General education courses must be at least 3 credit hours and from the approved general education course list. For more information, visit the general education website1.
General education courses offered in a given semester are identified in the online schedule of courses1.
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Link opens new window.
Buckets 1-3 Courses
Courses fulfilling the Bucket 1-3 requirements are also known as foundation courses. Foundation courses cover the fundamental skills needed throughout college. They should be completed within the first 48 credit hours of enrollment with a grade of C- or better. MATH 111 or any math course that requires MATH 111 or MATH 112 as a prerequisite can be used to meet the foundation math requirement.
Course | Title | Hours |
COMM 111 | Public Speaking | 3 |
COMM 111H | Public Speaking Honors | 3 |
ENGL 100 | English Composition | 3 |
ENGL 101 | College English I | 3 |
ENGL 101A | College English I Lab | 0 |
ENGL 102 | College English II | 3 |
MATH 111 | College Algebra | 3 |
MATH 112 | Precalculus Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 131 | Contemporary Mathematics | 3 |
STAT 171 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Bucket 4 Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
Natural and Physical Sciences General Education Courses | ||
Courses with a lab component | ||
BIOL 210 | General Biology I | 4 |
BIOL 211 | General Biology II | 4 |
BIOL 220 | Introduction to Microbiology | 4 |
BIOL 223 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 5 |
CHEM 103 | Introductory General, Organic and Biochemistry | 5 |
CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I | 5 |
CHEM 212 | General Chemistry II | 5 |
CHEM 523 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 531 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
GEOL 111 | General Geology | 4 |
GEOL 312 | Historical Geology | 4 |
HS 290 | Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology | 5 |
HS 290H | Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors | 5 |
PHYS 111 | Introductory Physics | 4 |
PHYS 213 | General College Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 214 | General College Physics II | 5 |
Following courses can only be used to fulfill the Bucket 4 requirement if both the lecture and lab are taken | ||
ANTH 101 & ANTH 106 | Biological Anthropology and Biological Anthropology Lab | 4 |
BIOL 106 & BIOL 107 | The Human Organism and The Human Organism Laboratory | 4 |
BIOL 370 & BIOL 371 | Introductory Environmental Science and Introductory Environmental Science Lab | 4 |
GEOL 102 & 102L | Earth Science and the Environment and Earth Science and the Environment Lab | 4 |
PHYS 195 & PHYS 196 | Introduction to Modern Astronomy and Laboratory in Modern Astronomy | 4 |
PHYS 313 & PHYS 315 | Physics for Scientists I and University Physics Lab I | 5 |
PHYS 314 & PHYS 316 | Physics for Scientists II and University Physics Lab II | 5 |
Bucket 5 Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
Social and Behavioral Sciences General Education Courses | ||
ANTH 102 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 103 | Introduction to Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 200 | Intercultural Relations | 3 |
ANTH 303 | World Cultures | 3 |
ANTH 305 | World Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 318 | Psychological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 327 | Magic, Witchcraft and Religion | 3 |
ANTH 335 | Archaeology of North America | 3 |
ANTH 344 | Ecological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 352 | Linguistic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 416 | Archaeology of Sex and Gender | 3 |
ANTH 511 | The Indians of North America | 3 |
ANTH 528 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 555 | Paleoanthropology and Human Paleontology | 3 |
ANTH 613 | Archaeology of the Great Plains | 3 |
CESP 334 | Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development | 3 |
CJ 191 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CJ 315 | Criminal Law | 3 |
CJ 351 | The Victim in Criminal Justice | 3 |
CJ 355 | Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CJ 394 | Courts and Judicial Systems | 3 |
CJ 513 | Violent Crime | 3 |
CJ 518 | Criminal Justice and Crime in Film | 3 |
CJ 593 | Crime Causation and Criminal Justice Policy | 3 |
CJ 652 | Juvenile Justice and Social Policy | 3 |
ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 201H | Principles of Macroeconomics Honors | 3 |
ECON 202 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ENTR 310 | The Entrepreneurial Experience | 3 |
ENTR 327 | Ethnic Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR 440 | New Venture Feasibility Analysis | 3 |
ETHS 360 | Dealing with Diversity | 3 |
FYSP 102B | First-Year Seminar: The Shocker Way | 3 |
GEOG 125 | Principles of Human Geography | 3 |
GEOG 210 | Introduction to World Geography | 3 |
GEOG 530 | Geography of Latin America | 3 |
GEOG 542 | Geography of Europe | 3 |
GEOG 550 | Mapping and History | 3 |
GEOG 570 | Geography of Asia | 3 |
HNRS 106 | Seminar I: Social and Behavioral Sciences | 3-4 |
HNRS 106AB | Parks, People and Place: Exploring Our National Parks | 3 |
HNRS 152 | Seminar II: Social and Behavioral Sciences | 3-4 |
HNRS 152F | Leadership Challenge | 3 |
HNRS 306 | Seminar III: Social and Behavioral Sciences | 3-4 |
HNRS 306G | Alternative Break: Service Leadership | 3 |
HNRS 306I | Aging as a Societal Issue: OK Boomer and Beyond | 3 |
HNRS 306J | Lead for Tomorrow | 3 |
HNRS 306K | Black Lives Matter and Other Marginalized Perspectives | 3 |
HNRS 406 | Seminar in Social and Behavioral Sciences | 3-4 |
HNRS 406C | Making Social Impact | 3 |
IB 333 | International Business | 3 |
ID 300 | Human-Centric Design Thinking | 3 |
ID 300H | Human-Centric Design Thinking Honors | 3 |
