General education courses must be at least 3 credit hours and from the approved general education course list. For more information, visit the general education website1.

General education courses offered in a given semester are identified in the online schedule of courses1.


Link opens new window.

Buckets 1-3 Courses

Courses fulfilling the Bucket 1-3 requirements are also known as foundation courses. Foundation courses cover the fundamental skills needed throughout college. They should be completed within the first 48 credit hours of enrollment with a grade of C- or better.  MATH 111 or any math course that requires  MATH 111 or  MATH 112 as a prerequisite can be used to meet the foundation math requirement.

Course Title Hours
COMM 111Public Speaking3
COMM 111HPublic Speaking Honors3
ENGL 100English Composition3
ENGL 101College English I3
ENGL 101ACollege English I Lab0
ENGL 102College English II3
MATH 111College Algebra3
MATH 112Precalculus Mathematics5
MATH 131Contemporary Mathematics3
STAT 171Introduction to Statistics3

Bucket 4 Courses

Course Title Hours
Natural and Physical Sciences General Education Courses
Courses with a lab component
BIOL 210General Biology I4
BIOL 211General Biology II4
BIOL 220Introduction to Microbiology4
BIOL 223Human Anatomy and Physiology5
CHEM 103Introductory General, Organic and Biochemistry5
CHEM 211General Chemistry I5
CHEM 212General Chemistry II5
CHEM 523Analytical Chemistry4
CHEM 531Organic Chemistry I5
GEOL 111General Geology4
GEOL 312Historical Geology4
HS 290Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology5
HS 290HFoundational Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors5
PHYS 111Introductory Physics4
PHYS 213General College Physics I5
PHYS 214General College Physics II5
Following courses can only be used to fulfill the Bucket 4 requirement if both the lecture and lab are taken
ANTH 101
ANTH 106
Biological Anthropology
and Biological Anthropology Lab
BIOL 106
BIOL 107
The Human Organism
and The Human Organism Laboratory
BIOL 370
BIOL 371
Introductory Environmental Science
and Introductory Environmental Science Lab
GEOL 102
Earth Science and the Environment
and Earth Science and the Environment Lab
PHYS 195
PHYS 196
Introduction to Modern Astronomy
and Laboratory in Modern Astronomy
PHYS 313
PHYS 315
Physics for Scientists I
and University Physics Lab I
PHYS 314
PHYS 316
Physics for Scientists II
and University Physics Lab II

