theatre |
WOMS | Women's Studies |
WSUA | First-Year Seminar: Liberal Arts and Sciences |