ID 301 | Leadership is Essential Seminar | 3 |
LEAD 310 | Principles of Leadership | 3 |
LEAD 310H | Principles of Leadership Honors | 3 |
PHS 100 | Introduction to Aging Studies | 3 |
PHS 101 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
PHS 310 | Introduction to U.S. Healthcare and Administration | 3 |
PHS 326 | Emerging Global Healthcare Issues | 3 |
PHS 344 | Culturally Informed Healthcare | 3 |
PHS 344H | Culturally Informed Healthcare Honors | 3 |
PHS 404 | Psychology of Aging | 3 |
PHS 405 | Sociology of Aging | 3 |
PHS 408 | Adaptive Leadership | 3 |
PHS 408H | Adaptive Leadership Honors | 3 |
PHS 512 | Aging Across Cultures | 3 |
POLS 121 | American Politics | 3 |
POLS 121H | American Politics Honors | 3 |
POLS 220 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
POLS 220H | Introduction to International Relations Honors | 3 |
POLS 226 | Comparative Politics | 3 |
POLS 232 | Political Theory and Philosophy | 3 |
POLS 232H | Political Theory and Philosophy Honors | 3 |
POLS 305 | Environmental Politics | 3 |
POLS 310 | Latin American Politics | 3 |
POLS 312 | Asian Politics | 3 |
POLS 313 | Global Gender Politics | 3 |
POLS 314 | Presidential Nominations | 3 |
POLS 315 | The Presidency | 3 |
POLS 315H | The Presidency Honors | 3 |
POLS 316 | Legislative Politics | 3 |
POLS 319 | State Government | 3 |
POLS 320 | Developing World | 3 |
POLS 326 | Public Opinion and Political Psychology | 3 |
POLS 336 | International Organizations | 3 |
POLS 337 | Conflict Analysis | 3 |
POLS 337H | Conflict Analysis Honors | 3 |
POLS 340 | Global Challenges | 3 |
POLS 352 | Law and Political Power | 3 |
POLS 352H | Law and Political Power Honors | 3 |
POLS 356 | Civil Liberties | 3 |
POLS 356H | Civil Liberties Honors | 3 |
POLS 360 | Human Rights | 3 |
POLS 360H | Human Rights Honors | 3 |
POLS 361 | Diplomacy and Negotiation | 3 |
POLS 361H | Diplomacy and Negotiation Honors | 3 |
POLS 380 | Parties and Elections | 3 |
POLS 380H | Parties and Elections Honors | 3 |
POLS 385 | Democracy and Authoritarianism | 3 |
POLS 390F | Lobbyists and Interest Groups | 3 |
POLS 391E | Middle East Politics | 3 |
POLS 391M | Legislative Leadership and Politics | 3 |
POLS 391MH | Legislative Leadership and Politics Honors | 3 |
POLS 391R | Space Politics | 3 |
POLS 395 | U.S. Foreign Policy | 3 |
PSY 111 | General Psychology | 3 |
PSY 111H | General Psychology Honors | 3 |
PSY 320 | Biological Psychology | 3 |
PSY 321 | Psychology of Learning | 3 |
PSY 322 | Cognitive Psychology | 3 |
PSY 323 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSY 323H | Social Psychology Honors | 3 |
PSY 324 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
PSY 324H | Psychology of Personality Honors | 3 |
PSY 325 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSY 404 | Psychology of Aging | 3 |
PSY 406 | Introduction to Community Psychology | 3 |
PSY 409 | Psychology of Perception | 3 |
PSY 410 | Substance Use & Abuse | 3 |
PSY 413 | Adaptive Leadership | 3 |
PSY 413H | Adaptive Leadership Honors | 3 |
PSY 414 | Child Psychology | 3 |
PSY 416 | Psychology and Problems of Society | 3 |
PSY 508AH | Aging as a Societal Issue: OK Boomer and Beyond Honors | 3 |
PSY 534 | Psychology of Women | 3 |
SCWK 201 | Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare | 3 |
SCWK 304 | Social Diversity and Ethics | 3 |
SCWK 385 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies | 3 |
SCWK 541 | Women, Children and Poverty | 3 |
SCWK 571 | Contemporary Issues and Perspectives: LGBTQ | 3 |
SOC 111 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC 302 | Religion and Society | 3 |
SOC 303 | Sociology of Mental Health | 3 |
SOC 304 | Sociology of Violence | 3 |
SOC 306 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 3 |
SOC 315 | Marriage and Families | 3 |
SOC 316 | Men and Masculinities | 3 |
SOC 318 | Environmental Sociology | 3 |
SOC 319 | Sociology of Sexualities | 3 |
SOC 320 | Contemporary Social Problems | 3 |
SOC 322 | Deviant Behavior | 3 |
SOC 325 | Parenting | 3 |
SOC 326 | Sociology of Race & Ethnicity | 3 |
SOC 330 | Social Inequality | 3 |
SOC 332 | Media Through a Sociological Lens | 3 |
SOC 337 | Young Women's Health | 3 |
SOC 338 | Health & Lifestyle | 3 |
SOC 346 | Sociology of Globalization | 3 |
SOC 350 | Social Interaction | 3 |
SOC 397 | Social Epidemiology | 3 |
SOC 405 | Sociology of Aging | 3 |
SOC 515 | Family Diversity | 3 |
SOC 528 | Schools and Society | 3 |
SOC 534 | Urban Sociology | 3 |
SOC 538 | Medical Sociology | 3 |
SOC 539 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
WOMS 190 | Diverse Women in Popular Culture | 3 |
WOMS 287 | Women in Society: Social Issues | 3 |
WOMS 338 | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |
WOMS 387 | Women in Society: Cultural Images | 3 |
WOMS 513 | Issues and Perspectives on African Women and Globalism | 3 |
WOMS 588 | Gender, Race and the West/East Divide | 3 |
Bucket 6 Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
Arts and Humanities General Education Courses | ||
ARTE 303 | Stimulating Creative Behavior | 3 |
ARTH 103 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ARTH 125 | Introduction to Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125A | Play and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125B | Bodies and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125C | Power and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125D | Dress and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125E | Introduction to Visual and Material Culture: Modern Japanese Art | 3 |
ARTH 346 | Modernisms I | 3 |
ARTH 347 | Themes in Contemporary Art and Design I | 3 |
ARTH 387 | Theories of Art and Culture | 3 |
ARTS 270 | Introduction to Ceramics | 3 |
ARTS 312 | Community Arts Engagement | 3 |
ARTS 312H | Community Arts Engagement Honors | 3 |
ARTS 322 | Video, Sound and Performance | 3 |
