Wichita State’s PreK–12 physical education teacher preparation degree program offers a quality education for students desiring a career teaching physical education. The curriculum provides students with a scientific and practical background upon which to base teaching content and methods. The PreK–12 program addresses the importance of a developmentally appropriate curriculum based on the national physical education standards. Students are provided numerous practical experiences to interact with K-12 students in the public schools.

Program Requirements

General requirements for the bachelors: 120 minimum credit hours; overall GPA 2.500; major GPA 2.500. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Applied Studies, students in the BAED in physical education: PreK-12 must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Content Courses to Be Completed Before Beginning Core I
CIPE 111Foundations in Physical Education3
CIPE 202Individual Sports2
CIPE 203Adventure Sports2
CIPE 204Movement Concepts2
CIPE 205Team Sports2
HS 290Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology5
or BIOL 223 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Prerequisite for Entrance into Teacher Education
CI 270Introduction to the Education Profession 23
Courses that May Be Taken with Cores I and II
CIPE 306Water Safety Instructor2
HPS 328Kinesiology3
CIPE 329Health and Wellness Concepts for PreK-12 Teacher Education2
HPS 331Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries3
PSY 414Child Psychology3
Teacher Education Cores I, II and III
CESP 334Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development 33
CI 321Introduction to Diversity: Cultural Issues2
CIPE 360Adapted Physical Education3
CI 311Introduction to Diversity: Field Experience1
CIPE 300Rhythmic Activities in PreK-12 Physical Education2
CIPE 310Organization and Administration of Physical Education Program3
CIPE 311ISAM: Physical Education in Secondary Grades 6-12 24
CIPE 312ISAM: Preteaching Internship: Physical Education-Secondary 21
CIPE 324ISAM: Physical Education in Elementary Grades PreK–5 24
CIPE 325ISAM: Preteaching Internship: Physical Education-Elementary 21
CIPE 334Assessment and Technology for PreK-12 Physical Education3
CIPE 402Health Education for the Physical Educator2
CESP 433Learning Assessment and Evaluation Theory: Evidence-Based Instruction3
CI 417ISAM: Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas2
CI 427Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education3
CIPE 471Teaching Internship - Physical Education - Secondary 26
CIPE 472Teaching Internship - Physical Education - Elementary 26
CIPE 473Teaching Internship Seminar - Physical Education 21
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours3-4
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Must pass with a B- or better.


General education course.


The program coursework prepares a student for the teacher work sample and PRAXIS licensure exams required by the State of Kansas for application for a teacher license or endorsement. Completion of the teacher work sample and PRAXIS licensure exams with passing scores is required by the State of Kansas for a candidate applying for teacher licensure and/or endorsement.

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Arts in Education physical education PreK –12 program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from this program. The requirement can be met by successfully completing CIPE 471 Teaching Internship - Physical Education - Secondary.