Bucket 5 Courses

Course Title Hours
Social and Behavioral Sciences General Education Courses
ANTH 102Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 103Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH 200Intercultural Relations3
ANTH 303World Cultures3
ANTH 305World Archaeology3
ANTH 318Psychological Anthropology3
ANTH 327Magic, Witchcraft and Religion3
ANTH 335Archaeology of North America3
ANTH 344Ecological Anthropology3
ANTH 352Linguistic Anthropology3
ANTH 416Archaeology of Sex and Gender3
ANTH 511The Indians of North America3
ANTH 528Medical Anthropology3
ANTH 555Paleoanthropology and Human Paleontology3
ANTH 613Archaeology of the Great Plains3
CESP 334Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development3
CJ 191Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJ 315Criminal Law3
CJ 351The Victim in Criminal Justice3
CJ 355Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System3
CJ 394Courts and Judicial Systems3
CJ 513Violent Crime3
CJ 518Criminal Justice and Crime in Film3
CJ 593Crime Causation and Criminal Justice Policy3
CJ 652Juvenile Justice and Social Policy3
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 201HPrinciples of Macroeconomics Honors3
ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3
ENTR 310The Entrepreneurial Experience3
ENTR 327Ethnic Entrepreneurship3
ENTR 440New Venture Feasibility Analysis3
ETHS 360Dealing with Diversity3
FYSP 102BFirst-Year Seminar: The Shocker Way3
GEOG 125Principles of Human Geography3
GEOG 210Introduction to World Geography3
GEOG 530Geography of Latin America3
GEOG 542Geography of Europe3
GEOG 550Mapping and History3
GEOG 570Geography of Asia3
HNRS 106Seminar I: Social and Behavioral Sciences3-4
HNRS 106ABParks, People and Place: Exploring Our National Parks3
HNRS 152Seminar II: Social and Behavioral Sciences3-4
HNRS 152FLeadership Challenge3
HNRS 306Seminar III: Social and Behavioral Sciences3-4
HNRS 306GAlternative Break: Service Leadership3
HNRS 306IAging as a Societal Issue: OK Boomer and Beyond3
HNRS 306JLead for Tomorrow3
HNRS 306KBlack Lives Matter and Other Marginalized Perspectives3
HNRS 406Seminar in Social and Behavioral Sciences3-4
HNRS 406CMaking Social Impact3
IB 333International Business3
ID 300Human-Centric Design Thinking3
ID 300HHuman-Centric Design Thinking Honors3
ID 301Leadership is Essential Seminar3
LEAD 310Principles of Leadership3
LEAD 310HPrinciples of Leadership Honors3
PHS 100Introduction to Aging Studies3
PHS 101Introduction to Public Health3
PHS 310Introduction to U.S. Healthcare and Administration3
PHS 326Emerging Global Healthcare Issues3
PHS 344Culturally Informed Healthcare3
PHS 344HCulturally Informed Healthcare Honors3
PHS 404Psychology of Aging3
PHS 405Sociology of Aging3
PHS 408Adaptive Leadership3
PHS 408HAdaptive Leadership Honors3
PHS 512Aging Across Cultures3
POLS 121American Politics3
POLS 121HAmerican Politics Honors3
POLS 220Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 220HIntroduction to International Relations Honors3
POLS 226Comparative Politics3
POLS 232Political Theory and Philosophy3
POLS 232HPolitical Theory and Philosophy Honors3
POLS 305Environmental Politics3
POLS 310Latin American Politics3
POLS 312Asian Politics3
POLS 313Global Gender Politics3
POLS 314Presidential Nominations3
POLS 315The Presidency3
POLS 315HThe Presidency Honors3
POLS 316Legislative Politics3
POLS 319State Government3
POLS 320Developing World3
POLS 326Public Opinion and Political Psychology3
POLS 336International Organizations3
POLS 337Conflict Analysis3
POLS 337HConflict Analysis Honors3
POLS 340Global Challenges3
POLS 352Law and Political Power3
POLS 352HLaw and Political Power Honors3
POLS 356Civil Liberties3
POLS 356HCivil Liberties Honors3
POLS 360Human Rights3
POLS 360HHuman Rights Honors3
POLS 361Diplomacy and Negotiation3
POLS 361HDiplomacy and Negotiation Honors3
POLS 380Parties and Elections3
POLS 380HParties and Elections Honors3
POLS 385Democracy and Authoritarianism3
POLS 390FLobbyists and Interest Groups3
POLS 391EMiddle East Politics3
POLS 391MLegislative Leadership and Politics3
POLS 391MHLegislative Leadership and Politics Honors3
POLS 391RSpace Politics3
POLS 395U.S. Foreign Policy3
PSY 111General Psychology3
PSY 111HGeneral Psychology Honors3
PSY 320Biological Psychology3
PSY 321Psychology of Learning3
PSY 322Cognitive Psychology3
PSY 323Social Psychology3
PSY 323HSocial Psychology Honors3
PSY 324Psychology of Personality3
PSY 324HPsychology of Personality Honors3
PSY 325Developmental Psychology3
PSY 404Psychology of Aging3
PSY 406Introduction to Community Psychology3
PSY 409Psychology of Perception3
PSY 410Substance Use & Abuse3
PSY 413Adaptive Leadership3
PSY 413HAdaptive Leadership Honors3
PSY 414Child Psychology3
PSY 416Psychology and Problems of Society3
PSY 508AHAging as a Societal Issue: OK Boomer and Beyond Honors3
PSY 534Psychology of Women3
SCWK 201Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare3
SCWK 304Social Diversity and Ethics3
SCWK 385Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies3
SCWK 541Women, Children and Poverty3
SCWK 571Contemporary Issues and Perspectives: LGBTQ3
SOC 111Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 302Religion and Society3
SOC 303Sociology of Mental Health3
SOC 304Sociology of Violence3
SOC 306Introduction to Gender Studies3
SOC 315Marriage and Families3
SOC 316Men and Masculinities3
SOC 318Environmental Sociology3
SOC 319Sociology of Sexualities3
SOC 320Contemporary Social Problems3
SOC 322Deviant Behavior3
SOC 325Parenting3
SOC 326Sociology of Race & Ethnicity3
SOC 330Social Inequality3
SOC 332Media Through a Sociological Lens3
SOC 337Young Women's Health3
SOC 338Health & Lifestyle3
SOC 346Sociology of Globalization3
SOC 350Social Interaction3
SOC 397Social Epidemiology3
SOC 405Sociology of Aging3
SOC 515Family Diversity3
SOC 528Schools and Society3
SOC 534Urban Sociology3
SOC 538Medical Sociology3
SOC 539Juvenile Delinquency3
WOMS 190Diverse Women in Popular Culture3
WOMS 287Women in Society: Social Issues3
WOMS 338Philosophy of Feminism3
WOMS 387Women in Society: Cultural Images3
WOMS 513Issues and Perspectives on African Women and Globalism3
WOMS 588Gender, Race and the West/East Divide3