ARTS 324 | Documentary Media and Social Strategies | 3 |
COMM 130 | Communication and Society | 3 |
COMM 190 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
COMM 221 | Oral Interpretation | 3 |
COMM 302 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM 312 | Nonverbal Communication | 3 |
COMM 313 | Argumentation and Advocacy | 3 |
COMM 321 | Introduction to Film Studies | 3 |
COMM 335 | International and Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COMM 355 | Race and Media | 3 |
COMM 430 | Communication Research and Inquiry | 3 |
COMM 535 | Communication Analysis and Criticism | 3 |
DANC 140 | Dance Appreciation | 3 |
DANC 225 | Dance History: Ancient Civilization to Early 1900s | 3 |
DANC 325 | Dance History: 20th and 21st Centuries | 3 |
ENGL 152 | Language of Food | 3 |
ENGL 230 | Exploring Literature | 3 |
ENGL 232D | Themes in American Literature: Literature in the Jazz Age | 3 |
ENGL 232K | Images of Insanity | 3 |
ENGL 232Q | The Midwestern Identity | 3 |
ENGL 232R | Horror and the Supernatural | 3 |
ENGL 232T | Hip-Hop and Culture | 3 |
ENGL 234 | Young Adult Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 241 | Jane Austen and Popular Culture | 3 |
ENGL 252 | Modern American Writers | 3 |
ENGL 273 | Science Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 274 | Popular Music Writing | 3 |
ENGL 276 | The Literature of Sports | 3 |
ENGL 277 | The Detective Story | 3 |
ENGL 278 | Literary Representations of LGBTQ + Culture | 3 |
ENGL 285 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 310 | Nature of Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 315 | Introduction to English Linguistics | 3 |
ENGL 320 | The Nature of Drama | 3 |
ENGL 322 | Origins of Western Literature | 3 |
ENGL 323 | World Literature | 3 |
ENGL 325 | Introduction to English Studies | 3 |
ENGL 330 | Nature of Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 332 | Young Adult Literature | 3 |
ENGL 333 | Literature and Law | 3 |
ENGL 340 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGL 343 | Great Plains Literature | 3 |
ENGL 344 | Regional Literature | 3 |
ENGL 360 | Major British Writers I | 3 |
ENGL 361 | Major British Writers II | 3 |
ENGL 362 | Major American Writers I | 3 |
ENGL 363 | Major American Writers II | 3 |
ENGL 365 | African-American Literature | 3 |
ENGL 374 | Literature in the Audio Age | 3 |
ENGL 375 | Popular Literature | 3 |
ENGL 376 | Writing Graphic Narratives | 3 |
ENGL 377 | Graphic Novels | 3 |
ENGL 378 | Technologies of the Book | 3 |
ENGL 379 | Storytelling, Video Games, and Literature | 3 |
ENGL 517 | Scriptwriting I | 3 |
ENGL 518 | Scriptwriting II | 3 |
ENGL 579 | Introduction to Digital Humanities | 3 |
FA 110 | Introduction to the Fine Arts | 3 |
FA 301 | An Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Arts | 3 |
FA 321 | Avant-Garde Art, Film, Rock Music and Subcultures | 3 |
FREN 204 | Intermediate French | 3 |
FREN 204H | Intermediate French Honors | 3 |
FREN 223 | Intermediate French Readings I | 3 |
FREN 223H | Intermediate French Readings I Honors | 3 |
FREN 300 | Intermediate French Readings II | 3 |
FREN 300H | Intermediate French Readings II Honors | 3 |
FYMU 102D | First Year Seminar: Global Music Cultures | 3 |
GERM 204 | Intermediate German | 3 |
GERM 224 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
GERM 300 | Intermediate German Readings | 3 |
HIST 100 | The Human Adventure: World Civilization Since 1500 | 3 |
HIST 101 | World Civilization to 1500 | 3 |
HIST 102 | History of Western Civilization Since 1648 | 3 |
HIST 131 | History of the United States: Colonial to 1865 | 3 |
HIST 132 | History of the United States Since 1865 | 3 |
HIST 304 | Conversations with Kansans: The History, Diversity, Cultures and Voices of Kansas | 3 |
HIST 305 | Epidemics in World History | 3 |
HIST 306 | The U.S. Century: Decades of Change | 3 |
HIST 307 | History of Genocide Past and Present | 3 |
HIST 309 | The African American Historical Experience | 3 |
HIST 314 | English History | 3 |
HIST 317 | The Holocaust | 3 |
HIST 318 | The Holocaust in Film | 3 |
HIST 319 | History Beyond the Headlines | 3 |
HIST 320 | Russian History Survey | 3 |
HIST 321 | The Vietnam Conflict | 3 |
HIST 327 | Ethnic Entrepreneurship | 3 |
HIST 330 | The Americans: Conflict and Consensus in the Development of American Society and Culture | 3 |
HIST 333 | Ethnic America in the 20th Century | 3 |
HIST 335 | Latinos/as in the City | 3 |
HIST 340 | World War II | 3 |
HIST 357 | Women in the Ancient World | 3 |
HIST 362 | The Roman World | 3 |
HIST 372 | Medieval World | 3 |
HIST 393 | Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union | 3 |
HIST 501 | American Colonies | 3 |
HIST 502 | American Revolution and the Early Republic | 3 |
HIST 503 | The Age of Jefferson and Jackson | 3 |
HIST 504 | Civil War | 3 |
HIST 505 | The United States, 1865 to 1920 | 3 |
HIST 507 | United States 1900-1945 | 3 |
HIST 508 | United States Since 1945 | 3 |
HIST 511 | Women in Early America, 1600-1830 | 3 |
HIST 512 | Women and Reform in America, 1830-Present | 3 |
HIST 513 | History of United States and the Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST 514 | History of the Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST 517 | United States Constitutional History to 1865 | 3 |
HIST 517H | United States Constitutional History to 1865 Honors | 3 |
HIST 518 | United States Constitutional History from 1865 | 3 |
HIST 518H | United States Constitutional History from 1865 Honors | 3 |
HIST 522 | United States Foreign Relations Since 1898 | 3 |
HIST 525 | American Military History | 3 |
HIST 527 | African-American Business History | 3 |
HIST 528 | History of Wichita | 3 |
HIST 530 | The American Woman in History | 3 |
HIST 531 | American Environmental History | 3 |
HIST 535 | History of Kansas | 3 |
