Students who have not been out of college for more than two consecutive calendar years may graduate under the program requirements in effect at Wichita State when they first entered any college or university. They may not, however, be allowed to graduate under the requirements of a Wichita State Catalog in effect earlier than two years preceding their enrollment at Wichita State. They also may graduate under the requirements of any subsequent Wichita State Catalog. Guest students are considered to have entered Wichita State at the time they become guest students and are subject to the preceding provisions.
If students, including nondegree-bound students, have had their college programs interrupted by more than two consecutive years, they will be subject to the program requirements in effect when they re-enter, or, if they elect, the requirements of a later catalog.
The WSU Undergraduate Catalog is in effect from the fall semester of the year it is published through the summer session of that academic year. The catalog is a guide for information only and is not a contract.