Bucket 6 Courses

Course Title Hours
Arts and Humanities General Education Courses
ARTE 303Stimulating Creative Behavior3
ARTH 103Art Appreciation3
ARTH 125Introduction to Art History3
ARTH 125APlay and Art History3
ARTH 125BBodies and Art History3
ARTH 125CPower and Art History3
ARTH 125DDress and Art History3
ARTH 125EIntroduction to Visual and Material Culture: Modern Japanese Art3
ARTH 346Modernisms I3
ARTH 347Themes in Contemporary Art and Design I3
ARTH 387Theories of Art and Culture3
ARTS 270Introduction to Ceramics3
ARTS 312Community Arts Engagement3
ARTS 312HCommunity Arts Engagement Honors3
ARTS 322Video, Sound and Performance3
ARTS 324Documentary Media and Social Strategies3
COMM 130Communication and Society3
COMM 190Introduction to Human Communication3
COMM 221Oral Interpretation3
COMM 302Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 312Nonverbal Communication3
COMM 313Argumentation and Advocacy3
COMM 321Introduction to Film Studies3
COMM 335International and Intercultural Communication3
COMM 355Race and Media3
COMM 430Communication Research and Inquiry3
COMM 535Communication Analysis and Criticism3
DANC 140Dance Appreciation3
DANC 225Dance History: Ancient Civilization to Early 1900s3
DANC 325Dance History: 20th and 21st Centuries3
ENGL 152Language of Food3
ENGL 230Exploring Literature3
ENGL 232DThemes in American Literature: Literature in the Jazz Age3
ENGL 232KImages of Insanity3
ENGL 232QThe Midwestern Identity3
ENGL 232RHorror and the Supernatural3
ENGL 232THip-Hop and Culture3
ENGL 234Young Adult Fiction3
ENGL 241Jane Austen and Popular Culture3
ENGL 252Modern American Writers3
ENGL 273Science Fiction3
ENGL 274Popular Music Writing3
ENGL 276The Literature of Sports3
ENGL 277The Detective Story3
ENGL 278Literary Representations of LGBTQ + Culture3
ENGL 285Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL 310Nature of Poetry3
ENGL 315Introduction to English Linguistics3
ENGL 320The Nature of Drama3
ENGL 322Origins of Western Literature3
ENGL 323World Literature3
ENGL 325Introduction to English Studies3
ENGL 330Nature of Fiction3
ENGL 332Young Adult Literature3
ENGL 333Literature and Law3
ENGL 340Shakespeare3
ENGL 343Great Plains Literature3
ENGL 344Regional Literature3
ENGL 360Major British Writers I3
ENGL 361Major British Writers II3
ENGL 362Major American Writers I3
ENGL 363Major American Writers II3
ENGL 365African-American Literature3
ENGL 374Literature in the Audio Age3
ENGL 375Popular Literature3
ENGL 376Writing Graphic Narratives3
ENGL 377Graphic Novels3
ENGL 378Technologies of the Book3
ENGL 379Storytelling, Video Games, and Literature3
ENGL 517Scriptwriting I3
ENGL 518Scriptwriting II3
ENGL 579Introduction to Digital Humanities3
FA 110Introduction to the Fine Arts3
FA 301An Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Arts3
FA 321Avant-Garde Art, Film, Rock Music and Subcultures3
FREN 204Intermediate French3
FREN 204HIntermediate French Honors3
FREN 223Intermediate French Readings I3
FREN 223HIntermediate French Readings I Honors3
FREN 300Intermediate French Readings II3
FREN 300HIntermediate French Readings II Honors3
FYMU 102DFirst Year Seminar: Global Music Cultures3
GERM 204Intermediate German3
GERM 224Intermediate German II3
GERM 300Intermediate German Readings3
HIST 100The Human Adventure: World Civilization Since 15003
HIST 101World Civilization to 15003
HIST 102History of Western Civilization Since 16483
HIST 131History of the United States: Colonial to 18653
HIST 132History of the United States Since 18653
HIST 304Conversations with Kansans: The History, Diversity, Cultures and Voices of Kansas3
HIST 305Epidemics in World History3
HIST 306The U.S. Century: Decades of Change3
HIST 307History of Genocide Past and Present3
HIST 309The African American Historical Experience3
HIST 314English History3
HIST 317The Holocaust3
HIST 318The Holocaust in Film3
HIST 319History Beyond the Headlines3
HIST 320Russian History Survey3
HIST 321The Vietnam Conflict3
HIST 327Ethnic Entrepreneurship3
HIST 330The Americans: Conflict and Consensus in the Development of American Society and Culture3
HIST 333Ethnic America in the 20th Century3
HIST 335Latinos/as in the City3
HIST 340World War II3
HIST 357Women in the Ancient World3
HIST 362The Roman World3
HIST 372Medieval World3
HIST 393Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union3
HIST 501American Colonies3
HIST 502American Revolution and the Early Republic3
HIST 503The Age of Jefferson and Jackson3
HIST 504Civil War3
HIST 505The United States, 1865 to 19203
HIST 507United States 1900-19453
HIST 508United States Since 19453
HIST 511Women in Early America, 1600-18303
HIST 512Women and Reform in America, 1830-Present3
HIST 513History of United States and the Modern Middle East3