HIST 536 | Survey of American Indian History | 3 |
HIST 541 | Modern France | 3 |
HIST 543 | Law and American Society | 3 |
HIST 543H | Law and American Society Honors | 3 |
HIST 544 | American Law and Film | 3 |
HIST 546 | An LGBTQ+ History of the United States | 3 |
HIST 547 | Law and Modern American Civil Rights | 3 |
HIST 550 | Mapping and History | 3 |
HIST 553 | History of Mexico | 3 |
HIST 559 | Classical Athens | 3 |
HIST 560 | The Hellenistic World and Rise of Rome | 3 |
HIST 563 | Roman Empire | 3 |
HIST 577 | Medieval Women | 3 |
HIST 581 | Europe 1789-1870 | 3 |
HIST 582 | Europe 1871-1945 | 3 |
HIST 588 | Medieval Russia | 3 |
HIST 589 | History of Imperial Russia | 3 |
HIST 592 | History of Soviet Union | 3 |
HNRS 105 | Seminar I: Humanities | 3-4 |
HNRS 105G | War: Strategic Studies | 3 |
HNRS 304 | Seminar III: Fine Arts | 3-4 |
HNRS 304F | Discovering Creativity | 3 |
HNRS 304G | The Arts Respond to 2019-2022 | 3 |
HNRS 305 | Seminar III: Humanities | 3-4 |
HNRS 305F | Epidemics in World History | 3 |
HNRS 305J | Minds and Machines | 3 |
HNRS 305N | History Beyond the Headlines | 3 |
HNRS 305O | History of Genocide Past and Present | 3 |
HNRS 305R | Philosophy of Space Exploration | 3 |
HNRS 305S | American Law and Film | 3 |
HNRS 305U | The Power of Storytelling | 3 |
HNRS 305V | Language and Community | 3 |
HNRS 305W | Women in Tech: Historical, Social and Philosophical Perspectives | 3 |
HNRS 305X | Speaking Spanish in the United States | 3 |
HNRS 305Y | Peace | 3 |
HNRS 351 | Survey of Leadership | 3 |
HNRS 352 | Survey of Law & Public Policy | 3 |
HNRS 405 | Seminar in Humanities | 3-4 |
HNRS 405F | Walling the Self: Dwelling and Identity in Early Lit | 3 |
HNRS 405G | After the Fall: The Search for Identity from Classical to Modern Literature | 3 |
JAPN 204 | Intermediate Japanese | 3 |
JAPN 224 | Intermediate Japanese II | 3 |
JAPN 228 | Introduction to Japanese Philosophy | 3 |
JAPN 322 | Japanese Film | 3 |
JAPN 324 | Japanese Culture and Society | 3 |
LASI 300 | Global Issues | 3 |
LATN 204 | Intermediate Latin | 3 |
LING 151 | Nature of Language | 3 |
LING 152 | Language of Food | 3 |
LING 315 | Introduction to English Linguistics | 3 |
MCLL 304 | Latin American and LatinX Thought | 3 |
MUSC 160 | What to Listen for in Music | 3 |
MUSC 162 | Global Music Cultures | 3 |
MUSC 164 | American Popular Music | 3 |
MUSC 334 | History of Music I | 3 |
MUSC 335 | History of Music II | 3 |
MUSC 346 | Styles of Jazz | 3 |
MUSC 493 | American Popular Music | 3 |
PHIL 100 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 105 | Critical Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL 125 | Introductory Logic | 3 |
PHIL 125H | Introductory Logic Honors | 3 |
PHIL 175 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 175H | Introduction to Ethics Honors | 3 |
PHIL 215 | Introduction to Ethics of Big Data and AI | 3 |
PHIL 228 | Introduction to Japanese Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 300 | Science and the Modern World | 3 |
PHIL 302 | Values and the Modern World | 3 |
PHIL 304 | Latin American and LatinX Thought | 3 |
PHIL 305 | Analytic Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 306 | Business Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 310 | Classical Philosophy of Law | 3 |
PHIL 312 | Contemporary Philosophy of Law | 3 |
PHIL 312H | Contemporary Philosophy of Law Honors | 3 |
PHIL 313 | Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 315 | Late Modern Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 315H | Late Modern Philosophy Honors | 3 |
PHIL 320 | Philosophy of Science | 3 |
PHIL 322 | Early Modern Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 327 | Bioethics | 3 |
PHIL 331 | Ancient Greek Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 338 | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |
PHIL 341 | Contemporary Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 342 | History of Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 346 | Philosophy of Religion | 3 |
PHIL 352 | Contemporary Chinese Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 354 | Ethics and Computers | 3 |
PHIL 355 | Minds and Machines | 3 |
PHIL 360 | Ethical Theory | 3 |
PHIL 361 | Metaethics | 3 |
PHIL 365 | Survey of Asian Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 385 | Engineering Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 385H | Engineering Ethics Honors | 3 |
PHIL 386 | Biomedical Engineering Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 530 | Ethics of Space Exploration | 3 |
REL 110 | Old Testament | 3 |
REL 115 | New Testament | 3 |
REL 301 | Archaeology and the Bible | 3 |
REL 301H | Archaeology and the Bible Honors | 3 |
REL 302 | Religion and Society | 3 |
REL 303 | The Bible and the Ancient Near East | 3 |
REL 311F | Violence and the Bible | 3 |
REL 327 | Magic, Witchcraft and Religion | 3 |
REL 393 | Race and the Bible | 3 |
REL 420 | Women and the Bible | 3 |
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 323 | Selected Spanish Readings | 3 |
SPAN 323H | Selected Spanish Readings Honors | 3 |
SPAN 400 | Intermediate Spanish Readings | 3 |
THEA 143 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 |
THEA 221 | Oral Interpretation | 3 |
THEA 241 | Improvisation for the Actor | 3 |
THEA 243 | Acting 1 - Foundations | 3 |
THEA 260 | History of Musical Theatre | 3 |
THEA 385 | Theatre as a Mirror of Today's America | 3 |
THEA 516 | Scriptwriting I | 3 |
THEA 517 | Scriptwriting II | 3 |
Bucket 7 Courses
First-Year Seminar Requirement
Students who have earned an Associate Degree or 30 credit hours prior to high school graduation and before starting classes at WSU as a degree-bound student, may be exempt from taking a First-Year Seminar course. Those students must take additional general education approved courses to reach a total of 6 credit hours in Bucket 7.
