Requirements for Graduation
The university’s minimum graduation requirements for baccalaureate degrees are given below. Students should consult their college section of the WSU Undergraduate Catalog for additional graduation requirements imposed by the department and college of their major. Graduate students should consult the WSU Graduate Catalog.
Students are required to file an online Application for Degree (in the myWSU portal) at least two semesters before their expected date of graduation.
Students must have credit for a minimum of 120 acceptable credit hours toward their degree. Hours of credit earned toward a degree do not include courses with grades of F, W, Au, NCr, NBg, IP or I. In order to graduate in a timely manner (four years), a student should enroll in and complete 30 credit hours over the course of each academic year.
Students must have completed the general education program or the equivalent.
Students must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.000 (transfer work included) and a grade point average of 2.000 on all work taken toward a degree at Wichita State. Furthermore, students must maintain a grade point average of 2.000 in the courses in their major field of study.
Students must meet with advisors in each program department before claiming a minor or major in more than one degree program. The same credit hours can be used to meet the requirements of more than one major or minor or combination thereof within the following conditions:
- At least 12 credit hours of unduplicated coursework must be completed in each major.
- At least 3 credit hours of unduplicated coursework must be completed in each minor.
These credit hours must be unduplicated across all courses used toward the degree.
This policy does not apply to inter-college double majors as defined in the WSU Undergraduate Catalog. Colleges and/or departments may impose further restrictions on the use of unduplicated credit hours for their programs, majors and/or minors. Such restrictions can be found in the degree requirements catalog section for each program.
Students shall not be allowed credit toward graduation for D grade work in excess of one-quarter of their total credit hours.
Students must have a minimum of 45 credit hours in courses numbered 300 or above. Courses taken at a two-year institution which are deemed equivalent to courses numbered 300 or above at WSU will not satisfy this requirement.
At least 30 hours of course credit (A, B, C, D, Cr or Bg) must be earned at Wichita State (15 credit hours at WSU for associate degrees). Also, at least 24 of the last 30 credit hours or 50 of the last 60 credit hours must be completed at Wichita State. Course credit earned at another university as an approved part of a WSU exchange or study abroad program (e.g., NSE, ISEP) is counted as WSU credit with respect to this rule. Exceptions to this regulation may be made by the university’s exceptions committee.
All students are required to complete an applied learning or research experience. Each academic department and/or college will specify how the applied learning requirement can be met for its degree programs.
All official transcripts of other college work must be sent to WSU before a degree will be posted, even if these courses are not needed to meet WSU degree requirements. Partial and unofficial transcripts will not meet this requirement.
Students may transfer credits earned in correspondence or extension courses with the approval of their dean. However, no more than 30 hours of such credit may apply toward a bachelor’s degree and no more than 6 hours of such credit may be among the last 30 credit hours.
Students who are eligible to graduate but who still have unpaid tuition balances will not receive their diploma until those fees are paid, with limited exceptions consistent with state and federal laws.