Academic Probation and Dismissal Standards
Specific regulations governing probation and dismissal standards, in addition to the below, may be established by each college at Wichita State and are given in the introductory statements in the individual college sections of the catalog. Students should consult the appropriate section of the WSU Undergraduate Catalog for these standards.
Because 2.000 (a grade of C) is the minimum grade point average required for graduation from Wichita State, students are formally placed (or continued) on probation at the conclusion of every semester in which their institutional or overall grade point average falls below 2.000, except as noted below. If the college in which students are enrolled has a higher graduation requirement, students may be placed on probation whenever their institutional or overall grade point average falls below the college’s specified level.
Students admitted in good standing will be placed on probation when they have attempted 6 credit hours and their institutional or overall grade point average falls below 2.000. Attempted hours are defined as all hours appearing on the transcript with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, Cr, NCr, I, IP, S, U, Bg or NBg.
Transfer students admitted on probation must complete at least 12 credit hours at Wichita State with a minimum 2.000 institutional and overall average before probation may be removed.
A student on academic probation is limited to a maximum enrollment of 14 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters.
Probation is removed when both the institutional and overall grade point averages reach the 2.000 level.
Dismissal standards are set by the various colleges of Wichita State in conformance with the following policy:
Students will not be dismissed if their semester grade point average equals the minimum graduation level of their college. They will remain on probation as long as their institutional or overall grade point average is below the minimum university or college graduation standard and their semester grade point average meets the minimum college standard.
Students will be dismissed at the end of a semester on probation if they fail to earn a semester grade point average at or above the minimum required, and have an institutional or overall grade point average below the minimum required. Students are not academically dismissed at the end of a semester unless they began that semester on academic probation.
Dismissal from a college because of poor academic performance constitutes dismissal from the university. Nonetheless, a dismissed student whose grade point average qualifies him or her for admission to another college at WSU may apply to the exceptions committee of that college.
Transition Semester
To accommodate students in their adjustment to college standards, they may be eligible for a special transition semester. The transition semester is a student’s first regular semester at Wichita State regardless of the number of credit hours attempted (summer session excluded). Students who have enrolled at another institution of higher learning in a regular term (summer session excluded) before enrolling at Wichita State are not eligible for a transition semester at WSU.
The processing of a transition semester results in grades of A, B and C being changed to Credit (Cr), and grades of D and F being changed to No Credit (NCr). These designations have no impact on the student’s grade point average. College-level courses (numbered 100 and above) with a grade of Cr may count toward graduation.
Students must meet the following requirements to be granted a transition semester:
- The grade point average for their first regular semester must be below 2.000;
- Their next semester of enrollment must be at WSU and they must complete at least 6 graded hours with a 2.000 or higher grade point average. Graded hours do not include courses taken for Audit (Au), Credit (Cr), Satisfactory (S) or Badge (Bg); and
- By the end of their fourth regular semester (fall or spring), students must complete a form in their college/advising center office requesting a transition semester.
Students who fail to meet these requirements will not be awarded a transition semester and will be subject to the appropriate probation or dismissal standards. Eligibility for transition semester may not be petitioned to the university exceptions committee.
Academic Forgiveness
Students who have accumulated a grade point average below 2.000 prior to a minimum four-year gap in enrollment may request that all previous college credits and grades be forgiven.
Students must meet the following requirements to be granted academic forgiveness:
- Must have been out of a degree program of college studies for at least four years; and
- Must have completed a semester of college coursework, with a minimum of at least six graded hours and a GPA of at least 2.000, after the period of non-enrollment.
If these requirements are met, all college courses and grades prior to the required four-year period are marked on the transcript with a notation indicating the credits and grades are not counted due to academic forgiveness. No exceptions to the above qualifications may be considered/approved; eligibility for academic forgiveness may not be petitioned to the university exceptions committee.
The policy may be applied to Wichita State University enrollment as well as to work at other colleges. When implemented, the policy waives all credits and grades prior to the four-year period except in the case of credits and grades earned at WSU in a nondegree-bound status.