Course | Title | Hours |
First-Year Seminar Courses | ||
FYAN 102AC | First-Year Seminar: Culture, Health and Medicine | 3 |
FYAN 102X | First-Year Seminar: We Are What We Eat: An Anthropology of Food | 3 |
FYAP 102A | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation | 3 |
FYAP 102B | First Year Seminar: Innovations of World War II | 3 |
FYAR 102D | First-Year Seminar: Every Body is Good! | 3 |
FYAS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Finding Success as a Teacher Through Mentoring and Self-Care | 3 |
FYBI 102A | First-Year Seminar: Exploration of Evolution | 3 |
FYCH 102W | First-Year Seminar: Chemistry, Environment and the Common Good | 3 |
FYCJ 102A | First-Year Seminar: Hackers, Creeps and Cybercriminals | 3 |
FYCJ 102Q | First-Year Seminar: Criminalistic Methods: What Would Sherlock Holmes Do? | 3 |
FYCM 102D | First-Year Seminar: Cross Cultural Communication | 3 |
FYCM 102R | First-Year Seminar: Exploring WSU in Your Photos and Words | 3 |
FYEC 102B | First-Year Seminar: The Business of You | 3 |
FYED 102A | First-Year Seminar: Superheroes Go to School | 3 |
FYED 102B | First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Modern America | 3 |
FYED 102C | First-Year Seminar: Creativity and Problem Solving | 3 |
FYED 102E | First-Year Seminar: Math: A Course in Solving for Why | 3 |
FYEN 102AA | First-Year Seminar: Intersectional Inequality - Poverty, Women and Ethnicity | 3 |
FYEN 102J | First-Year Seminar: Fundamentals of Diversity | 3 |
FYEN 102P | First-Year Seminar: Imagining Climate Change | 3 |
FYFR 102A | First-Year Seminar: Exploring a Commercial Real Estate Transaction | 3 |
FYGE 102U | First-Year Seminar: Building a Sustainable Planet | 3 |
FYHN 102A | First-Year Seminar: Election 2020 | 3 |
FYHN 102C | First-Year Seminar: Creative Discovery | 3 |
FYHN 102D | First-Year Seminar: Discovering Humanity | 3 |
FYHN 102E | First-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World | 3 |
FYHN 102F | First-Year Seminar: Facts, Opinions and Why They Both Matter | 3 |
FYHN 102G | First-Year Seminar: Food, Culture and Privilege | 3 |
FYHN 102I | First Year Seminar: Community and Cultural Connections | 3 |
FYHP 102E | First-Year Seminar: Infections, Emerging Superbugs, Biowarfare and Outbreaks | 3 |
FYHS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Human Rights, Past and Present | 3 |
FYHS 102AE | First-Year Seminar: Facts, Opinions and Why They Both Matter | 3 |
FYHS 102AZ | First-Year Seminar: We Shall Overcome to Black Lives Matter: The Modern Black Freedom Movement | 3 |
FYHS 102K | First-Year Seminar: Contemporary Civil Rights Movements in the United States | 3 |
FYHS 102M | First-Year Seminar: History and Rock 'n' Roll | 3 |
FYHS 102O | First-Year Seminar: Career, Life and the Humanities Geek! | 3 |
FYHS 102V | First-Year Seminar: Creation, the Earth and the Future | 3 |
FYHS 102Z | First-Year Seminar: So You Want to Write a Book? Publishing as Art, Sci, Profession and Way of Life | 3 |
FYID 102A | First-Year Seminar: WUtopia - The 15 Minute City | 3 |
FYIM 102C | First-Year Seminar: Community Connection: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work | 3 |
FYIS 102E | First-Year Seminar: Monsters in Movies: Disability in the Horror Genre | 3 |
FYLA 102AG | First-Year Seminar: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom: The Evolving Nature of Society and Tech | 3 |
FYMG 102A | First-Year Seminar: Dare to Care: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issues for Frontline Workers | 3 |
FYMG 102B | First-Year Seminar: Uncommon Sense | 3 |
FYMG 102C | First-Year Seminar: Global Business, Culture and Etiquette | 3 |
FYMG 102D | First-Year Seminar: Introverts in Society | 3 |
FYMK 102A | First-Year Seminar: Solutions by Design: An Introduction to Design Thinking | 3 |
FYML 102C | First-Year Seminar: Powerful Narratives: Storytelling and Social Justice in the Hispanic World | 3 |
FYML 102E | First-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media | 3 |
FYML 102F | First-Year Seminar: Cooking Communities: Food and Culture in the Hispanic World | 3 |
FYML 102G | First-Year Seminar: Latinos in the US and the Midwest | 3 |
FYML 102I | First-Year Seminar: World Comics, World Cultures | 3 |
FYML 102N | First-Year Seminar: World Food and Foodways | 3 |
FYML 102W | First-Year Seminar: Reading Life: Literature and Culture | 3 |
FYMP 102A | First-Year Seminar: Energy Science and The Environment | 3 |
FYMS 102F | First-Year Seminar: Medical Laboratory Scientists: Healthcare Detectives | 3 |
FYMU 102A | First-Year Seminar: Music Really Does Make You Smarter | 3 |
FYMU 102B | First-Year Seminar: Music as My Key to Success | 3 |
FYMU 102C | First-Year Seminar: The Marcussen, Wiedemann and You | 3 |
FYMU 102D | First Year Seminar: Global Music Cultures | 3 |
FYPF 102C | First-Year Seminar: Seminar in Creativity and Play: Yes, Really | 3 |
FYPH 102B | First-Year Seminar: Leadership and Self Discovery | 3 |
FYPH 102G | First-Year Seminar: Connecting Generations: Sharing Life Stories with Shockers | 3 |
FYPL 102A | First-Year Seminar: Law | 3 |