HIST 514History of the Modern Middle East3
HIST 517United States Constitutional History to 18653
HIST 517HUnited States Constitutional History to 1865 Honors3
HIST 518United States Constitutional History from 18653
HIST 518HUnited States Constitutional History from 1865 Honors3
HIST 522United States Foreign Relations Since 18983
HIST 525American Military History3
HIST 527African-American Business History3
HIST 528History of Wichita3
HIST 530The American Woman in History3
HIST 531American Environmental History3
HIST 535History of Kansas3
HIST 536Survey of American Indian History3
HIST 541Modern France3
HIST 543Law and American Society3
HIST 543HLaw and American Society Honors3
HIST 544American Law and Film3
HIST 546An LGBTQ+ History of the United States3
HIST 547Law and Modern American Civil Rights3
HIST 550Mapping and History3
HIST 553History of Mexico3
HIST 559Classical Athens3
HIST 560The Hellenistic World and Rise of Rome3
HIST 563Roman Empire3
HIST 577Medieval Women3
HIST 581Europe 1789-18703
HIST 582Europe 1871-19453
HIST 588Medieval Russia3
HIST 589History of Imperial Russia3
HIST 592History of Soviet Union3
HNRS 105Seminar I: Humanities3-4
HNRS 105GWar: Strategic Studies3
HNRS 304Seminar III: Fine Arts3-4
HNRS 304FDiscovering Creativity3
HNRS 304GThe Arts Respond to 2019-20223
HNRS 305Seminar III: Humanities3-4
HNRS 305FEpidemics in World History3
HNRS 305JMinds and Machines3
HNRS 305NHistory Beyond the Headlines3
HNRS 305OHistory of Genocide Past and Present3
HNRS 305RPhilosophy of Space Exploration3
HNRS 305SAmerican Law and Film3
HNRS 305UThe Power of Storytelling3
HNRS 305VLanguage and Community3
HNRS 305WWomen in Tech: Historical, Social and Philosophical Perspectives3
HNRS 305XSpeaking Spanish in the United States3
HNRS 305YPeace3
HNRS 351Survey of Leadership3
HNRS 352Survey of Law & Public Policy3
HNRS 405Seminar in Humanities3-4
HNRS 405FWalling the Self: Dwelling and Identity in Early Lit3
HNRS 405GAfter the Fall: The Search for Identity from Classical to Modern Literature3
JAPN 204Intermediate Japanese3
JAPN 224Intermediate Japanese II3
JAPN 228Introduction to Japanese Philosophy3
JAPN 322Japanese Film3
JAPN 324Japanese Culture and Society3
LASI 300Global Issues3
LATN 204Intermediate Latin3
LING 151Nature of Language3
LING 152Language of Food3
LING 315Introduction to English Linguistics3
MCLL 304Latin American and LatinX Thought3
MUSC 160What to Listen for in Music3
MUSC 162Global Music Cultures3
MUSC 164American Popular Music3
MUSC 334History of Music I3
MUSC 335History of Music II3
MUSC 346Styles of Jazz3
MUSC 493American Popular Music3
PHIL 100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 105Critical Reasoning3
PHIL 125Introductory Logic3
PHIL 125HIntroductory Logic Honors3
PHIL 175Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 175HIntroduction to Ethics Honors3
PHIL 215Introduction to Ethics of Big Data and AI3
PHIL 228Introduction to Japanese Philosophy3
PHIL 300Science and the Modern World3
PHIL 302Values and the Modern World3
PHIL 304Latin American and LatinX Thought3
PHIL 305Analytic Philosophy3
PHIL 306Business Ethics3
PHIL 310Classical Philosophy of Law3
PHIL 312Contemporary Philosophy of Law3
PHIL 312HContemporary Philosophy of Law Honors3
PHIL 313Political Philosophy3
PHIL 315Late Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 315HLate Modern Philosophy Honors3
PHIL 320Philosophy of Science3
PHIL 322Early Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 327Bioethics3
PHIL 331Ancient Greek Philosophy3
PHIL 338Philosophy of Feminism3
PHIL 341Contemporary Ethics3
PHIL 342History of Ethics3
PHIL 346Philosophy of Religion3
PHIL 352Contemporary Chinese Philosophy3
PHIL 354Ethics and Computers3
PHIL 355Minds and Machines3
PHIL 360Ethical Theory3
PHIL 361Metaethics3
PHIL 365Survey of Asian Philosophy3
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 385HEngineering Ethics Honors3
PHIL 386Biomedical Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 530Ethics of Space Exploration3
REL 110Old Testament3
REL 115New Testament3
REL 301Archaeology and the Bible3
REL 301HArchaeology and the Bible Honors3
REL 302Religion and Society3
REL 303The Bible and the Ancient Near East3
REL 311FViolence and the Bible3
REL 327Magic, Witchcraft and Religion3
REL 393Race and the Bible3
REL 420Women and the Bible3
SPAN 204Intermediate Spanish3
SPAN 323Selected Spanish Readings3
SPAN 323HSelected Spanish Readings Honors3
SPAN 400Intermediate Spanish Readings3
THEA 143Theatre Appreciation3
THEA 221Oral Interpretation3
THEA 241Improvisation for the Actor3
THEA 243Acting 1 - Foundations3
THEA 260History of Musical Theatre3
THEA 385Theatre as a Mirror of Today's America3
THEA 516Scriptwriting I3
THEA 517Scriptwriting II3

