Well-Rounded Learning

Wichita State strives to offer the most complete college experience possible to produce well-rounded, successful Shocker graduates. Through general education courses, students explore subjects outside of their major, expanding their knowledge, perspective and skills and making a positive impact on their career and life.

Benefits of general education courses:

  • Improved critical thinking skills
  • Better communication, written and spoken
  • Increased analytical reasoning and problem solving
  • An acquired knowledge of natural and social science, the arts and humanities

Improve skills by taking courses that include diversity content, study abroad experiences, service learning and experience-based learning.

Our Advice? Go See an Advisor

The best way to stay on course toward graduation is to meet with an advisor each semester before registering for classes. Advisors will help in selecting and sequencing classes that meet particular degree requirements. To schedule an advising appointment, go to Find Your Academic Advisor webpageand find your major.

General Education Course Requirements

General Education Program requirements at Wichita State follow the KBOR system-wide General Education Program framework and are comprised of 34-35 credit hours organized in six discipline-based “buckets” and an institutionally designated bucket. A student who satisfies all seven buckets will complete the General Education Program.

The four courses in Buckets 1-3 must be completed within the first 48 credit hours of enrollment with a grade of C- or better. Foundation courses cover the fundamental skills needed throughout college and should be taken at the very beginning of a student’s studies.

Note: Some general education courses can count for both the General Education Program requirements and program/college requirements. Students should work with their advisor to determine the most efficient path.

Bucket 1: English Discipline Area

Bucket 1; 6 hours; ENGL 100 or 101 and ENGL 102

Bucket 2: Communication Discipline Area

Bucket 2; 3 hours; COMM 111

Bucket 3: Mathematics and Statistics Discipline Area

Bucket 3; 3 hours; MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 131 or STAT 171; or any math/stat course that requires MATH 111 or MATH 112 as a prerequisite.

Bucket 4: Natural and Physical Sciences Discipline Area

Bucket 4; 4-5 hours; Choose one subject (must include a lab): A list of qualifying courses can be found on the General Education Courses page of the catalog.

Bucket 5: Social and Behavioral Sciences Discipline Area

Bucket 5; 6 hours; Choose from at least two subject areas: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Women's Studies

Bucket 6: Arts and Humanities Discipline Area

Bucket 6; 6 hours; Choose from at least two subject areas: Communication, English, History, Modern and Classical Languages, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, Art History, Dance, Musicology / Composition, Studio Arts, Theatre

Bucket 7: Institutionally Designated Area4

Bucket 7; 6 hours; 3 credit hours of First-Year Seminar (FYS may only count for General Education credit in Bucket 7); 3 GE credit hours with Diversity designation (May be satisfied by 4-6 requirement); If diversity requirement is satisfied in buckets 4-6, students must take additional General Education approved courses to reach a total of 6 credit hours in bucket 7. (May include disciplines not included in buckets 1-6. No repeat courses.)

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MATH 131 does not fulfill the prerequisite for any further math course. MATH 131 does not meet degree requirements in all colleges.


Full course list can be found on the General Education Courses page of the catalog.


Excludes courses from Buckets 1-3.


A First-Year Seminar course is required for students coming to WSU directly from high school. Those students who have earned an Associate Degree or 30 credit hours prior to high school graduation and before starting classes at WSU as a degree-bound student, may be exempt from taking a First-Year Seminar course.

— Visit http://wichita.edu/generaleducation 

Transfer Students with Associate Degrees

RN-to-BSN and Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Students

  • A student enrolled in WSU’s RN-to-BSN degree completion program having earned an associate degree in nursing outside of a public Kansas institution will be considered to have satisfied WSU’s general education curriculum provided that they successfully complete (with a grade of C- or better) two general education courses numbered 300 or above taken at WSU.
  • A student enrolled in WSU’s dental hygiene degree completion program having earned an associate degree in dental hygiene outside of a public Kansas institution will be considered to have satisfied WSU’s general education curriculum provided that they successfully complete (with a grade of C- or better) two general education courses numbered 300 or above taken at WSU.