FYPL 102B | First-Year Seminar: Critical Reasoning about Weird Things | 3 |
FYPS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Myth-Busting the Model Minority: Asian American Experiences | 3 |
FYPS 102AB | First-Year Seminar: Engineering Politics: Partisan Redistricting in the United States | 3 |
FYPS 102AD | First-Year Seminar: Plugging Into Politics | 3 |
FYPS 102E | First-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World | 3 |
FYSO 102A | First-Year Seminar: On Gender and Feminism | 3 |
FYSO 102Y | First-Year Seminar: The Sociology of Harry Potter | 3 |
FYSP 102A | First-Year Seminar: My Community and I | 3 |
FYSP 102B | First-Year Seminar: The Shocker Way | 3 |
FYSW 102A | First-Year Seminar: Get Involved: The Power of Collective Behavior | 3 |
FYSW 102T | First-Year Seminar: This Is Us, Who Are You? Family in Modern America | 3 |
Diversity Requirement
The diversity requirement may be satisfied by a general education course in Buckets 4-6. If so, students must take additional general education approved courses to reach a total of 6 credit hours in Bucket 7.
Course | Title | Hours |
Diversity General Education Courses | ||
ANTH 101 | Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 102 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 200 | Intercultural Relations | 3 |
ANTH 303 | World Cultures | 3 |
ANTH 327 | Magic, Witchcraft and Religion | 3 |
ANTH 356 | Human Variability and Adaptation | 3 |
ANTH 356H | Human Variability and Adaptation Honors | 3 |
ANTH 416 | Archaeology of Sex and Gender | 3 |
ANTH 511 | The Indians of North America | 3 |
ARTH 125B | Bodies and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 125D | Dress and Art History | 3 |
ARTH 387 | Theories of Art and Culture | 3 |
ARTS 312 | Community Arts Engagement | 3 |
ARTS 312H | Community Arts Engagement Honors | 3 |
ARTS 324 | Documentary Media and Social Strategies | 3 |
BIOL 370 | Introductory Environmental Science | 3 |
CESP 334 | Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development | 3 |
CJ 355 | Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
COMM 190 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
COMM 335 | International and Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COMM 355 | Race and Media | 3 |
ENGL 152 | Language of Food | 3 |
ENGL 241 | Jane Austen and Popular Culture | 3 |
ENGL 278 | Literary Representations of LGBTQ + Culture | 3 |
ENGL 332 | Young Adult Literature | 3 |
ENGL 365 | African-American Literature | 3 |
ENGL 374 | Literature in the Audio Age | 3 |
ENGL 376 | Writing Graphic Narratives | 3 |
ENTR 327 | Ethnic Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ETHS 360 | Dealing with Diversity | 3 |
FREN 204 | Intermediate French | 3 |
FREN 204H | Intermediate French Honors | 3 |
FYAN 102AC | First-Year Seminar: Culture, Health and Medicine | 3 |
FYAN 102X | First-Year Seminar: We Are What We Eat: An Anthropology of Food | 3 |
FYAP 102A | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation | 3 |
FYAR 102D | First-Year Seminar: Every Body is Good! | 3 |
FYAS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Finding Success as a Teacher Through Mentoring and Self-Care | 3 |
FYCM 102D | First-Year Seminar: Cross Cultural Communication | 3 |
FYCM 102R | First-Year Seminar: Exploring WSU in Your Photos and Words | 3 |
FYED 102A | First-Year Seminar: Superheroes Go to School | 3 |
FYED 102B | First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Modern America | 3 |
FYEN 102AA | First-Year Seminar: Intersectional Inequality - Poverty, Women and Ethnicity | 3 |
FYEN 102J | First-Year Seminar: Fundamentals of Diversity | 3 |
FYHN 102C | First-Year Seminar: Creative Discovery | 3 |
FYHN 102D | First-Year Seminar: Discovering Humanity | 3 |
FYHN 102E | First-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World | 3 |
FYHN 102G | First-Year Seminar: Food, Culture and Privilege | 3 |
FYHN 102I | First Year Seminar: Community and Cultural Connections | 3 |
FYHS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Human Rights, Past and Present | 3 |
FYHS 102AZ | First-Year Seminar: We Shall Overcome to Black Lives Matter: The Modern Black Freedom Movement | 3 |
FYHS 102K | First-Year Seminar: Contemporary Civil Rights Movements in the United States | 3 |
FYHS 102M | First-Year Seminar: History and Rock 'n' Roll | 3 |
FYHS 102V | First-Year Seminar: Creation, the Earth and the Future | 3 |
FYID 102A | First-Year Seminar: WUtopia - The 15 Minute City | 3 |
FYIS 102E | First-Year Seminar: Monsters in Movies: Disability in the Horror Genre | 3 |
FYMG 102A | First-Year Seminar: Dare to Care: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issues for Frontline Workers | 3 |
FYMG 102B | First-Year Seminar: Uncommon Sense | 3 |
FYMG 102C | First-Year Seminar: Global Business, Culture and Etiquette | 3 |
FYMG 102D | First-Year Seminar: Introverts in Society | 3 |
FYMK 102A | First-Year Seminar: Solutions by Design: An Introduction to Design Thinking | 3 |
FYML 102C | First-Year Seminar: Powerful Narratives: Storytelling and Social Justice in the Hispanic World | 3 |