Bucket 7 Courses

First-Year Seminar Requirement

Students who have earned an Associate Degree or 30 credit hours prior to high school graduation and before starting classes at WSU as a degree-bound student, may be exempt from taking a First-Year Seminar course. Those students must take additional general education approved courses to reach a total of 6 credit hours in Bucket 7.

Course Title Hours
First-Year Seminar Courses
FYAN 102ACFirst-Year Seminar: Culture, Health and Medicine3
FYAN 102XFirst-Year Seminar: We Are What We Eat: An Anthropology of Food3
FYAP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation3
FYAP 102BFirst Year Seminar: Innovations of World War II3
FYAR 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Every Body is Good!3
FYAS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Finding Success as a Teacher Through Mentoring and Self-Care3
FYBI 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Exploration of Evolution3
FYCH 102WFirst-Year Seminar: Chemistry, Environment and the Common Good3
FYCJ 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Hackers, Creeps and Cybercriminals3
FYCJ 102QFirst-Year Seminar: Criminalistic Methods: What Would Sherlock Holmes Do?3
FYCM 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Cross Cultural Communication3
FYCM 102RFirst-Year Seminar: Exploring WSU in Your Photos and Words3
FYEC 102BFirst-Year Seminar: The Business of You3
FYED 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Superheroes Go to School3
FYED 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Modern America3
FYED 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Creativity and Problem Solving3
FYED 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Math: A Course in Solving for Why3
FYEN 102AAFirst-Year Seminar: Intersectional Inequality - Poverty, Women and Ethnicity3
FYEN 102JFirst-Year Seminar: Fundamentals of Diversity3
FYEN 102PFirst-Year Seminar: Imagining Climate Change3
FYFR 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Exploring a Commercial Real Estate Transaction3
FYGE 102UFirst-Year Seminar: Building a Sustainable Planet3
FYHN 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Election 20203
FYHN 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Creative Discovery3
FYHN 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Discovering Humanity3
FYHN 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World3
FYHN 102FFirst-Year Seminar: Facts, Opinions and Why They Both Matter3
FYHN 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Food, Culture and Privilege3
FYHN 102IFirst Year Seminar: Community and Cultural Connections3
FYHP 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Infections, Emerging Superbugs, Biowarfare and Outbreaks3
FYHS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Human Rights, Past and Present3
FYHS 102AEFirst-Year Seminar: Facts, Opinions and Why They Both Matter3
FYHS 102AZFirst-Year Seminar: We Shall Overcome to Black Lives Matter: The Modern Black Freedom Movement3
FYHS 102KFirst-Year Seminar: Contemporary Civil Rights Movements in the United States3
FYHS 102MFirst-Year Seminar: History and Rock 'n' Roll3
FYHS 102OFirst-Year Seminar: Career, Life and the Humanities Geek!3
FYHS 102VFirst-Year Seminar: Creation, the Earth and the Future3
FYHS 102ZFirst-Year Seminar: So You Want to Write a Book? Publishing as Art, Sci, Profession and Way of Life3
FYID 102AFirst-Year Seminar: WUtopia - The 15 Minute City3
FYIM 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Community Connection: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work3
FYIS 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Monsters in Movies: Disability in the Horror Genre3
FYLA 102AGFirst-Year Seminar: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom: The Evolving Nature of Society and Tech3
FYMG 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Dare to Care: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issues for Frontline Workers3
FYMG 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Uncommon Sense3
FYMG 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Global Business, Culture and Etiquette3
FYMG 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Introverts in Society3
FYMK 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Solutions by Design: An Introduction to Design Thinking3
FYML 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Powerful Narratives: Storytelling and Social Justice in the Hispanic World3
FYML 102EFirst-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media3
FYML 102FFirst-Year Seminar: Cooking Communities: Food and Culture in the Hispanic World3
FYML 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Latinos in the US and the Midwest3
FYML 102IFirst-Year Seminar: World Comics, World Cultures3
FYML 102NFirst-Year Seminar: World Food and Foodways3
FYML 102WFirst-Year Seminar: Reading Life: Literature and Culture3
FYMP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Energy Science and The Environment3
FYMS 102FFirst-Year Seminar: Medical Laboratory Scientists: Healthcare Detectives3
FYMU 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Music Really Does Make You Smarter3
FYMU 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Music as My Key to Success3
FYMU 102CFirst-Year Seminar: The Marcussen, Wiedemann and You3
FYMU 102DFirst Year Seminar: Global Music Cultures3
FYPF 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Seminar in Creativity and Play: Yes, Really3
FYPH 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Leadership and Self Discovery3
FYPH 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Connecting Generations: Sharing Life Stories with Shockers3
FYPL 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Law3
FYPL 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Critical Reasoning about Weird Things3
FYPS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Myth-Busting the Model Minority: Asian American Experiences3
FYPS 102ABFirst-Year Seminar: Engineering Politics: Partisan Redistricting in the United States3
FYPS 102ADFirst-Year Seminar: Plugging Into Politics3
FYPS 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World3
FYSO 102AFirst-Year Seminar: On Gender and Feminism3
FYSO 102YFirst-Year Seminar: The Sociology of Harry Potter3
FYSP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: My Community and I3
FYSP 102BFirst-Year Seminar: The Shocker Way3
FYSW 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Get Involved: The Power of Collective Behavior3
FYSW 102TFirst-Year Seminar: This Is Us, Who Are You? Family in Modern America3

