
Undergraduate students seeking to enroll in courses for a certificate program must be admitted to Wichita State University. Students may be in either degree or non-degree status. International students may enroll in certificate programs, but must maintain compliance with their visa requirements. Interested students should contact the coordinator of the certificate program (Mark Vermillion, PhD,

Program Requirements 

In order to successfully complete the undergraduate certificate in sport leadership and branding, students need to complete 15 credit hours from the list of required and elective courses. Students must attain a cumulative graduate grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program and no grades below C.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
LEAD 310Principles of Leadership3
SMGT 450DSeminar in Personal Branding3
SMGT 750OSport and Entertainment Agencies3
Elective Courses
Select 6 credit hours from the following6
Information and Communication Technology in Sport
Sport Marketing and Promotion
Selling in the Sport Industry
First-Year Seminar: The Shocker Way
Total Credit Hours15