FYML 102E | First-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media | 3 |
FYML 102F | First-Year Seminar: Cooking Communities: Food and Culture in the Hispanic World | 3 |
FYML 102G | First-Year Seminar: Latinos in the US and the Midwest | 3 |
FYML 102I | First-Year Seminar: World Comics, World Cultures | 3 |
FYML 102N | First-Year Seminar: World Food and Foodways | 3 |
FYML 102W | First-Year Seminar: Reading Life: Literature and Culture | 3 |
FYMP 102A | First-Year Seminar: Energy Science and The Environment | 3 |
FYPH 102G | First-Year Seminar: Connecting Generations: Sharing Life Stories with Shockers | 3 |
FYPL 102A | First-Year Seminar: Law | 3 |
FYPS 102A | First-Year Seminar: Myth-Busting the Model Minority: Asian American Experiences | 3 |
FYPS 102E | First-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World | 3 |
FYSO 102Y | First-Year Seminar: The Sociology of Harry Potter | 3 |
FYSW 102A | First-Year Seminar: Get Involved: The Power of Collective Behavior | 3 |
FYSW 102T | First-Year Seminar: This Is Us, Who Are You? Family in Modern America | 3 |
GEOG 210 | Introduction to World Geography | 3 |
GEOG 570 | Geography of Asia | 3 |
GEOL 102 | Earth Science and the Environment | 3 |
GEOL 200 | Introduction to Environment and Sustainability | 3 |
GEOL 300 | Energy, Resources and Environment | 3 |
GERM 204 | Intermediate German | 3 |
HIST 100 | The Human Adventure: World Civilization Since 1500 | 3 |
HIST 307 | History of Genocide Past and Present | 3 |
HIST 309 | The African American Historical Experience | 3 |
HIST 317 | The Holocaust | 3 |
HIST 327 | Ethnic Entrepreneurship | 3 |
HIST 333 | Ethnic America in the 20th Century | 3 |
HIST 335 | Latinos/as in the City | 3 |
HIST 357 | Women in the Ancient World | 3 |
HIST 362 | The Roman World | 3 |
HIST 372 | Medieval World | 3 |
HIST 393 | Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union | 3 |
HIST 511 | Women in Early America, 1600-1830 | 3 |
HIST 512 | Women and Reform in America, 1830-Present | 3 |
HIST 513 | History of United States and the Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST 514 | History of the Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST 522 | United States Foreign Relations Since 1898 | 3 |
HIST 527 | African-American Business History | 3 |
HIST 530 | The American Woman in History | 3 |
HIST 531 | American Environmental History | 3 |
HIST 536 | Survey of American Indian History | 3 |
HIST 543 | Law and American Society | 3 |
HIST 543H | Law and American Society Honors | 3 |
HIST 544 | American Law and Film | 3 |
HIST 546 | An LGBTQ+ History of the United States | 3 |
HIST 547 | Law and Modern American Civil Rights | 3 |
HIST 553 | History of Mexico | 3 |
HIST 559 | Classical Athens | 3 |
HIST 560 | The Hellenistic World and Rise of Rome | 3 |
HIST 563 | Roman Empire | 3 |
HIST 577 | Medieval Women | 3 |
HIST 588 | Medieval Russia | 3 |
HNRS 106AB | Parks, People and Place: Exploring Our National Parks | 3 |
HNRS 304G | The Arts Respond to 2019-2022 | 3 |
HNRS 305J | Minds and Machines | 3 |
HNRS 305O | History of Genocide Past and Present | 3 |
HNRS 305S | American Law and Film | 3 |
HNRS 305X | Speaking Spanish in the United States | 3 |
HNRS 305Y | Peace | 3 |
HNRS 306K | Black Lives Matter and Other Marginalized Perspectives | 3 |
IB 333 | International Business | 3 |
JAPN 204 | Intermediate Japanese | 3 |
JAPN 224 | Intermediate Japanese II | 3 |
JAPN 228 | Introduction to Japanese Philosophy | 3 |
JAPN 322 | Japanese Film | 3 |
JAPN 324 | Japanese Culture and Society | 3 |
LASI 300 | Global Issues | 3 |
LATN 204 | Intermediate Latin | 3 |
LING 152 | Language of Food | 3 |
MCLL 304 | Latin American and LatinX Thought | 3 |
MUSC 162 | Global Music Cultures | 3 |
MUSC 164 | American Popular Music | 3 |
MUSC 346 | Styles of Jazz | 3 |
MUSC 493 | American Popular Music | 3 |
PHIL 175 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 175H | Introduction to Ethics Honors | 3 |
PHIL 215 | Introduction to Ethics of Big Data and AI | 3 |
PHIL 228 | Introduction to Japanese Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 300 | Science and the Modern World | 3 |
PHIL 302 | Values and the Modern World | 3 |
PHIL 304 | Latin American and LatinX Thought | 3 |
PHIL 306 | Business Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 312 | Contemporary Philosophy of Law | 3 |
PHIL 312H | Contemporary Philosophy of Law Honors | 3 |
PHIL 313 | Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 327 | Bioethics | 3 |
PHIL 338 | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |
PHIL 354 | Ethics and Computers | 3 |
PHIL 355 | Minds and Machines | 3 |
PHIL 385 | Engineering Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 385H | Engineering Ethics Honors | 3 |
PHIL 386 | Biomedical Engineering Ethics | 3 |
PHS 100 | Introduction to Aging Studies | 3 |
PHS 344 | Culturally Informed Healthcare | 3 |
PHS 344H | Culturally Informed Healthcare Honors | 3 |
PHS 512 | Aging Across Cultures | 3 |
POLS 220 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
POLS 220H | Introduction to International Relations Honors | 3 |