Diversity Requirement

The diversity requirement may be satisfied by a general education course in Buckets 4-6. If so, students must take additional general education approved courses to reach a total of 6 credit hours in Bucket 7.

Course Title Hours
Diversity General Education Courses
ANTH 101Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 102Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 200Intercultural Relations3
ANTH 303World Cultures3
ANTH 327Magic, Witchcraft and Religion3
ANTH 356Human Variability and Adaptation3
ANTH 356HHuman Variability and Adaptation Honors3
ANTH 416Archaeology of Sex and Gender3
ANTH 511The Indians of North America3
ARTH 125BBodies and Art History3
ARTH 125DDress and Art History3
ARTH 387Theories of Art and Culture3
ARTS 312Community Arts Engagement3
ARTS 312HCommunity Arts Engagement Honors3
ARTS 324Documentary Media and Social Strategies3
BIOL 370Introductory Environmental Science3
CESP 334Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development3
CJ 355Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System3
COMM 190Introduction to Human Communication3
COMM 335International and Intercultural Communication3
COMM 355Race and Media3
ENGL 152Language of Food3
ENGL 241Jane Austen and Popular Culture3
ENGL 278Literary Representations of LGBTQ + Culture3
ENGL 332Young Adult Literature3
ENGL 365African-American Literature3
ENGL 374Literature in the Audio Age3
ENGL 376Writing Graphic Narratives3
ENTR 327Ethnic Entrepreneurship3
ETHS 360Dealing with Diversity3
FREN 204Intermediate French3
FREN 204HIntermediate French Honors3
FYAN 102ACFirst-Year Seminar: Culture, Health and Medicine3
FYAN 102XFirst-Year Seminar: We Are What We Eat: An Anthropology of Food3
FYAP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation3
FYAR 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Every Body is Good!3
FYAS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Finding Success as a Teacher Through Mentoring and Self-Care3
FYCM 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Cross Cultural Communication3
FYCM 102RFirst-Year Seminar: Exploring WSU in Your Photos and Words3
FYED 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Superheroes Go to School3
FYED 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Modern America3
FYEN 102AAFirst-Year Seminar: Intersectional Inequality - Poverty, Women and Ethnicity3
FYEN 102JFirst-Year Seminar: Fundamentals of Diversity3
FYHN 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Creative Discovery3
FYHN 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Discovering Humanity3
FYHN 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World3
FYHN 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Food, Culture and Privilege3
FYHN 102IFirst Year Seminar: Community and Cultural Connections3
FYHS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Human Rights, Past and Present3
FYHS 102AZFirst-Year Seminar: We Shall Overcome to Black Lives Matter: The Modern Black Freedom Movement3
FYHS 102KFirst-Year Seminar: Contemporary Civil Rights Movements in the United States3
FYHS 102MFirst-Year Seminar: History and Rock 'n' Roll3
FYHS 102VFirst-Year Seminar: Creation, the Earth and the Future3
FYID 102AFirst-Year Seminar: WUtopia - The 15 Minute City3
FYIS 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Monsters in Movies: Disability in the Horror Genre3
FYMG 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Dare to Care: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issues for Frontline Workers3
FYMG 102BFirst-Year Seminar: Uncommon Sense3
FYMG 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Global Business, Culture and Etiquette3
FYMG 102DFirst-Year Seminar: Introverts in Society3
FYMK 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Solutions by Design: An Introduction to Design Thinking3
FYML 102CFirst-Year Seminar: Powerful Narratives: Storytelling and Social Justice in the Hispanic World3
FYML 102EFirst-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media3
FYML 102FFirst-Year Seminar: Cooking Communities: Food and Culture in the Hispanic World3
FYML 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Latinos in the US and the Midwest3
FYML 102IFirst-Year Seminar: World Comics, World Cultures3
FYML 102NFirst-Year Seminar: World Food and Foodways3
FYML 102WFirst-Year Seminar: Reading Life: Literature and Culture3
FYMP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Energy Science and The Environment3
FYPH 102GFirst-Year Seminar: Connecting Generations: Sharing Life Stories with Shockers3
FYPL 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Law3
FYPS 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Myth-Busting the Model Minority: Asian American Experiences3
FYPS 102EFirst-Year Seminar: Me and My Place in the World3
FYSO 102YFirst-Year Seminar: The Sociology of Harry Potter3
FYSW 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Get Involved: The Power of Collective Behavior3
FYSW 102TFirst-Year Seminar: This Is Us, Who Are You? Family in Modern America3
GEOG 210Introduction to World Geography3
GEOG 570Geography of Asia3
GEOL 102Earth Science and the Environment3
GEOL 200Introduction to Environment and Sustainability3
GEOL 300Energy, Resources and Environment3
GERM 204Intermediate German3
HIST 100The Human Adventure: World Civilization Since 15003
HIST 307History of Genocide Past and Present3
HIST 309The African American Historical Experience3
HIST 317The Holocaust3
HIST 327Ethnic Entrepreneurship3
HIST 333Ethnic America in the 20th Century3
HIST 335Latinos/as in the City3
HIST 357Women in the Ancient World3
HIST 362The Roman World3
HIST 372Medieval World3
HIST 393Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union3
HIST 511Women in Early America, 1600-18303
HIST 512Women and Reform in America, 1830-Present3
HIST 513History of United States and the Modern Middle East3
HIST 514History of the Modern Middle East3
HIST 522United States Foreign Relations Since 18983
HIST 527African-American Business History3
HIST 530The American Woman in History3
HIST 531American Environmental History3
HIST 536Survey of American Indian History3
HIST 543Law and American Society3
HIST 543HLaw and American Society Honors3
HIST 544American Law and Film3
HIST 546An LGBTQ+ History of the United States3
HIST 547Law and Modern American Civil Rights3
HIST 553History of Mexico3
HIST 559Classical Athens3
HIST 560The Hellenistic World and Rise of Rome3
HIST 563Roman Empire3
HIST 577Medieval Women3
HIST 588Medieval Russia3
HNRS 106ABParks, People and Place: Exploring Our National Parks3
HNRS 304GThe Arts Respond to 2019-20223
HNRS 305JMinds and Machines3
HNRS 305OHistory of Genocide Past and Present3
HNRS 305SAmerican Law and Film3
HNRS 305XSpeaking Spanish in the United States3
HNRS 305YPeace3
HNRS 306KBlack Lives Matter and Other Marginalized Perspectives3
IB 333International Business3
JAPN 204Intermediate Japanese3
JAPN 224Intermediate Japanese II3
JAPN 228Introduction to Japanese Philosophy3
JAPN 322Japanese Film3
JAPN 324Japanese Culture and Society3
LASI 300Global Issues3
LATN 204Intermediate Latin3
LING 152Language of Food3
MCLL 304Latin American and LatinX Thought3
MUSC 162Global Music Cultures3
MUSC 164American Popular Music3
MUSC 346Styles of Jazz3
MUSC 493American Popular Music3
PHIL 175Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 175HIntroduction to Ethics Honors3
PHIL 215Introduction to Ethics of Big Data and AI3
PHIL 228Introduction to Japanese Philosophy3
PHIL 300Science and the Modern World3
PHIL 302Values and the Modern World3
PHIL 304Latin American and LatinX Thought3
PHIL 306Business Ethics3
PHIL 312Contemporary Philosophy of Law3
PHIL 312HContemporary Philosophy of Law Honors3
PHIL 313Political Philosophy3
PHIL 327Bioethics3
PHIL 338Philosophy of Feminism3
PHIL 354Ethics and Computers3
PHIL 355Minds and Machines3
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 385HEngineering Ethics Honors3
PHIL 386Biomedical Engineering Ethics3
PHS 100Introduction to Aging Studies3
PHS 344Culturally Informed Healthcare3
PHS 344HCulturally Informed Healthcare Honors3
PHS 512Aging Across Cultures3
POLS 220Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 220HIntroduction to International Relations Honors3
POLS 226Comparative Politics3
POLS 310Latin American Politics3
POLS 312Asian Politics3
POLS 313Global Gender Politics3
POLS 320Developing World3
POLS 340Global Challenges3
POLS 356Civil Liberties3
POLS 356HCivil Liberties Honors3
POLS 360Human Rights3
POLS 360HHuman Rights Honors3
POLS 385Democracy and Authoritarianism3
PSY 406Introduction to Community Psychology3
PSY 416Psychology and Problems of Society3
PSY 534Psychology of Women3
REL 302Religion and Society3
REL 311FViolence and the Bible3
REL 327Magic, Witchcraft and Religion3
REL 393Race and the Bible3
REL 420Women and the Bible3
SCWK 304Social Diversity and Ethics3
SCWK 385Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies3
SCWK 541Women, Children and Poverty3
SCWK 571Contemporary Issues and Perspectives: LGBTQ3
SOC 302Religion and Society3
SOC 303Sociology of Mental Health3
SOC 304Sociology of Violence3
SOC 306Introduction to Gender Studies3
SOC 316Men and Masculinities3
SOC 318Environmental Sociology3
SOC 319Sociology of Sexualities3
SOC 326Sociology of Race & Ethnicity3
SOC 330Social Inequality3
SOC 346Sociology of Globalization3
SOC 397Social Epidemiology3
SOC 515Family Diversity3
SOC 528Schools and Society3
SOC 534Urban Sociology3
SOC 538Medical Sociology3
SPAN 204Intermediate Spanish3
THEA 143Theatre Appreciation3
THEA 385Theatre as a Mirror of Today's America3
WOMS 190Diverse Women in Popular Culture3
WOMS 287Women in Society: Social Issues3
WOMS 338Philosophy of Feminism3
WOMS 387Women in Society: Cultural Images3
WOMS 513Issues and Perspectives on African Women and Globalism3
WOMS 588Gender, Race and the West/East Divide3