POLS 226 | Comparative Politics | 3 |
POLS 310 | Latin American Politics | 3 |
POLS 312 | Asian Politics | 3 |
POLS 313 | Global Gender Politics | 3 |
POLS 320 | Developing World | 3 |
POLS 340 | Global Challenges | 3 |
POLS 356 | Civil Liberties | 3 |
POLS 356H | Civil Liberties Honors | 3 |
POLS 360 | Human Rights | 3 |
POLS 360H | Human Rights Honors | 3 |
POLS 385 | Democracy and Authoritarianism | 3 |
PSY 406 | Introduction to Community Psychology | 3 |
PSY 416 | Psychology and Problems of Society | 3 |
PSY 534 | Psychology of Women | 3 |
REL 302 | Religion and Society | 3 |
REL 311F | Violence and the Bible | 3 |
REL 327 | Magic, Witchcraft and Religion | 3 |
REL 393 | Race and the Bible | 3 |
REL 420 | Women and the Bible | 3 |
SCWK 304 | Social Diversity and Ethics | 3 |
SCWK 385 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies | 3 |
SCWK 541 | Women, Children and Poverty | 3 |
SCWK 571 | Contemporary Issues and Perspectives: LGBTQ | 3 |
SOC 302 | Religion and Society | 3 |
SOC 303 | Sociology of Mental Health | 3 |
SOC 304 | Sociology of Violence | 3 |
SOC 306 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 3 |
SOC 316 | Men and Masculinities | 3 |
SOC 318 | Environmental Sociology | 3 |
SOC 319 | Sociology of Sexualities | 3 |
SOC 326 | Sociology of Race & Ethnicity | 3 |
SOC 330 | Social Inequality | 3 |
SOC 346 | Sociology of Globalization | 3 |
SOC 397 | Social Epidemiology | 3 |
SOC 515 | Family Diversity | 3 |
SOC 528 | Schools and Society | 3 |
SOC 534 | Urban Sociology | 3 |
SOC 538 | Medical Sociology | 3 |
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish | 3 |
THEA 143 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 |
THEA 385 | Theatre as a Mirror of Today's America | 3 |
WOMS 190 | Diverse Women in Popular Culture | 3 |
WOMS 287 | Women in Society: Social Issues | 3 |
WOMS 338 | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |
WOMS 387 | Women in Society: Cultural Images | 3 |
WOMS 513 | Issues and Perspectives on African Women and Globalism | 3 |
WOMS 588 | Gender, Race and the West/East Divide | 3 |
Additional General Education Courses
The following general education courses1 cannot fulfill the requirements of any other Bucket. They can fulfill Bucket 7 requirements if the student is exempt from taking an FYS course, the diversity requirement has been fulfilled in Buckets 4-6, or the course can be used to fulfill the diversity requirement.
- 1
Certain science courses in this list may fulfill the Bucket 4 requirement when taken with the optional lab course. Those lecture and lab combinations are: ANTH 101/ ANTH 106, BIOL 106/ BIOL 107, BIOL 370/ BIOL 371, GEOL 102/ GEOL 102L, PHYS 195/ PHYS 196, PHYS 313/ PHYS 315 and PHYS 314/ PHYS 316.
Course | Title | Hours |
General Education Courses Only for Bucket 7 | ||
ANTH 101 | Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 356 | Human Variability and Adaptation | 3 |
ANTH 356H | Human Variability and Adaptation Honors | 3 |
BIOL 103 | Microbes and You | 3 |
BIOL 106 | The Human Organism | 3 |
BIOL 309 | Foundations of Human Heredity | 3 |
BIOL 310 | Human Reproduction | 3 |
BIOL 370 | Introductory Environmental Science | 3 |
CHEM 514 | Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 545 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 661 | Principles of Biochemistry | 3 |
GEOG 235 | Meteorology | 3 |
GEOG 335 | Extreme and Unusual Weather | 3 |
GEOL 102 | Earth Science and the Environment | 3 |
GEOL 200 | Introduction to Environment and Sustainability | 3 |
GEOL 235 | Meteorology | 3 |
GEOL 300 | Energy, Resources and Environment | 3 |
GEOL 301 | Dinosaurs: Fantastic Beasts and Lost Worlds | 3 |
GEOL 302 | Earth and Space Sciences | 3 |
GEOL 310 | Oceanography | 3 |
GEOL 335 | Extreme and Unusual Weather | 3 |
GEOL 570 | Biogeology | 3 |
GEOL 574 | Special Studies in Paleontology | 3 |
GEOL 574C | Micropaleontology | 3 |
HNRS 153 | Seminar II: Mathematics and Natural Sciences | 3-5 |
HNRS 153B | The Dynamic Universe | 3 |
HNRS 153T | Big Bang, Black Holes, the Fate of the Universe | 3 |
HNRS 307 | Seminar III: Mathematics and Natural Sciences | 3-4 |
HNRS 307C | Aviation and Spaceflight Physiology | 3 |
HP 330 | Cancer: Perspectives and Controversies | 3 |
MATH 144 | Business Calculus | 3 |
MATH 242 | Calculus I | 5 |
MATH 242H | Calculus I Honors | 5 |
MATH 243 | Calculus II | 5 |
MATH 243H | Calculus II Honors | 5 |
MATH 344 | Calculus III | 3 |
MATH 344H | Calculus III Honors | 3 |
MATH 531 | Introduction to the History of Mathematics | 3 |
MLS 430 | Impact of Disease Upon Global Events | 3 |
PC 105 | Introduction to Computers and Applications | 3 |
PHYS 131 | Physics for Health Sciences | 3 |
PHYS 195 | Introduction to Modern Astronomy | 3 |
PHYS 210 | Physics of Sound | 3 |
PHYS 313 | Physics for Scientists I | 4 |
PHYS 314 | Physics for Scientists II | 4 |
PHYS 395 | Solar System Astronomy | 3 |
STAT 370 | Elementary Statistics | 3 |
STAT 460 | Elementary Probability and Mathematical Statistics | 3 |
STAT 571 | Statistical Methods I | 3 |
STAT 572 | Statistical Methods II | 3 |