Additional General Education Courses

The following general education courses1 cannot fulfill the requirements of any other Bucket. They can fulfill Bucket 7 requirements if the student is exempt from taking an FYS course, the diversity requirement has been fulfilled in Buckets 4-6, or the course can be used to fulfill the diversity requirement.


Certain science courses in this list may fulfill the Bucket 4 requirement when taken with the optional lab course. Those lecture and lab combinations are: ANTH 101/ ANTH 106, BIOL 106/ BIOL 107, BIOL 370/ BIOL 371, GEOL 102/ GEOL 102LPHYS 195/ PHYS 196, PHYS 313/ PHYS 315 and PHYS 314/ PHYS 316.

Course Title Hours
General Education Courses Only for Bucket 7
ANTH 101Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 356Human Variability and Adaptation3
ANTH 356HHuman Variability and Adaptation Honors3
BIOL 103Microbes and You3
BIOL 106The Human Organism3
BIOL 309Foundations of Human Heredity3
BIOL 310Human Reproduction3
BIOL 370Introductory Environmental Science3
CHEM 514Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 545Physical Chemistry I3
CHEM 661Principles of Biochemistry3
GEOG 235Meteorology3
GEOG 335Extreme and Unusual Weather3
GEOL 102Earth Science and the Environment3
GEOL 200Introduction to Environment and Sustainability3
GEOL 235Meteorology3
GEOL 300Energy, Resources and Environment3
GEOL 301Dinosaurs: Fantastic Beasts and Lost Worlds3
GEOL 302Earth and Space Sciences3
GEOL 310Oceanography3
GEOL 335Extreme and Unusual Weather3
GEOL 570Biogeology3
GEOL 574Special Studies in Paleontology3
GEOL 574CMicropaleontology3
HNRS 153Seminar II: Mathematics and Natural Sciences3-5
HNRS 153BThe Dynamic Universe3
HNRS 153TBig Bang, Black Holes, the Fate of the Universe3
HNRS 307Seminar III: Mathematics and Natural Sciences3-4
HNRS 307CAviation and Spaceflight Physiology3
HP 330Cancer: Perspectives and Controversies3
MATH 144Business Calculus3
MATH 242Calculus I5
MATH 242HCalculus I Honors5
MATH 243Calculus II5
MATH 243HCalculus II Honors5
MATH 344Calculus III3
MATH 344HCalculus III Honors3
MATH 531Introduction to the History of Mathematics3
MLS 430Impact of Disease Upon Global Events3
PC 105Introduction to Computers and Applications3
PHYS 131Physics for Health Sciences3
PHYS 195Introduction to Modern Astronomy3
PHYS 210Physics of Sound3
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I4
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II4
PHYS 395Solar System Astronomy3
STAT 370Elementary Statistics3
STAT 460Elementary Probability and Mathematical Statistics3
STAT 571Statistical Methods I3
STAT 572Statistical Methods II3